Time Limit:
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64bit IO Format:
%I64d & %I64u
ice_cream’s world becomes stronger and stronger; every road is built as undirected. The queen enjoys traveling around her world; the queen’s requirement is like II problem, beautifies the roads, by which there are some ways from every city to the capital. The project’s cost should be as less as better.
Every case have two integers N and M (N<=1000, M<=10000) meaning N cities and M roads, the cities numbered 0…N-1, following N lines, each line contain three integers S, T and C, meaning S connected with T have a road will cost C.
If Wiskey can’t satisfy the queen’s requirement, you must be output “impossible”, otherwise, print the minimum cost in this project. After every case print one blank.
Sample Input
2 1 0 1 10 4 0
Sample Output
10 impossible
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include< string .h> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 int ans; 6 int father[ 2000 ],rank[ 2000 ];//父節點,深度記錄(這道題沒必要用深度記錄) 7 // int max1; 8 struct Line{ 9 int first; 10 int last; 11 int cost; 12 }line[ 50000 ];//還沒學會用數組來記錄邊,還是在用結構體做的,編程風格有待提高 13 int cmp(Line a,Line b){ return a.cost< b.cost;}//排序的依據函數 14 int find( int x)//找點的父節點,把一條邊的點搞到一個集合里面 15 { 16 if (father[x]!= x) 17 { 18 father[x]= find(father[x]);//這里有個優化,不會出現長鏈的情況,直接把father[x]=find[father[x]]; 19 } 20 return father[x]; 21 } 22 bool Union( int a, int b)//合并集合 23 { 24 int a1=find(a),b1= find(b); 25 if (a1==b1) return false ;//如果是同一個父親節點的,return false; 26 else { 27 father[b1]= a1;//否則合并成一個集合 28 ans++ ; 29 rank[a1]+= rank[b1]; 30 if (max1<rank[a1]) max1= rank[a1]; 31 return true ; 32 } 33 } 34 35 36 int main() 37 { 38 int a,b,c,n,m; 39 while (scanf( " %d%d " ,&n,&m)!= EOF) 40 { 41 for ( int i= 0 ;i<n;i++ ) 42 { 43 father[i]= i; 44 rank[i]= 1 ; 45 } 46 for ( int i= 1 ;i<=m;i++ ) 47 { 48 scanf( " %d %d %d " ,&a,&b,& c); 49 line[i].first= a; 50 line[i].last= b; 51 line[i].cost= c; 52 53 } 54 sort(line+ 1 ,line+m+ 1 ,cmp); 55 max1= 0 ; 56 int sum= 0 ; 57 ans= 0 ; 58 for ( int i= 1 ;i<=m;i++ ) 59 { 60 if (Union(line[i].first,line[i].last)) 61 sum+= line[i].cost; 62 } 63 if (ans==n- 1 ) printf( " %d\n " ,sum); 64 else printf( " impossible\n " ); 65 printf( " \n " ); 66 } 67 return 0 ; 68 }

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