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#!/bin/ bash # Global Variables runuser =$( whoami ) tempdir =$( pwd ) # Title Function func_title(){ # Clear (For Prettyness) clear # Echo Title echo ' ========================================================================== ' echo ' Veil-Evasion Setup Script | [Updated]: 09.09.2014 ' echo ' ========================================================================== ' echo ' [Web]: | [Twitter]: @VeilFramework ' echo ' ========================================================================== ' } # Environment Checks func_check_env(){ # Check Sudo Dependency if [ $( which sudo | wc -l) -eq ' 0 ' ]; then echo echo ' [ERROR]: This Setup Script Requires sudo! ' echo ' Please Install sudo Then Run This Setup Again. ' echo exit 1 fi # Check Running User if [ ${runuser} == ' root ' ]; then echo echo ' [WARNING]: Setup No Longer Requires Constant Root Privileges. ' echo ' Continuing Will Install Veil Only For The Root User. ' echo read -p ' Continue With Installation? (y/n): ' rootonly if [ ${rootonly} != ' y ' ]; then echo echo ' [ERROR]: Installation Aborted By User. ' echo exit 1 fi fi # Check OS Versions (Temporary To Ensure A Smooth Transition) if [ $( uname -a| grep -i kali| wc -l) == ' 1 ' ]; then echo echo ' Kali linux detected... ' echo elif [ $( uname -a| grep -i ubuntu| wc -l) == ' 1 ' ]; then if [ $( grep " VERSION_ID " /etc/os-release| cut -d " = " -f2| sed -e ' s/"http://g ' -e ' s/\..*// ' ) -lt ' 14 ' ]; then echo echo ' [ERROR]: Veil-Evasion Only Supported On Ubuntu Versions 14+. ' echo exit 1 fi elif [ $( uname -a| grep -i debian| wc -l) == ' 1 ' ]; then if [ $( grep " VERSION_ID " /etc/os-release| cut -d " = " -f2| sed -e ' s/"http://g ' -e ' s/\..*// ' ) -lt ' 7 ' ]; then echo echo ' [ERROR]: Veil-Evasion Only Supported On Debian Versions 7+. ' echo exit 1 fi fi # Check Capstone dependency for backdoor factory if [ -f /etc/ ld .so.conf.d/capstone.conf ]; then echo ' [*] Capstone Already Installed... Skipping. ' else echo ' [*] Initializing Git Repo Based Dependencies Installation ' func_git_deps fi # Check If Wine Python Is Already Installed if [ -f ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/python27.dll ] && [ -f ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe ]; then echo ' [*] Wine Python Already Installed... Skipping. ' echo ' [*] Initializing Apt Package Installation ' func_apt_deps # func_update_config else echo ' [*] Initializing Apt Dependencies Installation ' func_apt_deps echo ' [*] Initializing Wine Python Dependencies Installation ' func_python_deps fi # Check If Wine Ruby Is Already Installed if [ -f ~/.wine/drive_c/Ruby187/bin/ ruby.exe ]; then echo ' [*] Wine Ruby Already Installed... Skipping. ' else echo ' [*] Initializing Wine Ruby Dependencies Installation ' func_ruby_deps fi # finally, update the config func_update_config } # Install Architecture Dependent Dependencies func_apt_deps(){ # Check For 64 - bit Kernel if [ $( uname -m) == ' x86_64 ' ]; then #######DZXS test echo ' [*] Adding i386 Architecture To x86_64 System ' sudo dpkg --add- architecture i386 echo ' [*] Updating Apt Package Lists ' sudo apt- get update echo ' [*] Installing Wine i386 Binaries ' sudo apt-get install -y wine- bin:i386 fi # Start Apt Dependency Install echo ' [*] Installing Microsoft Fonts ' # Can ' t Send This to Log File Due to Dumb Needs to Agree with M$ Crap. sudo apt-get install -y ttf-mscorefonts- installer echo ' [*] Installing Apt Dependencies ' ###我在這老是連不上源,就自己一個個地裝 sudo apt-get install -y mingw-w64 monodoc-browser monodevelop mono-mcs wine python python- crypto \ python -pefile python-pip unzip ruby } # Install Git Dependencies func_git_deps(){ echo ' [*] Installing Git Repo Dependencies ' cd ${tempdir} git clone https: // cd capstone git checkout next . / make . sh sudo ./ make . sh install cd bindings / python sudo make install cd ${tempdir} sudo rm - rf capstone echo ' [*] Adding Capstone Library Path To /etc/ ' sudo sh -c " echo '# Capstone Shared Libs' > /etc/ " sudo sh -c " echo '/usr/lib64' >> /etc/ " sudo ldconfig } # Install Wine Python Dependencies func_python_deps(){ # Check If symmetricjsonrpc Is Already Installed if [ -d /usr/local/lib/python2. 7 /dist-packages/symmetricjsonrpc/ ]; then echo ' [*] SymmetricJSONRPC Already Installed... Skipping. ' else echo ' [*] Installing symmetricjsonrpc Dependency ' sudo pip install symmetricjsonrpc echo fi # Install Wine Python and Dependencies # Download required files, doing no check cert because wget is having an issue with our wildcard cert # if you ' re reading this, and actually concerned you might be mitm, use a browser and just download these # files and then just comment these next two lines out :) echo ' [*] Downloading Python Setup Files From ' #####dzxs 這里我下載不了,瀏覽器也上不了他的網(wǎng)站,然后根據(jù)后面的內容,從windows的python目錄copy了 distutils tcl Tools 這三個文件夾打包成requiredfiles. zip 我copy的是python2. 7 .9的 # wget -q https: // --no-check-certificate ###dzxs 這里跟上面原因一樣,我從別的地方下載了 # wget -q https: // --no-check-certificate # Unzip Setup Files echo ' [*] Uncompressing Setup Archive ' unzip requiredfiles. zip # Prepare Wine Directories echo ' [*] Preparing Wine Directories ' mkdir -p ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/ cp distutils -r ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Lib/ cp tcl -r ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/ cp Tools -r ~/.wine/drive_c/Python27/ # Install Setup Files echo ' [*] Installing Wine Python Dependencies ' ###dzxs 這里我裝的是pthon - 2.7 . 9 .msi #wine msiexec /i python- 2.7 . 6 .msi wine msiexec /i python- 2.7 . 6 .msi wine pywin32 - 218 .win32-py2. 7 .exe wine pycrypto - 2.6 .win32-py2. 7 .exe if [ -d " /opt/pyinstaller-2.0/ " ]; then echo ' [*] PyInstaller Already Installed... Skipping. ' else sudo unzip -d /opt pyinstaller- 2.0 . zip sudo chmod 755 -R /opt/pyinstaller- 2.0 / fi # Clean Up Setup Files echo ' [*] Cleaning Up Setup Files ' rm python- 2.7 . 9 .msi rm pywin32- 218 .win32-py2. 7 .exe rm pycrypto- 2.6 .win32-py2. 7 .exe rm pyinstaller- 2.0 . zip rm requiredfiles. zip # Remove Temp Directories echo ' [*] Removing Temporary Directories ' rm - rf distutils rm - rf tcl rm - rf Tools } # Install Wine Ruby Dependencies func_ruby_deps(){ # Install Wine Ruby and Dependencies # Download required files, doing no check cert because wget is having an issue with our wildcard cert # if you ' re reading this, and actually concerned you might be mitm, use a browser and just download these # files and then just comment these next two lines out :) echo ' [*] Downloading Ruby Setup Files From ' ####dzxs 這里跟上面一樣不能訪問,也是自己下載了rubyinstaller - 1.8 . 7 -p374.exe 原來的是rubyinstaller- 1.8 . 7 - p371.exe # wget -q https: // --no-check-certificate #####dzxs 這個不知道內容是啥,就沒管,沒學過ruby wget -q https: // --no-check-certificate # install Ruby under Wine echo ' [*] Installing Ruby under Wine ' wine rubyinstaller - 1.8 . 7 -p374.exe / silent # fetch the OCRA gem echo ' [*] Fetching and installing Ruby OCRA gem ' gem fetch -v 1.3 . 0 ocra # install the OCRA gem under Wine wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Ruby187/bin/ruby.exe ~/.wine/drive_c/Ruby187/bin/gem install ocra- 1.3 . 0 .gem # unzip the Ruby dependencies echo ' [*] Uncompressing Ruby Setup Archive ' unzip -o -d /root/.wine/drive_c/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/ ruby_required. zip # Clean Up Setup Files echo ' [*] Cleaning Up Ruby Setup Files ' rm rubyinstaller- 1.8 . 7 - p374.exe rm ruby_required. zip rm ocra- 1.3 . 0 .gem } # Update Veil Config func_update_config(){ # . /config/ echo ' [*] Updating Veil-Framework Configuration ' cd .. / config sudo python # Chown Output Directory sudo chown ${runuser}:${runuser} ~/veil- output } # Menu Case Statement case $ 1 in # Force Clean Install Of Wine Python Dependencies -- clean) # Bypass Environment Checks To Force Install Dependencies func_title func_apt_deps func_git_deps func_python_deps func_ruby_deps ;; # Print Help Menu -h|-- help) func_title echo echo " [Usage]....: ${0} [OPTIONAL] " echo ' [Optional].: ' echo ' --clean = Force Clean Install Of Python Dependencies ' echo ' -h|--help = Show Help Menu ' echo ;; # Run Standard Setup * ) func_title func_check_env ;; esac

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