
Commons Math學習筆記——多項式函數

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2.2 多項式函數

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Commons Math 中的 analysis.polynomials 包中有所有的與多項式函數相關的類和接口定義。這一篇主要從這個包分析,來研究一下多項式函數的應用。

Commons Math學習筆記——多項式函數


Polynomials 包中沒有 interface 的定義,下屬含有 5 個類: PolynomialFunction PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm PolynomialFunctionNewtonForm PolynomialSplineFunction PolynomialsUtils 。其中主要的只有 PolynomialFunction PolynomialSplineFunction ,正如 api doc 中的介紹, PolynomialFunction 類是 Immutable representation of a real polynomial function with real coefficients ——實數多項式的表示; PolynomialSplineFunction 類是 Represents a polynomial spline function. ——樣條曲線多項式的表示。另外兩個表示拉格朗日和牛頓形式的多項式函數。而 PolynomialsUtils 類中提供了幾個構造個別(比如切比雪夫多項式)多項式的靜態方法。

我覺得最常用的應該就是實數系數的多項式了,因此以 PolynomialFunction 類為例來進行分析。實數系數的多項式函數形如: f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c PolynomialFunction 類實現了 DifferentiableUnivariateRealFunction 接口,因此必須實現 value() derivative() 方法,并且實現該接口也表明這是一元可微分的實數函數形式。 PolynomialFunction 類定義了一組 final double coefficients[] 作為多項式系數,其中 coefficients[0] 表示常數項的系數, coefficients[n] 表示指數為 n x^n 次項的系數。因此,這個類所表達的多項式函數是這樣的: f(x)=coeff[0] + coeff[1]x + coeff[2]x^2 + … + coeff[n]x^n 。它的構造方法是 PolynomialFunction(double []) 就是接受這樣的 coefficients 數組作為系數輸入參數來構造多項式的。這個是很好表達也很方便理解的。那么它的 value(double x) 方法是通過調用 double evaluate( double [] coefficients, double argument) 實現的,本質用 Horner's Method 求解多項式的值,沒有什么技術難點,非常好理解的一個給定參數和函數求值過程。剩余定義的一些加減乘等操作,都是通過一個類似public PolynomialFunction add( final PolynomialFunction p) 這樣的結構實現的。求導數的方法 derivative() 是通過這樣的一個微分操作實現的。見源碼:


?1 protected ? static ? double []?differentiate( double []?coefficients)? {
?2 ???????? int ?n? = ?coefficients.length;
?3 ???????? if ?(n? < ? 1 )? {
?4 ???????????? throw ?MathRuntimeException.createIllegalArgumentException( " empty?polynomials?coefficients?array " );
?5 ????????}

?6 ???????? if ?(n? == ? 1 )? {
?7 ???????????? return ? new ? double [] { 0 } ;
?8 ????????}

?9 ???????? double []?result? = ? new ? double [n? - ? 1 ];
10 ???????? for ?( int ?i? = ?n? - ? 1 ;?i?? > ? 0 ;?i -- )? {
11 ????????????result[i? - ? 1 ]? = ?i? * ?coefficients[i];
12 ????????}

13 ???????? return ?result;
14 ????}



?1 /**?*/ /**
?2 ?*?
?3 ? */

?4 package ?algorithm.math;
?6 import ?org.apache.commons.math.ArgumentOutsideDomainException;
?7 import ?org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
?8 import ?org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
10 /**?*/ /**
11 ?*? @author ?Jia?Yu
12 ?*?@date?2010-11-21
13 ? */

14 public ? class ?PolinomialsFunctionTest? {
16 ???? /**?*/ /**
17 ?????*? @param ?args
18 ????? */

19 ???? public ? static ? void ?main(String[]?args)? {
20 ???????? // ?TODO?Auto-generated?method?stub
21 ????????polynomials();
22 ????????System.out.println( " ----------------------------------------------- " );
23 ????????polynomialsSpline();
24 ????}

26 ???? private ? static ? void ?polynomialsSpline()? {
27 ???????? // ?TODO?Auto-generated?method?stub
28 ????????PolynomialFunction[]?polynomials? = ? {
29 ???????????????? new ?PolynomialFunction( new ? double []? {?0d,?1d,?1d?} ),
30 ???????????????? new ?PolynomialFunction( new ? double []? {?2d,?1d,?1d?} ),
31 ???????????????? new ?PolynomialFunction( new ? double []? {?4d,?1d,?1d?} )?}
32 ???????? double []?knots? = ? {? - 1 ,? 0 ,? 1 ,? 2 ?} ;
33 ????????PolynomialSplineFunction?spline? = ? new ?PolynomialSplineFunction(knots,
34 ????????????????polynomials);
35 ???????? // output?directly
36 ????????System.out.println( " poly?spline?func?is? " + spline);
37 ???????? // ?get?the?value?when?x?=?0.5
38 ???????? try ? {
39 ????????????System.out.println( " f(0.5)?=? " + spline.value( 0.5 ));
40 ????????}
? catch ?(ArgumentOutsideDomainException?e)? {
41 ???????????? // ?TODO?Auto-generated?catch?block
42 ????????????e.printStackTrace();
43 ????????}

44 ???????? // ?the?number?of?spline?segments
45 ????????System.out.println( " spline?segments?number?is? " + spline.getN());
46 ???????? // ?the?polynomials?functions
47 ???????? for ( int ?i = 0 ;i < spline.getN();i ++ ) {
48 ????????????System.out.println( " spline:f " + i + " (x)?=? " + spline.getPolynomials()[i]);
49 ????????}

50 ???????? // function?derivative
51 ????????System.out.println( " spline?func?derivative?is? " + spline.derivative());
52 ????}

54 ???? private ? static ? void ?polynomials()? {
55 ???????? // ?TODO?Auto-generated?method?stub
56 ???????? double []?f1_coeff? = ? {? 3.0 ,? 6.0 ,? - 2.0 ,? 1.0 ?} ;
57 ???????? double []?f2_coeff? = ? {? 1.0 ,? 2.0 ,? - 1.0 ,? - 2.0 ?} ;
58 ????????PolynomialFunction?f1? = ? new ?PolynomialFunction(f1_coeff);
59 ????????PolynomialFunction?f2? = ? new ?PolynomialFunction(f2_coeff);
60 ???????? // ?output?directly
61 ????????System.out.println( " f1(x)?is?:? " ? + ?f1);
62 ????????System.out.println( " f2(x)?is?:? " ? + ?f2);
63 ???????? // ?polynomial?degree
64 ????????System.out.println( " f1(x)'s?degree?is? " ? + ?f1.degree());
65 ???????? // ?get?the?value?when?x?=?2
66 ????????System.out.println( " f1(2)?=? " ? + ?f1.value( 2 ));
67 ???????? // ?function?add
68 ????????System.out.println( " f1(x)+f2(x)?=? " ? + ?f1.add(f2));
69 ???????? // ?function?substract
70 ????????System.out.println( " f1(x)-f2(x)?=? " ? + ?f1.subtract(f2));
71 ???????? // ?function?multiply
72 ????????System.out.println( " f1(x)*f2(x)?=? " ? + ?f1.multiply(f2));
73 ???????? // ?function?derivative
74 ????????System.out.println( " f1'(x)?=? " ? + ?f1.derivative());
75 ????????System.out.println( " f2''(x)?=? "
76 ???????????????? + ?((PolynomialFunction)?f2.derivative()).derivative());
78 ????}

80 }


f1(x) is : 3.0 + 6.0 x - 2.0 x^2 + x^3
f2(x) is : 1.0 + 2.0 x - x^2 - 2.0 x^3
f1(x)'s degree is 3
f1(2) = 15.0
f1(x)+f2(x) = 4.0 + 8.0 x - 3.0 x^2 - x^3
f1(x)-f2(x) = 2.0 + 4.0 x - x^2 + 3.0 x^3
f1(x)*f2(x) = 3.0 + 12.0 x + 7.0 x^2 - 15.0 x^3 - 8.0 x^4 + 3.0 x^5 - 2.0 x^6
f1'(x) = 6.0 - 4.0 x + 3.0 x^2
f2''(x) = -2.0 - 12.0 x
poly spline func is org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction@69b332
f(0.5) = 2.75
spline segments number is 3
spline:f0(x) = x + x^2
spline:f1(x) = 2.0 + x + x^2
spline:f2(x) = 4.0 + x + x^2
spline func derivative is org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction@173a10f

PolynomialFunction 類也是重寫了 toString 方法和 hashCode equals 方法的。

PolynomialSplineFunction 類是多項式樣條函數, 樣條 是一種特殊的函數,由多項式分段定義。表示了一個由多個多項式組成的樣條曲線。它的實現主要是內部定義了一個多項式函數組 PolynomialFunction polynomials[] 和一個樣條分界節點數組 double knots[] 。這兩個內部成員分別表示什么呢?分界節點表示整條曲線對應在 x 等于 knots[i] 的時候開始使用其他多項式樣條,其構造方法 public PolynomialSplineFunction( double knots[], PolynomialFunction polynomials[]) 完成這樣的功能。


????? X^2+x??? [-1,0)

F(x) = x^2+x+2?? [0,1)

????? X^2+x+4?[1,2)

當然,構造方法中的參數, knots[] 數組必須是遞增的。

可以看到,直接輸出 PolynomialSplineFunction 是多么丑陋啊 ~~ ,因為它沒有重寫 toString 方法。同樣,它的導數也是一樣的丑陋。其中如果給定的值不在定義域內, value 方法還拋出異常 ArgumentOutsideDomainException

最后 PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm PolynomialFunctionNewtonForm 類完成的其實是多項式插值的功能,放到下一節研究的。


多項式: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E5%A4%9A%E9%A1%B9%E5%BC%8F%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0#.E5.A4.9A.E9.A0.85.E5.BC.8F.E5.87.BD.E6.95.B8.E5.8F.8A.E5.A4.9A.E9.A0.85.E5.BC.8F.E7.9A.84.E6.A0.B9

樣條函數: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E6%A0%B7%E6%9D%A1%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0

Horner Methods http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HornersMethod.html

Commons math 包: http://commons.apache.org/math/index.html

Commons Math學習筆記——多項式函數




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