# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # author=baird_xiang import os import time import re import copy nginxRestart_num= -1 nginxReload_num= -1 logSender_num= -1 es_num= -1 nginxParent_pid=[] nginxChild_pid=[] logSender_pid=[] es_pid=[] nginxRestart_time =[] nginxReload_time=[] logSender_time=[] es_time=[] def get_restart(thread_name): global nginxRestart_num,nginxReload_num,logSender_num,es_num while True: try: for i in thread_name: if i=='nginx_restart': nP_pid = os.popen("sudo pgrep -lo nginx |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'").read() nP_time = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep nginx |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $9}'").read() nginx_path = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep nginx |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $11}'").read() date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) nP_time_now = date + '-' + nP_time.split('\n')[0] if nP_pid and (nP_pid not in nginxParent_pid) and (nginx_path=='/usr/sbin/nginx\n'): nginxParent_pid.append(nP_pid) nginxRestart_num=nginxRestart_num+1 # if nP_time and (nP_time_now not in nginxRestart_time) and (color!='-c\n'): nginxRestart_time.append(nP_time_now) elif i=='nginx_reload': nR_pid = os.popen("sudo pgrep -ln nginx|grep -v grep |awk '{print $1}'").read() nR_time = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep nginx |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==2{print $9}'").read() nginx_path = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep nginx |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $11}'").read() date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) nR_time_now = date + '-' + nR_time.split('\n')[0] if nR_pid and (nR_pid not in nginxChild_pid) and (nginx_path=='/usr/sbin/nginx\n') : nginxChild_pid.append(nR_pid) nginxReload_num=nginxReload_num+1-nginxRestart_num #if nR_time and (nR_time_now not in nginxReload_time) and (color!='-c\n'): nginxReload_time.append(nR_time_now) elif i=='log_sender': lS_pid = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep log_sender |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $2}'").read() lS_time = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep log_sender |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $9}'").read() color = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep log_sender |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $12}'").read() wwwdate = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep log_sender |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $1}'").read() date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) lS_time_now = date + '-' + lS_time.split('\n')[0] if lS_pid and (color!='-c\n') and ( lS_pid not in logSender_pid ) and (wwwdate=='www-data\n'): logSender_pid.append(lS_pid) logSender_num=logSender_num+1 #if lS_time and (lS_time_now not in logSender_time) and (color!='-c\n'): logSender_time.append(lS_time_now) elif (i=='elasticsearch') and (os.popen("sudo ps -ef |grep elasticsearch |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $2}'").read()): time.sleep(1) e_pid = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep elasticsearch |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $2}'").read() e_time = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep elasticsearch |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $9}'").read() color = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep elasticsearch |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $12}'").read() elastic = os.popen("sudo ps aux|grep elasticsearch |grep -v grep|awk 'NR==1{print $1}'").read() date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time())) e_time_now = date + '-' + e_time.split('\n')[0] if e_pid and (color!='-c\n') and (e_pid not in es_pid) and (elastic =='elastic+\n'): es_pid.append(e_pid) es_num=es_num+1 # if e_time and (e_time_now not in es_time) and (color!='-c\n') and (elastic =='elastic+\n'): es_time.append(e_time_now) else: pass except (OSError,IOError): #防止進入循環(huán)但是這個時候進程重啟,導致popen讀取不到進程信息就會出錯 pass def set_nginxRestart_txt(): now_path = os.getcwd() file_name = now_path + '/nginxRestart_%s.txt'%(nginxRestart_time[-1]) #寫入文本 file1 = open(file_name,'w') for i in range(1,len(nginxRestart_time)): file1.write('重啟時間:'+nginxRestart_time[i]+'重啟前父進程號: '+ nginxParent_pid[i-1]+'重啟后父進程號: ' +nginxParent_pid[i] + '\n') file1.close() file2 = open(file_name,'a+') file2.write('nginx restart次數(shù)為: ' + str(nginxRestart_num) + '\n') file2.close() def set_nginxReload_txt(): now_path = os.getcwd() file_name = now_path + '/nginxReload_%s.txt'%(nginxReload_time[-1]) #寫入文本 file1 = open(file_name,'w') for i in range(1,len(nginxReload_time)): file1.write('重啟時間:'+nginxReload_time[i] + '\n') file1.close() file2 = open(file_name,'a+') file2.write('nginx reload次數(shù)為:' + str(nginxReload_num) + '\n') file2.close() def set_logsender_txt(): now_path = os.getcwd() file_name = now_path + '/logsender_restart_%s.txt'%(logSender_time[-1]) #寫入文本 file1 = open(file_name,'w') for i in range(1,len(logSender_time)): file1.write('重啟時間:'+logSender_time[i]+'重啟前進程號: '+ logSender_pid[i-1]+'重啟后進程號: ' + logSender_pid[i] + '\n') file1.close() file2 = open(file_name,'a+') file2.write('logsender重啟次數(shù)為: '+ str(logSender_num) + '\n') file2.close() def set_es_txt(): now_path = os.getcwd() file_name = now_path + '/esRestart_%s.txt'%(es_time[-1]) #寫入文本 file1 = open(file_name,'w') for i in range(1,len(es_time)): file1.write('重啟時間:'+es_time[i] +'重啟前進程號: ' +es_pid[i-1] +'重啟后進程號: ' + es_pid[i] +'\n') file1.close() file2 = open(file_name,'a+') file2.write('elasticsearch重啟次數(shù)為: ' + str(es_num) + '\n') file2.close() if __name__ =="__main__": thread_name=['nginx_restart','nginx_reload','log_sender','elasticsearch'] try: get_restart(thread_name) except (KeyboardInterrupt,SystemExit): set_nginxRestart_txt() set_nginxReload_txt() set_logsender_txt() set_es_txt()

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