? ? ? ?需求:有一張長為960,寬為96的圖片,需要將其分割成10張96*96的圖片并存放在另外一個文件夾下,通過手工分割耗時且不規(guī)范,選擇python寫一個簡單的程序完成。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Aug 23 18:19:09 2018 @author: Administrator """ import os from PIL import Image # 切割圖片 def splitimage(src, rownum, colnum, dstpath): img = Image.open(src) w, h = img.size if rownum <= h and colnum <= w: print('Original image info: %sx%s, %s, %s' % (w, h, img.format, img.mode)) print('圖片切割') s = os.path.split(src) if dstpath == '': dstpath = s[0] fn = s[1].split('.') basename = fn[0] ext = fn[-1] num = 0 rowheight = h // rownum colwidth = w // colnum for r in range(rownum): for c in range(colnum): box = (c * colwidth, r * rowheight, (c + 1) * colwidth, (r + 1) * rowheight) img.crop(box).save(os.path.join(dstpath, basename + '_' + str(num) + '.' + ext), ext) num = num + 1 print('共生成 %s 張小圖片。' % num) else: print('error') # 創(chuàng)建文件夾 def mkdir(path): # 去除首位空格 path = path.strip() # 去除尾部 \ 符號 path = path.rstrip("\\") # 判斷路徑是否存在 # 存在 True # 不存在 False isExists = os.path.exists(path) # 判斷結果 if not isExists: os.makedirs(path) print (path+' 創(chuàng)建成功') return True else: print (path + ' 目錄已存在') return False folder = r'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/testresults' # 存放圖片的文件夾 path = os.listdir(folder) # print(path) for each_bmp in path: # 批量操作 first_name, second_name = os.path.splitext(each_bmp) each_bmp = os.path.join(folder, each_bmp) src = each_bmp print(src) print(first_name) # 定義要創(chuàng)建的目錄 mkpath = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/results/"+ first_name # 調(diào)用函數(shù) mkdir(mkpath) if os.path.isfile(src): dstpath = mkpath if (dstpath == '') or os.path.exists(dstpath): row = int(1) # 切割行數(shù) col = int(10) # 切割列數(shù) if row > 0 and col > 0: splitimage(src, row, col, dstpath) else: print('無效的') else: print('圖片保存目錄 %s 不存在!' % dstpath) else: print('圖片文件 %s 不存在!' % src)
from PIL import Image for i in range(1,100): img = Image.open("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/test_results/"+str(i)+".png") img = img.convert("L") img = img.resize((960,96)) img.save("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/test_results/"+str(i)+".png", "PNG")

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