if OBJECT_ID ( ' testGroup ' ) is not null drop table testGroup GO create table testGroup(ID int identity primary key ,UserID int ,OrderID int ) GO insert testGroup select 1 , 10 union all select 1 , 20 union all select 1 , 30 union all select 2 , 100 union all select 2 , 200 union all select 3 , 1000 union all select 3 , 2000 union all select 3 , 3000 union all select 3 , 4000
一. 取分組中第1行(最大/最小值)
1. 取出分組中某列最大/最小值,不要求顯示其他列
最常見的分組聚合,用group by 分組時,只有參加分組/聚合的列才可以被顯示。
select UserID, MAX (OrderID) as MaxOrderID from testGroup group by UserID
? 2. 取出分組中某列最大/最小值,要求顯示其他列
要顯示表中其他列,用group by 不好實現,可以借助子查詢。
select * from testGroup a where ID = ( select MAX (ID) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID) order by ID -- 或者 select * from testGroup where ID in ( select MAX (ID) from testGroup group by UserID) -- 或者 select * from testGroup as a where a.ID in ( select top 1 ID from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID desc ) -- 或者 select * from testGroup a where not exists ( select 1 from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID < b.OrderID) -- 或者 select * from testGroup a where ( select count ( 1 ) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.id <= b.id) = 1
二. 取分組中前N行(排名前幾名)
1. SQL Server 2000的寫法
select * from testGroup as a where a.ID in ( select top 2 ID from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID) -- 或者 select * from testGroup a where not exists ( select 1 from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID > b.OrderID having count ( 1 ) >= 2 ) -- 或者 select * from testGroup a where ( select count ( 1 ) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.ID >= b.ID) <= 2 -- 沒有唯一標識的表,可以用checksum來標識每行 select * from testGroup as a where checksum( * ) in ( select top 2 checksum( * ) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID)
? 2. SQL Server 2005新語法
select ID, UserID, OrderID from ( select * , ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by UserID order by OrderID) num from testGroup ) t where t.num between 1 and 2
select distinct t. * from testGroup a cross apply ( select top 2 ID, UserID, OrderID from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID) as t
三. 取分組中第N行(排名第N名)
(1) 子查詢
select * from testGroup a where ( select count ( 1 ) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID >= b.OrderID) = 3 -- 或者 select * from testGroup a where exists ( select 1 from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID >= b.OrderID having count ( 1 ) = 3 )
select ID, UserID, OrderID from ( select * , ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by UserID order by OrderID) num from testGroup ) t where t.num = 3

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