EOJ201 Software Industry Revolution
Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submits: 34 Accepted: 12
Making revolutions in the software industry is not an easy task. That’s why this problem is about something else. Stanescu has just invented a new super-cool way to develop software. It is similar to writing program code, but instead of writing it, you ask some else to do it. In such way, one could create great software, without even knowing what a Turing Machine is. As you can see, this is not just software industry revolution. Really, Stanescu does not care about the software industry at all. He just wants to make money.
In order to protect the money he is going to make, he needs to pick a special password for his bank account, satisfying the following requirements:
The password should not be too complex, so that Stanescu can remember it. The complexity of a password is the sum of the complexity of its characters and the complexity of a character is its position in the alphabet (for ’a’ it is 1, for ’b’ – 2, and so on). For example, the complexity of the string ”ala” is 1 + 12 + 1 = 14;
It should match a given pattern string (composed of lowercase Latin letters, ’?’ and ’*’, no longer than 1000 characters). ’?’ is matched by one arbitrary lowercase Latin letter, and ’*’ – by zero or more arbitrary lowercase Latin letters;
It should be a sub-string of given super-password string (composed of lowercase Latin letters, no longer than 10000).
You have to write a program that computes the complexity of simplest possible password.
Several test cases are given at the input. Each of them consists of a single line containing the pattern and the super-password strings separated by a white space.
For each test case, your program should print a single line with one integer – the complexity of the simplest possible password. If no password satisfies the given requirements, the program should print -1.
Sample Input
a?a alabala
a*c?a axcbaabcbax
Sample Output
For the first test case, aba is the simplest password
For the second one, abcba is simpler than axcba
題目大意:先規定一個字符串的值為這個字符串中所有字母值的和,字母的值為該字母的ascii值減去a字母的ascii值+1,也就是 a的值是1,b的值是2.現在給定一個模式串和主串,模式串由小寫字母、'?'、'*'組成,一個'?'匹配一個字母,一個'*'匹配任意多個字母(包括0個)。問,當模式串能成為主串的一個子串的時候,求這個模式串的最小值。若不能成為主串的子串就輸出-1.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #define N 100005 #define M 100005 #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f using namespace std; struct Node { int st,ed,flag; Node(int a,int b,int c):st(a),ed(b),flag(c){} }; char pat[N],str[M];//pat為模式串,str為主串 vector<Node>zpat[M];//zpat記錄某個子模式串i能有的匹配位置 int sum[N],fail[M],lenpat,lenstr,ans; int qmlast,zpatnum;//qmlast記錄pat末尾有幾個'?',zpatnum記錄有幾個子模式串 int qmpre[M];//qmpre記錄每個子模式串之前有幾個'?' bool smpre[M];//smpre記錄每個子模式串前是否有'*' //求主串中從a到b位置的字母和 int rsum(int a,int b) { if(a==0)return sum[b]; return sum[b]-sum[a-1]; } //函數返回該子模式串是否能被匹配 int KMP(char *t,int *p,int n,int id) { for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { int k=p[i-1]; while(1) { if(t[i]==t[k+1]) { p[i]=k+1; break; } if(k==-1)break; k=p[k]; } } int flag=0,j=-1; for(int i=0;i<lenstr-qmlast;i++) { while(1) { if(str[i]==t[j+1]) { j++; if(j+1==n) { zpat[id].push_back(Node(i-n+1,i,0)); flag=1; j=p[j]; } break; } if(j==-1)break; j=p[j]; } } return flag; } //返回整個模式串作為子串時之后一個字母在主串中的位置 //參數id表示第id個子模式串,lim表示第id個子模式串的在主串中的開頭位置不能小于等于lim int solve(int id,int lim) { if(id>=zpatnum)return lim; lim+=qmpre[id]; int le=0,ri=zpat[id].size(),mid; while(mid=(le+ri)/2,le<ri) { if(zpat[id][mid].st>lim)ri=mid; else le=mid+1; } if(ri==zpat[id].size())return -1; if((!smpre[id]&&zpat[id][ri].st!=lim+1))return -1; for(int i=ri;i<zpat[id].size();i++) { if(zpat[id][i].flag)return -1; zpat[id][i].flag=1; int k=solve(id+1,zpat[id][i].ed); if(~k)return k; if(!smpre[id])break; } return -1; } void run(void) { ans=inf; memset(fail,-1,sizeof(fail)); lenpat=strlen(pat); lenstr=strlen(str); sum[0]=str[0]-'a'+1; for(int i=1;i<lenstr;i++) sum[i]=sum[i-1]+str[i]-'a'+1; qmlast=0; for(lenpat--;lenpat>=0&&(pat[lenpat]=='*'||pat[lenpat]=='?');lenpat--) qmlast+=(pat[lenpat]=='?'); if(lenpat<0) { if(qmlast==0) ans=0; else if(qmlast>lenstr) ans=-1; else for(int i=qmlast-1;i<lenstr;i++) ans=min(ans,rsum(i-qmlast+1,i)); return ; } zpatnum=0;lenpat++; for(int i=0;i<lenpat;zpatnum++) { smpre[zpatnum]=false; qmpre[zpatnum]=0; zpat[zpatnum].clear(); while(pat[i]=='*'||pat[i]=='?') { if(pat[i]=='*')smpre[zpatnum]=true; if(pat[i]=='?')qmpre[zpatnum]++; i++; } int st=i; int lenzpat=0; while(i<lenpat&&pat[i]!='*'&&pat[i]!='?') lenzpat++,i++; if(KMP(pat+st,fail+st,lenzpat,zpatnum)==0) return ; } for(int i=zpat[0].size()-1;i>=0;i--) { int st=zpat[0][i].st,ed=zpat[0][i].ed; if(st<qmpre[0])continue; ed=solve(1,ed); if(ed==-1)continue; ans=min(ans,rsum(st-qmpre[0],ed+qmlast)); } } int main() { while(scanf("%s",pat)!=EOF) { scanf("%s",str); run(); printf("%d\n",ans==inf?-1:ans); } return 0; }

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