#!/usr/bin/env python # example notebook.py import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk class NotebookExample: # This method rotates the position of the tabs def rotate_book(self, button, notebook): notebook.set_tab_pos((notebook.get_tab_pos()+1) %4) # Add/Remove the page tabs and the borders def tabsborder_book(self, button, notebook): tval = False bval = False if self.show_tabs == False: tval = True if self.show_border == False: bval = True notebook.set_show_tabs(tval) self.show_tabs = tval notebook.set_show_border(bval) self.show_border = bval # Remove a page from the notebook def remove_book(self, button, notebook): page = notebook.get_current_page() notebook.remove_page(page) # Need to refresh the widget -- # This forces the widget to redraw itself. notebook.queue_draw_area(0,0,-1,-1) def delete(self, widget, event=None): gtk.main_quit() return False def __init__(self): window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) window.connect("delete_event", self.delete) window.set_border_width(10) table = gtk.Table(3,6,False) window.add(table) # Create a new notebook, place the position of the tabs notebook = gtk.Notebook() notebook.set_tab_pos(gtk.POS_TOP) table.attach(notebook, 0,6,0,1) notebook.show() self.show_tabs = True self.show_border = True # Let’s append a bunch of pages to the notebook for i in range(5): bufferf = "Append Frame %d" % (i+1) bufferl = "Page %d" % (i+1) frame = gtk.Frame(bufferf) frame.set_border_width(10) frame.set_size_request(100, 75) frame.show() label = gtk.Label(bufferf) frame.add(label) label.show() label = gtk.Label(bufferl) notebook.append_page(frame, label) # Now let’s add a page to a specific spot checkbutton = gtk.CheckButton("Check me please!") checkbutton.set_size_request(100, 75) checkbutton.show () label = gtk.Label("Add page") notebook.insert_page(checkbutton, label, 2) # Now finally let’s prepend pages to the notebook for i in range(5): bufferf = "Prepend Frame %d" % (i+1) bufferl = "PPage %d" % (i+1) frame = gtk.Frame(bufferf) frame.set_border_width(10) frame.set_size_request(100, 75) frame.show() label = gtk.Label(bufferf) frame.add(label) label.show() label = gtk.Label(bufferl) notebook.prepend_page(frame, label) # Set what page to start at (page 4) notebook.set_current_page(3) # Create a bunch of buttons button = gtk.Button("close") button.connect("clicked", self.delete) table.attach(button, 0,1,1,2) button.show() button = gtk.Button("next page") button.connect("clicked", lambda w: notebook.next_page()) table.attach(button, 1,2,1,2) button.show() button = gtk.Button("prev page") button.connect("clicked", lambda w: notebook.prev_page()) table.attach(button, 2,3,1,2) button.show() button = gtk.Button("tab position") button.connect("clicked", self.rotate_book, notebook) table.attach(button, 3,4,1,2) button.show() button = gtk.Button("tabs/border on/off") button.connect("clicked", self.tabsborder_book, notebook) table.attach(button, 4,5,1,2) button.show() button = gtk.Button("remove page") button.connect("clicked", self.remove_book, notebook) table.attach(button, 5,6,1,2) button.show() table.show() window.show() def main(): gtk.main() return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": NotebookExample() main()

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