該書(shū)是一本對(duì) Apple、Adobe、Flickr、Gmail、Yahoo!、Hotmail、Lotus、PayPal、Lycos、37signal、…… 等著名IT公司創(chuàng)始人的訪談錄集合, 重點(diǎn)放在這些公司 剛剛起步階段的故事 ——早期階段正是創(chuàng)業(yè)公司最艱難也是最關(guān)鍵的階段, 所以對(duì)想創(chuàng)業(yè)的,或者剛剛創(chuàng)業(yè)的人非常有指導(dǎo)意義。
David Heinemeier Hansson
Partner, 37signals and creator of Ruby on Rails
Charles Geschke
Founder of Adobe
Ron Gruner
Founder of Alliant Computer and Shareholder.com
Steve Wozniak
Founder of Apple
Philip Greenspun
Founder of ArsDigita
Evan Williams
Founder of Blogger.com and Odeo
Craig Newmark
Founder of Craigslist
Joshua Schachter
Founder of Del.icio.us
Joe Kraus
Founder of Excite and JotSpot
Blake Ross
Creator of Firefox
Caterina Fake
Founder of Flickr
Joel Spolsky
Founder of Fog Creek Software
Paul Buchheit
Creator of Gmail
Ray Ozzie
Founder of Groove Networks and Iris Associates
Sabeer Bhatia
Founder of Hotmail
James Hong
Founder of HotorNot
Mitch Kapor
Founder of Lotus
Bob Davis
Founder of Lycos
Arthur van Hoff
Founder of Marimba
Mark Fletcher
Founder of ONElist and Bloglines
Ann Winblad
Founder of Open Systems and Hummer Winblad
Max Levchin
Founder of PayPal
Mike Lazaridis
Founder of Research in Motion
Mena Trott
Founder of Six Apart
Dan Bricklin
Founder of Software Arts and creator of VisiCalc
James Currier
Founder of Tickle
Mike Ramsay
Founder of TiVo
Steve Kaufer
Founder of TripAdvisor
Paul Graham
Founder of Viaweb and Y Combinator
Brewster Kahle
Founder of WAIS, Internet Archive and Alexa Internet
Steve Perlman
Founder of WebTV
Tim Brady
First employee at Yahoo!
[創(chuàng)業(yè)] 讀書(shū)推薦:創(chuàng)業(yè)者必讀的《Founders at work: Stories of Startups' Early Days》

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