1. "《How Tomcat Works_Chapter 1: A Simple Web Server》"
?? 1.1: HTTP hypetext transfer protocal,
?? 1.2: Request: split a uri from address input
?? 1.3: Response: get the uri to read the file from the servers
?? 1.4: HttpServer: new a socket to receive & send bytes info
2. "《How Tomcat Works_Chapter 2: A Simple Servlet Container》"
?? 2.1: When the servlet is called for the first time, load the servlet class and call the
??????? servlet's' init method (once only)
?? 2.2: For each request, construct an instance of javax.servlet.ServletRequest and
??????? an instance of javax.servlet.ServletResponse.
?? 2.3: Invoke the servlet's' service method, passing the ServletRequest and
??????? ServletResponse objects.
?? 2.4: When the servlet class is shut down, call the servlet's' destroy method and
??????? unload the servlet class.
1 package chap1_ASimpleWebServer; 2 import java.io.File; 3 import java.io.IOException; 4 import java.io.InputStream; 5 import java.io.OutputStream; 6 import java.net.InetAddress; 7 import java.net.ServerSocket; 8 import java.net.Socket; 9 10 11 public class HttpServer { 12 public static final String WEB_ROOT = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "webroot" ; 13 14 private static final String SHUTDOWN_COMMAND = "/SHUTDOWN" ; 15 16 private boolean shutdown = false ; 17 18 public void await() { 19 ServerSocket serverSocket = null ; 20 int port = 8080 ; 21 try { 22 serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 1, InetAddress.getByName("" )); 23 } catch (IOException e) { 24 e.printStackTrace(); 25 System.exit(1 ); 26 } 27 // loop waiting for a request 28 while (! shutdown) { 29 Socket socket = null ; 30 InputStream input = null ; 31 OutputStream output = null ; 32 try { 33 socket = serverSocket.accept(); 34 input = socket.getInputStream(); 35 output = socket.getOutputStream(); 36 // create Request object & parse 37 Request request = new Request(input); 38 request.parse(); 39 // create Response object 40 Response response = new Response(output); 41 response.setRequest(request); 42 response.sendResource(); 43 // close socket 44 socket.close(); 45 // check if the previous URI is a shutdown command 46 shutdown = request.getUri().equals(SHUTDOWN_COMMAND); 47 } catch (IOException e) { 48 e.printStackTrace(); 49 continue ; 50 } 51 } 52 } 53 54 public static void main(String[] args) { 55 System.out.println(WEB_ROOT); 56 HttpServer server = new HttpServer(); 57 server.await(); 58 } 59 }
package chap1_ASimpleWebServer; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; public class Request { private InputStream input; private String uri; public Request (InputStream input) { this .input = input; } public void parse() { StringBuffer request = new StringBuffer(2048 ); int len; byte [] buffer = new byte [2048 ]; try { len = input.read(buffer); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); len = -1 ; } for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { request.append(( char )buffer[i]); // do not forget cast type byte to char } System.out.println(request.toString()); uri = parseUri(request.toString()); } private String parseUri(String requestString) { int index1, index2; index1 = requestString.indexOf(' ' ); if (index1 != -1 ) { index2 = requestString.indexOf(' ', index1 + 1 ); if (index2 > index1) { return requestString.substring(index1 + 1 , index2); } } return null ; } public String getUri() { return uri; } }
1 package chap1_ASimpleWebServer; 2 import java.io.File; 3 import java.io.FileInputStream; 4 import java.io.IOException; 5 import java.io.OutputStream; 6 7 8 public class Response { 9 private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 ; 10 Request request; 11 OutputStream output; 12 13 public Response (OutputStream output) { 14 this .output = output; 15 } 16 17 public void setRequest(Request request) { 18 this .request = request; 19 } 20 21 public void sendResource() throws IOException { 22 byte [] bytes = new byte [BUFFER_SIZE]; 23 FileInputStream fis = null ; 24 try { 25 File file = new File(HttpServer.WEB_ROOT, request.getUri()); 26 System.out.println(request.getUri().toString()); 27 if (file.exists()) { 28 fis = new FileInputStream(file); 29 int len = fis.read(bytes, 0 , BUFFER_SIZE); 30 while (len != -1 ) { 31 output.write(bytes, 0 , len); 32 len = fis.read(bytes, 0 , BUFFER_SIZE); 33 } 34 } else { 35 String errorMessage = "HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found\r\n" + 36 "ContentType: text/html\r\n" + 37 "ContentLength: 23\r\n\r\n" + 38 "<head>File Not Found</head>" ; 39 output.write(errorMessage.getBytes()); 40 } 41 } catch (Exception e) { 42 e.printStackTrace(); 43 } finally { 44 if (fis != null ) { 45 fis.close(); 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 }
簡單的html, 放在webroot文件夾下:
< html > < head > < title > Hello Tomcat! </ title > </ head > < body > < img src ="./images/tomcat.jpg" > < br > < h1 > It's Works! </ h1 > . </ body > </ html >
直接java application 運行, 在頁面上即可,結果如下:
光是如此是遠遠不夠的, 所以我們還要增加對java文件的支持(Servlet文件)。。。

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