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<!--Google 728*90橫幅廣告結束-->
1 . Type is missing a javadoc commentClass
2 . “{” should be on the previous line
“{” 應該位于前一行
3 . Methods is missing a javadoc comment
方法前面缺少 javadoc 注釋
4 . Expected @throws tag for “Exception”
在注釋中希望有 @throws 的說明
5 . “.” Is preceeded with whitespace “.”
6 . “.” Is followed by whitespace“.”
7 . “=” is not preceeded with whitespace
“=” 前面缺少空格
8 . “=” is not followed with whitespace
“=” 后面缺少空格
9 . “}” should be on the same line
“}” 應該與下條語句位于同一行
10 . Unused @param tag for “unused”
沒有參數 “unused” ,不需注釋
11 . Variable “CA” missing javadoc
變量 “CA” 缺少 javadoc 注釋
12 . Line longer than 80characters
行長度超過 80
13 . Line contains a tab character
行含有 ”tab” 字符
14 . Redundant “Public” modifier
冗余的 “public” modifier
15 . Final modifier out of order with the JSL
suggestionFinal modifier 的順序錯誤
16 . Avoid using the “.*” form of import
Import 格式避免使用 “.*”
17 . Redundant import from the same package
從同一個包中 Import 內容
18 . Unused import-java.util.list
Import 進來的 java.util.list 沒有被使用
19 . Duplicate import to line 13
重復 Import 同一個內容
20 . Import from illegal package
從非法包中 Import 內容
21 . “while” construct must use “{}”
“while” 語句缺少 “{}”
22 . Variable “sTest1” must be private and have accessor method
變量 “sTest1” 應該是 private 的,并且有調用它的方法
23 . Variable “ABC” must match pattern “^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$”
變量 “ABC” 不符合命名規則 “^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$”
24 . “(” is followed by whitespace
“(” 后面不能有空格
25 . “)” is proceeded by whitespace
“)” 前面不能有空格
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