字符串轉(zhuǎn)日期,日期轉(zhuǎn)字符串,當(dāng)前日期的月份,當(dāng)前日期的年份,當(dāng)前日期月份枚舉信息,一天的開(kāi)始和結(jié)束時(shí)間,獲取一天,兩天,三天以后的日期,獲取上周 ,下周,上個(gè)月,下個(gè)月的日期,毫秒數(shù)時(shí)間戳,精確到秒,分,時(shí),基于生日獲取年齡,基于年份獲取是否閏年等等。。。。
package zj.date.bean; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; /** * * 日期工具類 * * @version 1.00 (2014.09.15) * @author SHNKCS 張軍 {@link <a target=_blank href="http://m.eyofj.com">張軍個(gè)人網(wǎng)站</a> <a target=_blank href="http://user.qzone.qq.com/360901061/">張軍QQ空間</a>} * */ public class DateTime extends Date { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l; public DateTime() { this((Date) null); } public DateTime(Date date) { this(date, 13); } public DateTime(String dateString) { this(dateString, 13); } public DateTime(String dateString, int type) { this.type = 0; empty = true; setTime(dateString, type); } private void setTime(String dateTimeString, int type) { if (dateTimeString == null || dateTimeString.trim().length() == 0) { empty = true; return; } try { dateTimeString = correct(dateTimeString); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(type); Date date = dateFormat.parse(dateTimeString); setTime(date.getTime()); empty = false; } catch (ParseException e) { empty = true; throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to parse " + dateTimeString); } this.type = type; check(this, type); } private void setTime(Date date, int type) { if (date == null) { empty = true; return; } else { setTime(getDateFormat(type).format(date), type); return; } } public DateTime(Date date, int type) { this.type = 0; empty = true; setTime(date, type); } public DateTime(DateTime dateTime, int type) { this(((Date) (dateTime)), type); } public int getYear() { check(this, 11); return Integer.parseInt(getDateFormat(11).format(this)); } public int getMonth() { check(this, 22); return Integer.parseInt(getDateFormat(22).format(this)); } public int getDay() { check(this, 33); return Integer.parseInt(getDateFormat(33).format(this)); } public int getWeek() { Calendar aCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); aCalendar.setTime(this); int week= aCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if(week==1){ return 7; }else{ return week-1; } } public int getDaysOfMonth(){ Calendar time=Calendar.getInstance(); time.clear(); time.set(Calendar.YEAR,this.getYear()); //year年 time.set(Calendar.MONTH,this.getMonth()-1); //Calendar對(duì)象默認(rèn)一月為0,month月 int day=time.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); return day; } public int getHour() { check(this, 44); return Integer.parseInt(getDateFormat(44).format(this)); } public int getMinute() { check(this, 55); return Integer.parseInt(getDateFormat(55).format(this)); } public int getSecond() { check(this, 66); return Integer.parseInt(getDateFormat(66).format(this)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void setDateDelimiter(String delimiter) { DateTime.delimiter = delimiter; } public static String getDateDelimiter() { return delimiter; } private static SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(int type) { String pattern = ""; switch (type) { case YEAR_TO_YEAR: // '\013' pattern = "yyyy"; break; case YEAR_TO_MONTH: // '\f' pattern = "yyyy" + delimiter + "MM"; break; case YEAR_TO_DAY: // '\r' pattern = "yyyy" + delimiter + "MM" + delimiter + "dd"; break; case YEAR_TO_HOUR: // '\016' pattern = "yyyy" + delimiter + "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH"; break; case YEAR_TO_MINUTE: // '\017' pattern = "yyyy" + delimiter + "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH:mm"; break; case YEAR_TO_SECOND: // '\020' pattern = "yyyy" + delimiter + "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH:mm:ss"; break; case YEAR_TO_MILLISECOND: // '\021' pattern = "yyyy" + delimiter + "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; break; case MONTH_TO_MONTH: // '\026' pattern = "MM"; break; case MONTH_TO_DAY: // '\027' pattern = "MM" + delimiter + "dd"; break; case MONTH_TO_HOUR: // '\030' pattern = "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH"; break; case MONTH_TO_MINUTE: // '\031' pattern = "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH:mm"; break; case MONTH_TO_SECOND: // '\032' pattern = "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH:mm:ss"; break; case MONTH_TO_MILLISECOND: // '\033' pattern = "MM" + delimiter + "dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; break; case DAY_TO_DAY: // '!' pattern = "dd"; break; case DAY_TO_HOUR: // '"' pattern = "dd HH"; break; case DAY_TO_MINUTE: // '#' pattern = "dd HH:mm"; break; case DAY_TO_SECOND: // '$' pattern = "dd HH:mm:ss"; break; case DAY_TO_MILLISECOND: // '%' pattern = "dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; break; case HOUR_TO_HOUR: // ',' pattern = "HH"; break; case HOUR_TO_MINUTE: // '-' pattern = "HH:mm"; break; case HOUR_TO_SECOND: // '.' pattern = "HH:mm:ss"; break; case HOUR_TO_MILLISECOND: // '/' pattern = "HH:mm:ss.SSS"; break; case MINUTE_TO_MINUTE: // '7' pattern = "mm"; break; case MINUTE_TO_SECOND: // '8' pattern = "mm:ss"; break; case MINUTE_TO_MILLISECOND: // '9' pattern = "mm:ss.SSS"; break; case SECOND_TO_SECOND: // 'B' pattern = "ss"; break; case SECOND_TO_MILLISECOND: // 'C' pattern = "ss.SSS"; break; case MILLISECOND_TO_MILLISECOND: // 'M' pattern = "SSS"; break; case 18: // '\022' case 19: // '\023' case 20: // '\024' case 21: // '\025' case 28: // '\034' case 29: // '\035' case 30: // '\036' case 31: // '\037' case 32: // ' ' case 38: // '&' case 39: // '\'' case 40: // '(' case 41: // ')' case 42: // '*' case 43: // '+' case 48: // '0' case 49: // '1' case 50: // '2' case 51: // '3' case 52: // '4' case 53: // '5' case 54: // '6' case 58: // ':' case 59: // ';' case 60: // '<' case 61: // '=' case 62: // '>' case 63: // '?' case 64: // '@' case 65: // 'A' case 68: // 'D' case 69: // 'E' case 70: // 'F' case 71: // 'G' case 72: // 'H' case 73: // 'I' case 74: // 'J' case 75: // 'K' case 76: // 'L' default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + " is not support"); } SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); return formatter; } public String toString() { if (empty) { return ""; } else { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(type); return dateFormat.format(this); } } public String toString(int type) { if (empty) { return ""; } else { check(this, type); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(type); return dateFormat.format(this); } } public static DateTime current() { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(17); return new DateTime(dateFormat.format(new Date()), 17); } public static int intervalYear(DateTime startDate, int startHour, DateTime endDate, int endHour) { if (startDate.getType() != 13) throw new IllegalArgumentException("startDate is not a validate DateTime which type is YEAR_TO_DAY"); if (endDate.getType() != 13) throw new IllegalArgumentException("endDate is not a validate DateTime which type is YEAR_TO_DAY"); startDate = new DateTime(startDate + " " + startHour, 14); endDate = new DateTime(endDate + " " + endHour, 14); int yearDiff = endDate.getYear() - startDate.getYear(); if (endDate.getMonth() > startDate.getMonth()) yearDiff++; else if (endDate.getMonth() < startDate.getMonth()) yearDiff--; else if (endDate.getDay() > startDate.getDay()) yearDiff++; else if (endDate.getDay() < startDate.getDay()) yearDiff--; else if (endHour > startHour) yearDiff++; else if (endHour < startHour) yearDiff--; return yearDiff; } public static int intervalMonth(DateTime startDate, int startHour, DateTime endDate, int endHour) { if (startDate.getType() != 13) throw new IllegalArgumentException("startDate is not a validate DateTime which type is YEAR_TO_DAY"); if (endDate.getType() != 13) throw new IllegalArgumentException("endDate is not a validate DateTime which type is YEAR_TO_DAY"); startDate = new DateTime(startDate + " " + startHour, 14); endDate = new DateTime(endDate + " " + endHour, 14); int monthDiff = (endDate.getYear() - startDate.getYear()) * 12; if (endDate.getMonth() > startDate.getMonth()) { monthDiff += endDate.getMonth() - startDate.getMonth(); if (endDate.getDay() > startDate.getDay()) monthDiff++; else if (endDate.getDay() >= startDate.getDay() && endDate.getHour() > startDate.getHour()) monthDiff++; } else if (endDate.getMonth() < startDate.getMonth()) { monthDiff += endDate.getMonth() - startDate.getMonth(); if (endDate.getDay() <= startDate.getDay()) if (endDate.getDay() < startDate.getDay()) monthDiff--; else if (endDate.getHour() > startDate.getHour()) monthDiff++; else if (endDate.getHour() < startDate.getHour()) monthDiff--; } else if (endDate.getDay() > startDate.getDay()) monthDiff++; else if (endDate.getDay() < startDate.getDay()) monthDiff--; else if (endDate.getHour() <= startDate.getHour() && endDate.getHour() < startDate.getHour()) monthDiff--; return monthDiff; } public static int intervalDay(DateTime startDate, int startHour, DateTime endDate, int endHour) { if (startDate.getType() != 13) throw new IllegalArgumentException("startDate is not a validate DateTime which type is YEAR_TO_DAY"); if (endDate.getType() != 13) throw new IllegalArgumentException("endDate is not a validate DateTime which type is YEAR_TO_DAY"); long diffTime = (endDate.getTime() + (long) endHour * 0x36ee80L) - (startDate.getTime() + (long) startHour * 0x36ee80L); int diffDay = (int) (diffTime / 0x5265c00L); long diffT = diffTime - (long) diffDay * 0x5265c00L; if (diffT > 0L) diffDay++; else if (diffT < 0L) diffDay--; return diffDay; } public DateTime addDay(int day) { DateTime dt = new DateTime(toString()); dt.setTime(getTime() + (long) day * 0x5265c00L); return dt; } public DateTime addMonth(int iMonth) { DateTime dt = (DateTime) clone(); GregorianCalendar gval = new GregorianCalendar(); gval.setTime(dt); gval.add(2, iMonth); dt.setTime(gval.getTime().getTime()); return dt; } public DateTime addYear(int iYear) { DateTime dt = (DateTime) clone(); GregorianCalendar gval = new GregorianCalendar(); gval.setTime(dt); gval.add(1, iYear); dt.setTime(gval.getTime().getTime()); return dt; } public DateTime addHour(int hour) { DateTime dt = (DateTime) clone(); dt.setTime(getTime() + (long) hour * 0x36ee80L); return dt; } public DateTime addMinute(int minute) { DateTime dt = (DateTime) clone(); dt.setTime(getTime() + (long) minute * 60000L); return dt; } public int getType() { return type; } private static String correct(String dateString) { String resultString = dateString; if (dateString.indexOf("/") > -1) resultString = dateString.replace("/", delimiter); if (dateString.indexOf("-") > -1) resultString = dateString.replace("/", delimiter); return resultString; } public boolean isEmpty() { return empty; } private void check(DateTime dateTime, int type) { if (dateTime.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("DateTime is empty."); int types[] = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 55, 56, 57, 66, 67, 77 }; boolean isValidType = false; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (types[i] == type) isValidType = true; if (!isValidType) throw new IllegalStateException("this type is not support."); if (dateTime.getType() != type) { if (dateTime.getType() / 10 > type / 10) throw new IllegalStateException("this type is out of range of this datetime instance."); if (dateTime.getType() % 10 < type % 10) throw new IllegalStateException("this type is out of range of this datetime instance."); } } public static final int YEAR_TO_YEAR = 11; public static final int YEAR_TO_MONTH = 12; public static final int YEAR_TO_DAY = 13; public static final int YEAR_TO_HOUR = 14; public static final int YEAR_TO_MINUTE = 15; public static final int YEAR_TO_SECOND = 16; public static final int YEAR_TO_MILLISECOND = 17; public static final int MONTH_TO_MONTH = 22; public static final int MONTH_TO_DAY = 23; public static final int MONTH_TO_HOUR = 24; public static final int MONTH_TO_MINUTE = 25; public static final int MONTH_TO_SECOND = 26; public static final int MONTH_TO_MILLISECOND = 27; public static final int DAY_TO_DAY = 33; public static final int DAY_TO_HOUR = 34; public static final int DAY_TO_MINUTE = 35; public static final int DAY_TO_SECOND = 36; public static final int DAY_TO_MILLISECOND = 37; public static final int HOUR_TO_HOUR = 44; public static final int HOUR_TO_MINUTE = 45; public static final int HOUR_TO_SECOND = 46; public static final int HOUR_TO_MILLISECOND = 47; public static final int MINUTE_TO_MINUTE = 55; public static final int MINUTE_TO_SECOND = 56; public static final int MINUTE_TO_MILLISECOND = 57; public static final int SECOND_TO_SECOND = 66; public static final int SECOND_TO_MILLISECOND = 67; public static final int MILLISECOND_TO_MILLISECOND = 77; private static String delimiter = "-"; private int type; private boolean empty; }

QQ號(hào)聯(lián)系: 360901061