由于下一版本的 rapid-framwork 需要集成spring RESTful URL,所以研究了一下怎么搭建. 并碰到了一下問(wèn)題。
springmvc 3.0 中增加 RESTful URL功能,構(gòu)造出類似javaeye現(xiàn)在的URL。 rest介紹 ?, 這里還有struts2 rest構(gòu)造的一篇文章:? 使用 Struts 2 開發(fā) RESTful 服務(wù)
- /blog/ 1 ??HTTP?GET?=>????得到id?=? 1 的blog??
- /blog/ 1 ??HTTP?DELETE?=>?刪除?id?=? 1 的blog??
- /blog/ 1 ??HTTP?PUT??=>???更新id?=? 1 的blog??
- /blog?????HTTP?POST?=>???新增BLOG??
以下詳細(xì)解一下spring rest使用.
1. 如何在java構(gòu)造沒有擴(kuò)展名的RESTful url,如 /forms/1,而不是 /forms/1.do
2. 由于我們要構(gòu)造沒有擴(kuò)展名的url本來(lái)是處理靜態(tài)資源的容器映射的,現(xiàn)在被我們的spring占用了,沖突怎么解決?
3. 瀏覽器的form標(biāo)簽不支持提交delete,put請(qǐng)求,如何曲線解決?
springmvc rest 實(shí)現(xiàn)
springmvc的resturl是通過(guò)@RequestMapping 及@PathVariable annotation提供的,通過(guò)如@RequestMapping(value="/blog /{id}",method=RequestMethod.DELETE)即可處理/blog/1 的delete請(qǐng)求.
- @RequestMapping (value= "/blog/{id}" ,method=RequestMethod.DELETE)??
- public ?ModelAndView?delete( @PathVariable ?Long?id,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)?{??
- ????blogManager.removeById(id);??
- ???? return ? new ?ModelAndView(LIST_ACTION);??
- }??
@RequestMapping @PathVariable如果URL中帶參數(shù),則配合使用,如
- @RequestMapping (value= "/blog/{blogId}/message/{msgId}" ,method=RequestMethod.DELETE)??
- public ?ModelAndView?delete( @PathVariable ( "blogId" )?Long?blogId, @PathVariable ( "msgId" )?Long?msgId,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)?{??
- }??
?spring rest配置指南
1. springmvc web.xml配置
- <!--?該 servlet為tomcat,jetty等容器提供,將靜態(tài)資源映射從/改為/static/目錄,如原來(lái)訪問(wèn)?http://localhost /foo.css?,現(xiàn)在http://localhost/static/foo.css?--> ??
- < servlet-mapping > ??
- ???? < servlet-name > default </ servlet-name > ??
- ???? < url-pattern > /static/* </ url-pattern > ??
- </ servlet-mapping > ??
- < servlet > ??
- ???? < servlet-name > springmvc </ servlet-name > ??
- ???? < servlet-class > org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet </ servlet-class > ??
- ???? < load-on-startup > 1 </ load-on-startup > ??
- </ servlet > ??
- ??
- <!--?URL重寫filter,用于將訪問(wèn)靜態(tài)資源http://localhost/foo.css?轉(zhuǎn)為http://localhost/static/foo.css?--> ??
- < filter > ??
- ???? < filter-name > UrlRewriteFilter </ filter-name > ??
- ???? < filter-class > org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.UrlRewriteFilter </ filter-class > ??
- ???? < init-param > ??
- ???????????? < param-name > confReloadCheckInterval </ param-name > ??
- ???????????? < param-value > 60 </ param-value > ??
- ???????? </ init-param > ??
- ???? < init-param > ??
- ???????????????? < param-name > logLevel </ param-name > ??
- ???????????????? < param-value > DEBUG </ param-value > ??
- ???????? </ init-param > ???????
- </ filter > ??
- < filter-mapping > ??
- ???? < filter-name > UrlRewriteFilter </ filter-name > ??
- ???? < url-pattern > /* </ url-pattern > ??
- </ filter-mapping > ??
- ??
- <!--?覆蓋default?servlet的/,?springmvc?servlet將處理原來(lái)處理靜態(tài)資源的映射?--> ??
- < servlet-mapping > ??
- ???? < servlet-name > springmvc </ servlet-name > ??
- ???? < url-pattern > / </ url-pattern > ??
- </ servlet-mapping > ??
- ??
- <!--?瀏覽器不支持put,delete等method,由該filter將/blog?_method=delete轉(zhuǎn)換為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的http?delete方法?--> ??
- < filter > ??
- ???? < filter-name > HiddenHttpMethodFilter </ filter-name > ??
- ???? < filter-class > org.springframework.web.filter.HiddenHttpMethodFilter </ filter-class > ??
- </ filter > ??
- ??
- < filter-mapping > ??
- ???? < filter-name > HiddenHttpMethodFilter </ filter-name > ??
- ???? < servlet-name > springmvc </ servlet-name > ??
- </ filter-mapping > ??
2. webapp/WEB-INF/springmvc-servlet.xml配置,使用如下兩個(gè)class激活@RequestMapping annotation
- <bean? class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping" />??
- <bean? class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter" />??
- <beans? default -autowire= "byName" ???>??
- ??
- ????<!--?自動(dòng)搜索 @Controller 標(biāo)注的類?-->??
- ????<context:component-scan?base- package = "com.**.controller" />??
- ??????
- ????<bean? class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping" />??
- ??
- ????<bean? class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter" />??
- ??
- ????<!--?Default?ViewResolver?-->??
- ????<bean?id= "viewResolver" ? class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver" >??
- ????????<property?name= "viewClass" ?value= "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView" />??
- ????????<property?name= "prefix" ?value= "/pages" />??
- ????????<property?name= "suffix" ?value= ".jsp" ></property>??
- ????</bean>??
- ??????
- ????<bean?id= "messageSource" ? class = "org.springframework.context.support.ResourceBundleMessageSource" ?p:basename= "i18n/messages" />??
- ??
- ????<!--?Mapping?exception?to?the?handler?view?-->??
- ????<bean?id= "exceptionResolver" ? class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleMappingExceptionResolver" >??
- ????????<!--?to?/commons/error.jsp?-->??
- ????????<property?name= "defaultErrorView" ?value= "/commons/error" />??
- ????????<property?name= "exceptionMappings" >??
- ????????????<props>??
- ????????????</props>??
- ????????</property>??
- ????</bean>??
- ??????????
- </beans>??
3. Controller編寫
- /** ?
- ?*?@RequestMapping("/userinfo")?具有層次關(guān)系,方法級(jí)的將在類一級(jí)@RequestMapping之一, ?
- ?*?如下面示例,?訪問(wèn)方法級(jí)別的@RequestMapping("/new"),則URL為?/userinfo/new ?
- ?*/ ??
- @Controller ??
- @RequestMapping ( "/userinfo" )??
- public ? class ?UserInfoController? extends ?BaseSpringController{??
- ???? //默認(rèn)多列排序,example:?username?desc,createTime?asc ??
- ???? protected ? static ? final ?String?DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMNS?=? null ;???
- ??????
- ???? private ?UserInfoManager?userInfoManager;??
- ??????
- ???? private ? final ?String?LIST_ACTION?=? "redirect:/userinfo" ;??
- ??????
- ???? /**? ?
- ?????*?通過(guò)spring自動(dòng)注入 ?
- ?????**/ ??
- ???? public ? void ?setUserInfoManager(UserInfoManager?manager)?{??
- ???????? this .userInfoManager?=?manager;??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?列表?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping ??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?index(HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response,UserInfo?userInfo)?{??
- ????????PageRequest<Map>?pageRequest?=?newPageRequest(request,DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMNS);??
- ???????? //pageRequest.getFilters();?//add?custom?filters ??
- ??????????
- ????????Page?page?=? this .userInfoManager.findByPageRequest(pageRequest);??
- ????????savePage(page,pageRequest,request);??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView( "/userinfo/list" , "userInfo" ,userInfo);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?進(jìn)入新增?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (value= "/new" )??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?_new(HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response,UserInfo?userInfo)? throws ?Exception?{??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView( "/userinfo/new" , "userInfo" ,userInfo);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?顯示?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (value= "/{id}" )??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?show( @PathVariable ?Long?id,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)? throws ?Exception?{??
- ????????UserInfo?userInfo?=?(UserInfo)userInfoManager.getById(id);??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView( "/userinfo/show" , "userInfo" ,userInfo);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?編輯?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (value= "/{id}/edit" )??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?edit( @PathVariable ?Long?id,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)? throws ?Exception?{??
- ????????UserInfo?userInfo?=?(UserInfo)userInfoManager.getById(id);??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView( "/userinfo/edit" , "userInfo" ,userInfo);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?保存新增?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (method=RequestMethod.POST)??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?create(HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response,UserInfo?userInfo)? throws ?Exception?{??
- ????????userInfoManager.save(userInfo);??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView(LIST_ACTION);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?保存更新?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (value= "/{id}" ,method=RequestMethod.PUT)??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?update( @PathVariable ?Long?id,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)? throws ?Exception?{??
- ????????UserInfo?userInfo?=?(UserInfo)userInfoManager.getById(id);??
- ????????bind(request,userInfo);??
- ????????userInfoManager.update(userInfo);??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView(LIST_ACTION);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- ???? /**?刪除?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (value= "/{id}" ,method=RequestMethod.DELETE)??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?delete( @PathVariable ?Long?id,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)?{??
- ????????userInfoManager.removeById(id);??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView(LIST_ACTION);??
- ????}??
- ??
- ???? /**?批量刪除?*/ ??
- ???? @RequestMapping (method=RequestMethod.DELETE)??
- ???? public ?ModelAndView?batchDelete( @RequestParam ( "items" )?Long[]?items,HttpServletRequest?request,HttpServletResponse?response)?{??
- ??????????
- ???????? for ( int ?i?=? 0 ;?i?<?items.length;?i++)?{??
- ??????????????
- ????????????userInfoManager.removeById(items[i]);??
- ????????}??
- ???????? return ? new ?ModelAndView(LIST_ACTION);??
- ????}??
- ??????
- }??
上面是 rapid-framework 新版本生成器生成的代碼,以后也將應(yīng)用此規(guī)則,rest url中增刪改查等基本方法與Controller的方法映射規(guī)則
- /userinfo???????????=>?index()??
- /userinfo/ new ???????=>?_new()??
- /userinfo/{id}??????=>?show()??
- /userinfo/{id}/edit?????????=>?edit()??
- /userinfo???POST????????=>?create()??
- /userinfo/{id}??PUT?=>?update()??
- /userinfo/{id}??DELETE??=>?delete()??
- /userinfo???DELETE??????=>?batchDelete()??
?注(不使用 /userinfo/add? => add() 方法是由于add這個(gè)方法會(huì)被maxthon瀏覽器當(dāng)做廣告鏈接過(guò)濾掉,因?yàn)榘琣d字符)
4. jsp 編寫
- < form:form ? action = "${ctx}/userinfo/${userInfo.userId}" ? method = "put" > ??
- </ form:form > ??
?生成的html內(nèi)容如下, 生成一個(gè)hidden的_method=put,并于web.xml中的HiddenHttpMethodFilter配合使用,在服務(wù)端將post請(qǐng)求改為put請(qǐng)求
- <form?id= "userInfo" ?action= "/springmvc_rest_demo/userinfo/2" ?method= "post" >??
- ????<input?type= "hidden" ?name= "_method" ?value= "put" />??
- </form>??
5. 靜態(tài)資源的URL重寫
?? 如上我們描述,現(xiàn)因?yàn)閷efault servlet映射至/static/的子目錄,現(xiàn)我們?cè)L問(wèn)靜態(tài)資源將會(huì)帶一個(gè)/static/前綴.
?? 如 /foo.gif, 現(xiàn)在訪問(wèn)該文件將是 /static/foo.gif.
?? 那如何避免這個(gè)前綴呢,那就是應(yīng)用URL rewrite,現(xiàn)我們使用
, 重寫規(guī)則如下
- < urlrewrite > ??
- ???? <!--?訪問(wèn)jsp及jspx將不rewrite?url,其它.js,.css,.gif等將重寫,如?/foo.gif?=>?/static/foo.gif?--> ??
- ???? < rule > ??
- ???????? < condition ? operator = "notequal" ? next = "and" ? type = "request-uri" > .*.jsp </ condition > ??
- ???????? < condition ? operator = "notequal" ? next = "and" ? type = "request-uri" > .*.jspx </ condition > ??
- ???????? < from > ^(/.*\..*)$ </ from > ??
- ???????? < to > /static$1 </ to > ??
- ???? </ rule > ??
- </ urlrewrite > ??
?? 另筆者專門寫了一個(gè) RestUrlRewriteFilter來(lái)做同樣的事件,以后會(huì)隨著 rapid-framework 一起發(fā)布. 比這個(gè)更加輕量級(jí).
并且 該代碼 已經(jīng)貢獻(xiàn)給spring,不知會(huì)不會(huì)在下一版本發(fā)布
在線DEMO地址 :? http://demo.rapid-framework.org.cn:8080/springmvc_rest_demo/userinfo

QQ號(hào)聯(lián)系: 360901061