Chapter 1. Provisioning and Deployment (部署準備)
A critical part of a cloud's scalability is the amount of effort that it takes to run your cloud. To minimize the operational cost of running your cloud, set up and use an automated deployment and configuration infrastructure.
This infrastructure includes systems to automatically install the operating system's initial configuration and later coordinate the configuration of all services automatically and centrally, which reduces both manual effort and chance for error.
Automated Deployment
An automated deployment system installs and configures operating systems on new servers, without intervention, after the absolute minimum amount of manual work, including physical racking, MAC to IP assignment, power configuration, and so on. Typically solutions rely on wrappers around PXE boot and TFTP servers for the basic operating system install, then hand off to an automated configuration management system.
Ubuntu and Red Hat Linux both include mechanisms for configuring the operating system, including preseed and kickstart, that you can use after a network boot. Typically these are used to bootstrap an automated configuration system. Alternatively, you can use an image-based approach for deploying the operating system, such as systemimager. You can use both approaches with a virtualized infrastructure, such as when you run VMs to separate your control services and physical infrastructure.
Ubuntu和Red Hat Linux中都包括配置機制操作系統,包括preseed和kickstart,使用它們就可以從網絡引導。通常情況下,這些用來引導一個自動化配置系統。您也可以使用一個基于圖像的方法部署操作系統,如SystemImager。您可以使用這兩種方法及虛擬化的基礎設施,如當您運行控制服務和物理基礎設施的虛擬機分開。
When you create a deployment plan, focus on a few vital areas because they are very hard to modify post-deployment.
Disk Partitioning and RAID
At the very base of any operating system are the hard drives on which the OS is installed.
You must complete the following configurations on the server's hard drives:
- Partitioning分區
- Adding to a RAID array添加到RAID陣列
The simplest option is to use one hard drive with two partitions:
- File system
- Swap space
RAID is not used in this setup.
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This option is not recommended for production because if the hard drive fails, that entire server is down. Instead, we recommend that you use more than one disk. The number of disks determine what types of RAID arrays to build.
We recommend that you choose one of the following multiple disk options:
Option 1:
Partition all drives in the same way in a horizontal fashion, as shown in the following diagram:
With this option, you can assign different partitions to different RAID arrays. You can allocate partition 1 of disk one and two to the /bootpartition mirror. You can make partition 2 of all disks the root partition mirror. You can use partition 3 of all disks for a cinder-volumes LVM partition running on a RAID 10 array.
使用此選項,您可以指定不同的分區使用不同的RAID陣列。您可以分配第一個和第二個磁盤的第一個分區到/ boot分區鏡像。你可以讓所有磁盤的第二個分區給root分區鏡。您可以讓cinder-volumes LVM運行在所有磁盤的第三分區在RAID 10陣列的分區上。
While you might end up with unused partitions, such as partition 1 in disk three and four of this example, it allows for maximum utilization off disk space. I/O performance might be an issue due to all disks being used for all tasks.
雖然你可能會結束與未使用的分區,如分區1本實施例三和四的磁盤,它允許的最大利用率關閉磁盤空間。由于所有磁盤I / O性能可能是一個問題用于所有任務。
Option 2:
Add all raw disks to one large RAID array, either hardware or software based. You can partition this large array with the boot, root, swap, and LVM areas. This option is simple to implement and uses all partitions. However, disk I/O might suffer.
所有的原始磁盤添加到一個大的RAID陣列,硬件或基于軟件的。您可以和這個RAID陳列進行boot,root,swap和LVM。此選項很容易實現,并使用所有分區。然而,磁盤I / O性能可能會受到影響。 -
Option 3:
Dedicate entire disks to certain partitions. For example, you could allocate disk one and two entirely to the boot, root, and swap partitions under a RAID 1 mirror. Then, allocate disk 3 and 4 entirely to the LVM partition, also under a RAID 1 mirror. Disk I/O should be better because I/O is focused on dedicated tasks. However, the LVM partition is much smaller.
將整個磁盤劃給某些分區。例如,您可以分配第一個和第二個磁盤使用RAID 1然后給boot,root和swap分區。然后,分配磁盤3和4完全使用LVM分區,同時也使用RAID 1鏡像。磁盤I / O應該會更好因為I / O集中在專門的任務。然而,在LVM分區要小得多。
As with most architecture choices, the right answer depends on your environment.
Network Configuration
Network configuration is a very large topic that spans multiple areas of this book. For now, make sure that your servers can PXE boot and successfully communicate with the deployment server.
For example, you usually cannot configure NICs for VLANs when PXE booting. Additionally, you usually cannot PXE boot with bonded NICs. If you run into this scenario, consider using a simple 1 GB switch in a private network on which only your cloud communicates.
例如,你通常不能對使用VLAN的配置網卡PXE引導。此外,你通常使用bonded網卡PXE引導。如果你碰上這種情況下,可以考慮使用一個簡單的1 GB交換機在一個私有網上進行云通信。
Automated Configuration
The purpose of automatic configuration management is to establish and maintain the consistency of a system with no human intervention. You want to maintain consistency in your deployments so you can have the same cloud every time, repeatably. Proper use of automatic configuration management tools ensures that components of the cloud systems are in particular states, in addition to simplifying deployment, and configuration change propagation.
These tools also make it possible to test and roll back changes, as they are fully repeatable. Conveniently, a large body of work has been done by the OpenStack community in this space. Puppet – a configuration management tool – even provides official modules for OpenStack.
這些工具還使人們有可能以測試和回滾更改,因為它們完全可以重復。方便的是,在OpenStack社區中一個大型機構已經完成有關的工作。Puppet – 一個配置管理工具 - 甚至提供OpenStack的官方模塊
An integral part of a configuration management system is the items that it controls. You should carefully consider all of the items that you want, or do not want, to be automatically managed.
Remote Management
In our experience, most operators don't sit right next to the servers running the cloud, and many don't necessarily enjoy visiting the data center. OpenStack should be entirely remotely configurable, but sometimes not everything goes according to plan.
我們的經驗是大多數操作人員不坐在服務器旁邊運行云,許多人不一定喜歡訪問數據中心。 OpenStack的應該是完全遠程配置,但有時不是一切都按計劃進行的。
In this instance, having an out-of-band access into nodes running OpenStack components, is a boon. The IPMI protocol is the de-facto standard here, and acquiring hardware that supports it is highly recommended to achieve that lights-out data center aim.
在這種情況下,有一個帶外接入節點運行OpenStack,是一個福音。 IPMI協??議是事實上的這里的標準,并獲取支持它的硬件是高度建議實現熄燈的數據中心的目標。
In addition, consider remote power control as well. While IPMI usually controls the server's power state, having remote access to the PDU that the server is plugged into can really be useful for situations when everything seems wedged.

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