Install & Configure LB on Apache (Steps using Glassfish v2ur1 & Apache 2.0.59 on Windows)
In Glassfish 9.1.1, LB installation was done using the AS installer. The installer would edit the Apache config files as well. But, Glassfish v2 ur1 does not have LB bundled with it. The users will have to download the LB and manually configure it. Hence this blog, which gives you detailed steps to install LB and configure it with Apache. If you are using the Sun WebServer, the steps are available here
Install Apache with SSL
Use OpenSSL from the system (already installed)
Download bits from: <download-dir>
Double click the msi file for installation [ Remember to give the fully qualified machine name for ServerName
Backup httpd.conf & ssl.conf from <apache-install>/conf
Uncomment LoadModule ssl_module modules/ in httpd.conf
Remove the <IfDefine SSL> and matching </IfDefine> lines in ssl.conf
Creating Security Certificate
Download openssl.cnf to <download-dir> from
openssl req -config <download-dir>/openssl.cnf -new -x509 -keyout newreq.pem -out newreq.pem -days 365 {Make sure WS instance-name/lb device-host/common-name for certificate are the same}
mkdir <apache-install>/conf/ssl.crt and <apache-install>/conf/ssl.key
Create the the certificate file as <apache-install>/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt copying from BEGIN CERTIFICATE to END CERTIFICATE from newreq.pem
openssl rsa -in newreq.pem -out <apache-install>/conf/ssl.key/server.key
Edit <apache-install>/conf/ssl.conf
set the virtual host name to fully qualified m/c name [replace "_default_" with fully qualified m/c name ]
Change server name to the fully qualified machine name followed by port number
Start Apache in secure mode
<apache-install>/bin/Apache -k stop? & <apache-install>/bin/Apache -k startssl?
Make sure the localhost:80 & localhost:443 are accessible in a browser
check the <apache-install>/logs/errors to make sure there are no errors. {File does not exist: <apache-install>/htdocs/favicon.ico Is a harmless error if it appears in the log .}
Install Glassfish v2ur1.
Download bits from
java -Xmx256m -jar glassfish-installer-v2ur1-b09d-windows.jar - to unbundle glassfish.
cd glassfish
chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin
lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup-cluster.xml? [You might need to set the ANT_HOME to glassfish/lib/ant]
Install LB Plugin.
Download latest LB plugin from [e.g aslb-9.1.1-b6.jar]
Extract jar to get
mkdir glassfish/lib/plugin
cp the zips from step 2 and unzip it in glassfish/lib/plugin [ make sure to remove the zip files from this directory]
chmod -R 755 glassfish/lib/plugin/lib
Configure LB Plugin for Apache.
Create sub-directories in <Apache-install>/modules directory as - resource? and errorpages
Create sub-directory in <Apache-install> directory as - sec_db_files
cp <glassfish>/lib/plugin/lib/webserver-plugin/windows/apache2/LBPlugin*.res <Apache-install>/modules/resource/
cp <glassfish>/lib/plugin/lib/webserver-plugin/windows/apache2/mod_loadbalancer.dll <Apache-install>/modules/
cp <glassfish>/lib/plugin/lib/webserver-plugin/windows/apache2/errorpages/* <Apache-install>/modules/errorpages/
cp <glassfish>/lib/plugin/lib/install/templates/loadbalancer.xml.example <Apache-install>/conf/
cp <glassfish>/lib/plugin/lib/dtds/sun-loadbalancer* <Apache-install>/conf/
Append httpd.conf file with:
##BEGIN EE LB Plugin Parameters LoadModule apachelbplugin_module modules/mod_loadbalancer.dll <IfModule mod_apache2lbplugin.cpp> config-file "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/loadbalancer.xml" locale en </IfModule> <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs" ServerName vm07 </VirtualHost> ##END EE LB Plugin Parameters
Double-check apache-install location and the fully qualified machine name for ServerName in httpd.conf
cp <glassfish>lib/plugin/lib/webserver-plugin/windows/apache2/*.db <Apache-install>/sec_db_files/
Start Apache and make sure you are able to access the port 80 & 443. The error logs will have errors till the loadbalancer.xml is setup.
Steps on How to Configure Loadbalancer.xml are here .
Install & Configure LB on Apache (Steps using Glassfish v2ur1 & Apache 2.0.59 on

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