Mysql 不同版本 說明
Mysql 的官網下載地址:
1. MySQL Community Server
?????? 社區版本,免費,但是Mysql不提供官方技術支持。
?????? MySQLCommunity Server is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popularopen source database that is supported by an active community of open sourcedevelopers and enthusiasts.
2. MySQL Enterprise Edition
?????? MySQLEnterprise Edition includes the following and is available for 30 day trialfrom the Oracle E-Delivery Web site.
?????? 該版本是收費版本,可以試用30天,包含以下組件:
?????? (1)MySQL Database
?????? (2)MySQL Enterprise Backup
?????? (3)MySQL Enterprise Monitor
?????? (4)MySQL Workbench Standard Edition
3. MySQL Cluster
?????? MySQLCluster is a real-time open source transactional database designed for fast,always-on access to data under high throughput conditions.
?????? 免費版本
4. MySQL Cluster CGE
?????? 收費版本,包含組件如下:
MySQL Cluster CGE is a commercial edition ofMySQL that combines:
(1)MySQL Cluster
(2)MySQL Cluster Manager
(3)MySQL Enterprise Backup
(4)MySQL Enterprise Monitor
(5)MySQL Workbench Standard Edition
5. MySQL Workbench (GUI Tool)
????? MySQLWorkbench is a next-generation visual database design application that can beused to efficiently design, manage and document database schemata. It isavailable as both, open source and commercial editions.
?????? MySQLWorkbench是一款專為MySQL設計的ER/數據庫建模工具。它是著名的數據庫設計工具DBDesigner4的繼任者。你可以用 MySQL Workbench設計和創建新的數據庫圖示,建立數據庫文檔,以及進行復雜的MySQL 遷移。
MySQL Workbench的主要功能包括:
(1)基于 Cairo 的圖形渲染,可以將內容輸出到OpenGL、Win32、X11、Quartz、PostScript、PDF等多種目標上
MySQL Workbench有兩個版本:
(1)MySQL Workbench Community Edition(MySQL Workbench OSS,社區版)
(2)MySQL Workbench Standard Edition(MySQL Workbench SE,商業版)。
?????? MySQLWorkbench OSS是在GPL證書下發布的開源社區版本,而MySQL Workbench SE則是按年收費的商業版本。其功能方面的差異見下表:

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