Example code for using the Selenium 2 Python bindings. — Gist
# To install the Python client library:# pip install -U selenium# Import the Selenium 2 namespace (aka "webdriver")from selenium import webdriver# iPhonedriver = webdriver . Remote ( browser_name = "iphone" , command_executor = '' )# Androiddriver = webdriver . Remote ( browser_name = "android" , command_executor = '' )# Google Chromedriver = webdriver . Chrome ()# Firefoxdriver = webdriver . Firefox ()# ------------------------------# The actual test scenario: Test the codepad.org code execution service.# Go to codepad.orgdriver . get ( 'http://codepad.org' )# Select the Python language optionpython_link = driver . find_elements_by_xpath ( "http://input[@name='lang' and @value='Python']" )[ 0 ]python_link . click ()# Enter some text!text_area = driver . find_element_by_id ( 'textarea' )text_area . send_keys ( "print 'Hello,' + ' World!'" )# Submit the form!submit_button = driver . find_element_by_name ( 'submit' )submit_button . click ()# Make this an actual test. Isn't Python beautiful?assert "Hello, World!" in driver . get_page_source ()# Close the browser!driver . quit ()
Example code for using the Selenium 2 Python bindings. — Gist

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