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A cool and general purpose 3d image/media grid/wall gallery, with smooth transitions, clean style and lots of XML argument adjust, which is very flexible to satisfy different kinds of needs.
Key Features
1. Carefully treat the interactive behavior in 3d environment. Make the transitions smooth, clean and trustable.
2. The 3D interactive could be adjusted through some arguments, like rotate range, rotate speed and icon pop up z depth.
3. Build with Flash CS4 3D API , which requires no 3rd-part 3d package, makes it very light(only 60kb for the gallery part) and extremely easy to be integrated into your original project or to be modified for your own needs.
1. XML Driven, Dynamic Smooth Refresh Solution with xml.
2. Support Fullscreen both for the whole application and the video player.
3. These features of the image icon could be customized: the image grid row number and column number, the icon width/height, bg color, border width/height, the width/height between the two icons.
4. Tooltip on/off.
5. Pre/Next functions when in the highlight status.
5. Information text field for the highlight status, with html and scrollbar support, autohide.
6. The icon could be image/swf.
7. The background color and alpha of the whole application could be customized.
9. Carefully treat on memory recycle and performance.
10. Build with AS3 , both support flash cs4+ and flex builder 3+ (with flex sdk 3.4+).
11. Well organized UI resources in fla, good formatted/commented code and documents.
1. The media (video/audio) player used here is a solid one which has been sold on activeden (my product), check it here:
With simple style but full functions, makes the media play part become very stable and trustable.
2. Smooth played time seek for video/audio player (an improvement of the NetSteam.time, which is unstable), buffered status included.
3. Draggable for the loaded part.
4. Loop, Autoplay on/off.
5. Play, Pause, FullScreen(for video player) and Sound Control.
If you are interested with this product, go to below link to buy:

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