

系統 2457 0

?????? FLEX的全屏功能的實現,光寫AS還不夠,還需要對JS部分做一些小小改動才 行,好在這個改動并不麻煩,有這個需求的朋友可以參考下.另外在FLEX應用里右鍵菜單的功能也是很常見的,我在這里也作了一個簡單的功能實現,太復雜的 小弟暫時還沒來得及實踐,有朋友實現了也給小弟參考下,在此表示感謝.




<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?> ??
  1. <mx:Application xmlns:mx= "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout= "vertical" > ??
  2. <mx:Style> ??
  3. ???? global{ ??
  4. ???????? font-size: 19 ;??? ??
  5. ???? } ??
  6. </mx:Style> ??
  7. <mx:Script> ??
  8. ???? <![CDATA[ ??
  9. ???????? import mx.controls.Alert; ??
  10. ???????? private function fullScr(): void { ??
  11. ???????????? stage.displayState=StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; ??
  12. ???????????? //controlScr.label="普通"; ??
  13. ???????????? //controlScr.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, normalScr); ??
  14. ???????????? var contextMenu:ContextMenu= new ContextMenu(); ??
  15. ???????????? contextMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); ??
  16. ???????????? var item:ContextMenuItem= new ContextMenuItem( "關于作者" ); ??
  17. ???????????? item.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,alertMsg); ??
  18. ???????????? contextMenu.customItems.push(item); ??
  19. ???????????? this .contextMenu=contextMenu; ??
  20. ???????? } ??
  21. ???????? ??
  22. ???????? private function alertMsg(event:ContextMenuEvent): void { ??
  23. ???????????? Alert.show( "hacker.Ye" ); ??
  24. ???????? } ??
  25. ???????? ??
  26. ???????? private function normalScr(): void { ??
  27. ???????????? //controlScr.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,fullScr); ??
  28. ???????????? stage.displayState=StageDisplayState.NORMAL; ??
  29. ???????? } ??
  30. ???? ]]> ??
  31. </mx:Script> ??
  32. ???? <mx:Button label= "全屏" click= "fullScr();" /> ??
  33. ???? <mx:Button?? label= "普通" click= "normalScr()" /> ??
  34. </mx:Application>??
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical">
  import mx.controls.Alert;
  private function fullScr():void{
   //controlScr.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, normalScr);
   var contextMenu:ContextMenu=new ContextMenu();
   var item:ContextMenuItem=new ContextMenuItem("關于作者");
  private function alertMsg(event:ContextMenuEvent):void{
  private function normalScr():void{
 <mx:Button label="全屏" click="fullScr();"/>
 <mx:Button  label="普通" click="normalScr()"/>





Html代碼 復制代碼
  1. <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> ??
  2. < html lang = "en" > ??
  3. ??
  4. <!-- ??
  5. Smart developers always View Source. ??
  6. ??
  7. This application was built using Adobe Flex, an open source framework ??
  8. for building rich Internet applications that get delivered via the ??
  9. Flash Player or to desktops via Adobe AIR. ??
  10. ??
  11. Learn more about Flex at http://flex.org ??
  12. // -- > ??
  13. ??
  14. < head > ??
  15. < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=utf-8" /> ??
  16. ??
  17. <!--?? BEGIN Browser History required section --> ??
  18. < link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "history/history.css" /> ??
  19. <!--?? END Browser History required section --> ??
  20. ??
  21. < title > ${title} </ title > ??
  22. < script src = "AC_OETags.js" language = "javascript" > </ script > ??
  23. ??
  24. <!--?? BEGIN Browser History required section --> ??
  25. < script src = "history/history.js" language = "javascript" > </ script > ??
  26. <!--?? END Browser History required section --> ??
  27. ??
  28. < style > ??
  29. body { margin: 0px; overflow:hidden } ??
  30. </ style > ??
  31. < script language = "JavaScript" type = "text/javascript" > ??
  32. <!-- ??
  33. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??
  34. // Globals ??
  35. // Major version of Flash required ??
  36. var requiredMajorVersion = ${version_major}; ??
  37. // Minor version of Flash required ??
  38. var requiredMinorVersion = ${version_minor}; ??
  39. // Minor version of Flash required ??
  40. var requiredRevision = ${version_revision}; ??
  41. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??
  42. // -- > ??
  43. </ script > ??
  44. </ head > ??
  45. ??
  46. < body scroll = "no" > ??
  47. < script language = "JavaScript" type = "text/javascript" > ??
  48. <!-- ??
  49. // Version check for the Flash Player that has the ability to start Player Product Install (6.0r65) ??
  50. var hasProductInstall = DetectFlashVer (6, 0, 65); ??
  51. ??
  52. // Version check based upon the values defined in globals ??
  53. var hasRequestedVersion = DetectFlashVer (requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision); ??
  54. ??
  55. if ( hasProductInstall && !hasRequestedVersion ) { ??
  57. ???? // Location visited after installation is complete if installation is required ??
  58. ???? var MMPlayerType = ( isIE == true) ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn"; ??
  59. ???? var MMredirectURL = window .location; ??
  60. ???? document document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; ??
  61. ???? var MMdoctitle = document .title; ??
  62. ??
  63. ???? AC_FL_RunContent( ??
  64. ???????? "src", "playerProductInstall", ??
  65. ???????? "FlashVars", " MMredirectURL = "+MMredirectURL+'&MMplayerType='+MMPlayerType+'&MMdoctitle='+MMdoctitle+" ", ??
  66. ???????? "width", "${width}", ??
  67. ???????? "height", "${height}", ??
  68. ???????? "align", "middle", ??
  69. ???????? "id", "${application}", ??
  70. ???????? "quality", "high", ??
  71. ???????? "bgcolor", "${bgcolor}", ??
  72. ???????? "name", "${application}", ??
  73. ???????? "allowScriptAccess","sameDomain", ??
  74. ???????? "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash", ??
  75. ???????? "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" ??
  76. ???? ); ??
  77. } else if (hasRequestedVersion) { ??
  78. ???? // if we've detected an acceptable version ??
  79. ???? // embed the Flash Content SWF when all tests are passed ??
  80. ???? AC_FL_RunContent( ??
  81. ???????????? "src", "${swf}", ??
  82. ???????????? "width", "${width}", ??
  83. ???????????? "height", "${height}", ??
  84. ???????????? "align", "middle", ??
  85. ???????????? "id", "${application}", ??
  86. ???????????? "quality", "high", ??
  87. ???????????? "bgcolor", "${bgcolor}", ??
  88. ???????????? "name", "${application}", ??
  89. ???????????? "allowScriptAccess","sameDomain", ??
  90. ???????????? "allowFullScreen","true",????? //加入這一行,看這里,看這里,大家看到了嗎? ??
  91. ???????????? "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash", ??
  92. ???????????? "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" ??
  93. ???? ); ??
  94. ?? } else {?? // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin ??
  95. ???? var alternateContent = 'Alternate HTML content should be placed here. ' ??
  96. ???? + 'This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. ' ??
  97. ???? + ' < a href = http ://www.adobe.com/go/getflash /> Get Flash </ a > '; ??
  98. ???? document.write(alternateContent);?? // insert non-flash content ??
  99. ?? } ??
  100. // -- > ??
  101. </ script > ??
  102. < noscript > ??
  103. ???? < object classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ??
  104. ???????????? id = "${application}" width = "${width}" height = "${height}" ??
  105. ???????????? codebase = "http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab" > ??
  106. ???????????? < param name = "movie" value = "${swf}.swf" /> ??
  107. ???????????? < param name = "quality" value = "high" /> ??
  108. ???????????? < param name = "bgcolor" value = "${bgcolor}" /> ??
  109. ???????????? < param name = "allowScriptAccess" value = "sameDomain" /> ??
  110. ???????????? < embed src = "${swf}.swf" quality = "high" bgcolor = "${bgcolor}" ??
  111. ???????????????? width = "${width}" height = "${height}" name = "${application}" align = "middle" ??
  112. ???????????????? play = "true" ??
  113. ???????????????? loop = "false" ??
  114. ???????????????? quality = "high" ??
  115. ???????????????? allowScriptAccess = "sameDomain" ??
  116. ???????????????? allowFullScreen = "true" //加入這一行,看這里,看這里,大家看到了嗎? ??
  117. ??
  118. ???????????????? type = "application/x-shockwave-flash" ??
  119. ???????????????? pluginspage = "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" > ??
  120. ???????????? </ embed > ??
  121. ???? </ object > ??
  122. </ noscript > ??
  123. </ body > ??
  124. </ html > ?





QQ號聯系: 360901061



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