#!/usr/bin/python # This was written for educational purpose only. Use it at your own risk. # Author will be not responsible for any damage! # ################################################################# # ______ ____ ____ # # | _ \ \ \ / / # # | |_) | \ \/ / # # | _ < \_ _/ # # | |_) | | | # # |______/ |__| # # # # ______ __ _____ ____ __ ___ # # / ____/_ __/ /_ |__ /______ __/ __ \_____/ |/ / # # / / / / / / __ \ /_ ") if code==1: print("\t [+] Scanning " + site + "...\n\n") for admin in php: admin = admin.replace("\n","") admin = "/" + admin host = site + admin print ("\t [#] Checking " + host + "...") connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) connection.request("GET",admin) response = connection.getresponse() var2 = var2 + 1 if response.status == 200: var1 = var1 + 1 print "%s %s" % ( "\n\n>>>" + host, "Admin page found!") raw_input("Press enter to continue scanning.\n") elif response.status == 404: var2 = var2 elif response.status == 302: print "%s %s" % ("\n>>>" + host, "Possible admin page (302 - Redirect)") else: print "%s %s %s" % (host, " Interesting response:", response.status) connection.close() print("\n\nCompleted \n") print var1, " Admin pages found" print var2, " total pages scanned" raw_input("[/] The Game Over; Press Enter to Exit") if code==2: print("\t [+] Scanning " + site + "...\n\n") for admin in asp: admin = admin.replace("\n","") admin = "/" + admin host = site + admin print ("\t [#] Checking " + host + "...") connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) connection.request("GET",admin) response = connection.getresponse() var2 = var2 + 1 if response.status == 200: var1 = var1 + 1 print "%s %s" % ( "\n\n>>>" + host, "Admin page found!") raw_input("Press enter to continue scanning.\n") elif response.status == 404: var2 = var2 elif response.status == 302: print "%s %s" % ("\n>>>" + host, "Possible admin page (302 - Redirect)") else: print "%s %s %s" % (host, " Interesting response:", response.status) connection.close() print("\n\nCompleted \n") print var1, " Admin pages found" print var2, " total pages scanned" raw_input("The Game Over; Press Enter to Exit") if code==3: print("\t [+] Scanning " + site + "...\n\n") for admin in cfm: admin = admin.replace("\n","") admin = "/" + admin host = site + admin print ("\t [#] Checking " + host + "...") connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) connection.request("GET",admin) response = connection.getresponse() var2 = var2 + 1 if response.status == 200: var1 = var1 + 1 print "%s %s" % ( "\n\n>>>" + host, "Admin page found!") raw_input("Press enter to continue scanning.\n") elif response.status == 404: var2 = var2 elif response.status == 302: print "%s %s" % ("\n>>>" + host, "Possible admin page (302 - Redirect)") else: print "%s %s %s" % (host, " Interesting response:", response.status) connection.close() print("\n\nCompleted \n") print var1, " Admin pages found" print var2, " total pages scanned" raw_input("The Game Over; Press Enter to Exit") if code==4: print("\t [+] Scanning " + site + "...\n\n") for admin in js: admin = admin.replace("\n","") admin = "/" + admin host = site + admin print ("\t [#] Checking " + host + "...") connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) connection.request("GET",admin) response = connection.getresponse() var2 = var2 + 1 if response.status == 200: var1 = var1 + 1 print "%s %s" % ( "\n\n>>>" + host, "Admin page found!") raw_input("Press enter to continue scanning.\n") elif response.status == 404: var2 = var2 elif response.status == 302: print "%s %s" % ("\n>>>" + host, "Possible admin page (302 - Redirect)") else: print "%s %s %s" % (host, " Interesting response:", response.status) connection.close() print("\n\nCompleted \n") print var1, " Admin pages found" print var2, " total pages scanned" raw_input("The Game Over; Press Enter to Exit") if code==5: print("\t [+] Scanning " + site + "...\n\n") for admin in cgi: admin = admin.replace("\n","") admin = "/" + admin host = site + admin print ("\t [#] Checking " + host + "...") connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) connection.request("GET",admin) response = connection.getresponse() var2 = var2 + 1 if response.status == 200: var1 = var1 + 1 print "%s %s" % ( "\n\n>>>" + host, "Admin page found!") raw_input("Press enter to continue scanning.\n") elif response.status == 404: var2 = var2 elif response.status == 302: print "%s %s" % ("\n>>>" + host, "Possible admin page (302 - Redirect)") else: print "%s %s %s" % (host, " Interesting response:", response.status) connection.close() print("\n\nCompleted \n") print var1, " Admin pages found" print var2, " total pages scanned" raw_input("The Game Over; Press Enter to Exit") if code==6: print("\t [+] Scanning " + site + "...\n\n") for admin in brf: admin = admin.replace("\n","") admin = "/" + admin host = site + admin print ("\t [#] Checking " + host + "...") connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(site) connection.request("GET",admin) response = connection.getresponse() var2 = var2 + 1 if response.status == 200: var1 = var1 + 1 print "%s %s" % ( "\n\n>>>" + host, "Admin page found!") raw_input("Press enter to continue scanning.\n") elif response.status == 404: var2 = var2 elif response.status == 302: print "%s %s" % ("\n>>>" + host, "Possible admin page (302 - Redirect)") else: print "%s %s %s" % (host, " Interesting response:", response.status) connection.close() print("\n\nCompleted \n") print var1, " Admin pages found" print var2, " total pages scanned" raw_input("The Game Over; Press Enter to Exit") except (httplib.HTTPResponse, socket.error): print "\n\t[!] Session Cancelled; Error occured. Check internet settings" except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print "\n\t[!] Session cancelled"

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