Iteration 1500 label train test right acc 12 143 24 24 1.0 160 92 16 15 0.9375 100 12 2 0 0.0 142 0 0 0 0.0 152 0 0 0 0.0 110 10 2 0 0.0 170 12 2 2 1.0 42 421 70 63 0.9 31 43 8 5 0.625 22 132 22 18 0.818181818182 60 51 9 8 0.888888888889 51 916 153 143 0.934640522876 131 82 14 11 0.785714285714 53 84 14 10 0.714285714286 70 9 2 2 1.0 21 531 89 89 1.0 120 1 1 1 1.0 11 454 76 71 0.934210526316 90 1 1 1 1.0 32 39 7 6 0.857142857143 41 151 25 14 0.56 132 0 0 0 0.0 151 43 7 6 0.857142857143 43 8 2 1 0.5 80 7 2 1 0.5 141 96 16 16 1.0 44 67 12 2 0.166666666667 right: 509 accuracy:0.883680555556
#**********************Python 3.6.1***************************# #* 將txt文本數據中的過長的空格更為一個逗號 *# #***************** Author LQ ******************************# #********************** 2018/4/4 ****************************# #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import os #os模塊與文本操作直接相關的模塊 #*********下面三句代碼作用不詳,就是為了防止出現編碼問題********* import importlib import sys importlib.reload(sys) #**************************************************** PATTERN = '\s+'#匹配出文本中的長空格 class Cleaner: #初始化 def __init__(self): os.chdir('D:\\Learning\\Machine_Learning\\實習\\師姐論文實驗') #改變工作目錄到txt文件對應的目錄 self.content = open("acc-onlyRealImage-Iter2500.txt") def grab_content(self): line=self.content.readline() pre=re.compile(PATTERN) while line: line_1=pre.sub(',',line) #將文本的長空格轉換為逗號后,利于轉成CSV格式,然后label按照升序排列 self.Write_content(line_1) line = self.content.readline() def Write_content(self,line_1): path='acc-onlyRealImage-Iter2500-after.txt' f=open(path,'a') f.write('\n'+line_1) def run(self): self.grab_content() if __name__ == '__main__': cleaner = Cleaner() cleaner.run()
#**********************Python 3.6.1***************************# #* 繪制出雙Y軸折線圖 *# #***************** Author LQ ******************************# #********************** 2018/4/4 ****************************# #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import os #os模塊與文本操作直接相關的模塊 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #*********下面三句代碼作用不詳,就是為了防止出現編碼問題********* import importlib import sys importlib.reload(sys) #**************************************************** font2 = {'family' : 'Times New Roman', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 18, } class Drawing: #初始化 def __init__(self): os.chdir('D:\\Learning\\Machine_Learning\\實習\\師姐論文實驗') #改變工作目錄到指定文件目錄 self.content = open("acc-onlyRealImage-Iter2200-after.txt") self.content1 = open("acc-onlyRealImage-Iter2500-after.txt") def grab_content(self): lines=self.content.readlines() lines_1=self.content1.readlines() x_1 = [line.strip().split(',')[0] for line in lines ]#字段以逗號分隔,這里取得是第4列 y_train_1=[line.strip().split(',')[1] for line in lines ] y_train_2=[line.strip().split(',')[1] for line in lines_1 ] y_acc_1=[line.strip().split(',')[4] for line in lines ] y_acc_2=[line.strip().split(',')[4] for line in lines_1 ] x = list(range(len(x_1))) y_acc=[] y_acc1=[] y_train=[] y_train1=[] for i in range(len(y_acc_1)): y_acc.append(float(y_acc_1[i])) y_acc1.append(float(y_acc_2[i])) y_train.append(int(y_train_1[i])) y_train1.append(int(y_train_2[i])) #plt.xticks(x, x_1,rotation=0) fig,left_axis=plt.subplots() p1, =left_axis.plot(x, y_train,'ro-') right_axis = left_axis.twinx() p2, =right_axis.plot(x, y_acc,'bo-') plt.xticks(x, x_1,rotation=0) #設置x軸的顯示形式 #設置左坐標軸以及右坐標軸的范圍、精度 left_axis.set_ylim(0,1201) left_axis.set_yticks(np.arange(0,1201,200)) right_axis.set_ylim(0,1.01) right_axis.set_yticks(np.arange(0,1.01,0.20)) #設置坐標及標題的大小、顏色 left_axis.set_title('RealAndSimulation-Iter6600',font2) left_axis.set_xlabel('Labels',font2) left_axis.set_ylabel('Number of training sets',font2,color='r') left_axis.tick_params(axis='y', colors='r') right_axis.set_ylabel('Accuracy',font2,color='b') right_axis.tick_params(axis='y', colors='b') plt.show() def run(self): self.grab_content() if __name__ == '__main__': Drawing = Drawing() Drawing.run()
#**********************Python 3.6.1***************************# #* 繪制單Y軸雙變量柱狀圖 *# #***************** Author LQ ******************************# #********************** 2018/4/4 ****************************# #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re import os #os模塊與文本操作直接相關的模塊 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #*********下面三句代碼作用不詳,就是為了防止出現編碼問題********* import importlib import sys importlib.reload(sys) #**************************************************** font2 = {'family' : 'Times New Roman', #設置字體 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 18, } class Drawing: #初始化 def __init__(self): os.chdir('D:\\Learning\\Machine_Learning\\實習\\師姐論文實驗') #改變工作目錄到指定文件的目錄 self.content = open("acc-onlyRealImage-Iter2200-after.txt") self.content1 = open("acc-onlyRealImage-Iter2500-after.txt") def autolabel(self,rects,y): #在柱狀圖上面添加 數值 i=0 for rect in rects: #讀出列表存儲的value值 value=y[i] x_1 = rect.get_x() + rect.get_width()/2 y_1 = rect.get_height() #x_1,y_1對應柱形的橫、縱坐標 i+=1 plt.text(x_1, y_1, value, ha='center', va='bottom',fontdict={'size': 8}) #在fontdict中設置字體大小 rect.set_edgecolor('white') def Pictures(self): lines=self.content.readlines() lines_1=self.content1.readlines() x_1 = [line.strip().split(',')[0] for line in lines ]#字段以逗號分隔,這里取得是第1列 y_train_1=[line.strip().split(',')[1] for line in lines ] y_train_2=[line.strip().split(',')[1] for line in lines_1 ] y_acc_1=[line.strip().split(',')[4] for line in lines ] y_acc_2=[line.strip().split(',')[4] for line in lines_1 ] x = list(range(len(x_1))) y_acc=[] y_acc1=[] y_train=[] y_train1=[] for i in range(len(y_acc_1)): y_acc.append(float(y_acc_1[i])) y_acc1.append(float(y_acc_2[i])) y_train.append(int(y_train_1[i])) y_train1.append(int(y_train_2[i])) plt.xticks(x, x_1,rotation=0) #設置X軸坐標值為label值 for i in range(len(x)): #調整柱狀圖的橫坐標,使得打印出來的圖形看起來更加舒服 x[i] = x[i] -0.2 a=plt.bar(x, y_train,width=0.4,label='iter2200',fc = 'b') #a=plt.bar(x, y_acc,width=0.4,label='iter2200',fc = 'b') for i in range(len(x)): x[i] = x[i] + 0.4 b=plt.bar(x, y_train1, width=0.4, label='iter2500',fc = 'r') #b=plt.bar(x, y_acc1, width=0.4, label='iter2500',fc = 'r') plt.xlabel('Labels',font2) #設置Y軸值的范圍 plt.ylim((0, 1000)) #設置Y軸的刻度值 plt.yticks(np.arange(0,1001, 200)) #plt.ylim((0, 1.1)) #plt.yticks(np.arange(0,1.1, 0.2)) #plt.ylabel('Accuracy',font2) plt.ylabel('Number of training sets',font2) #字體的格式在font2中有設置 self.autolabel(a,y_train_1) #為柱形圖打上數值標簽 self.autolabel(b,y_train_2) #self.autolabel(a,y_acc_1) #self.autolabel(b,y_acc_2) #plt.title("RealAndSimulation",font2) plt.title("OnlyRealImage",font2) plt.legend() plt.show() def run(self): self.Pictures() if __name__ == '__main__': Draw = Drawing() Draw.run()

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