/* ***** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_InsertEmployee] Script Date: 09/17/2012 23:28:42 ***** */ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: 插入一條雇員數據 -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [ dbo ] . [ sp_InsertEmployee ] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @Name varchar ( 50 ), @UserName varchar ( 50 ), @Password varchar ( 50 ), @Hierarchy char ( 1 ), @EmployeeTypeID int , @Sex varchar ( 5 ), @Telphone varchar ( 20 ), @CellPhone varchar ( 20 ), @QQ varchar ( 20 ), @Email varchar ( 50 ), @Statue varchar ( 20 ), @Remark varchar ( 50 ), @ManagerID int , @Regions varchar ( 1000 ) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON ; declare @ID int declare @tempSql varchar ( 2000 ) -- Insert statements for procedure here if exists ( select * from Employee where Name = @Name ) return 0 begin transaction insert into [ Employee ] ( [ Name ] , [ UserName ] , [ Password ] , [ Hierarchy ] , [ EmployeeTypeID ] , [ Sex ] , [ Telphone ] , [ CellPhone ] , [ QQ ] , [ Email ] , [ Statue ] , [ Remark ] , [ ManagerID ] ) values ( @Name , @UserName , @Password , @Hierarchy , @EmployeeTypeID , @Sex , @Telphone , @CellPhone , @QQ , @Email , @Statue , @Remark , @ManagerID ) set @ID = @@IDENTITY if exists ( select * from Permission where ID = @ID ) begin delete from Permission where EmployeeID = @ID end else begin set @tempSql = ' insert into Permission select ' + str ( @ID ) + ' , ''' + replace ( @Regions , ' , ' , ''' union select ' + str ( @ID ) + ' , ''' ) + '''' exec ( @tempSql ) end if @@ERROR > 0 begin rollback transaction end else begin commit transaction end END GO

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