OpenCascade Shape Representation in OpenSceneGraph
關鍵字 Key Words:OpenCascade, polygon curve, triangulation,discrete edge, discrete face,? OpenSceneGraph, OSG?
一、引言 Introduction
“實體造型技術主流的是邊界表達BRep,就是模型由面和邊組成,這些面和邊都是參數化的解析曲面和曲線,當拉伸或切割實體操作時候,就是用生成的實體和已有的實體進行實體布爾運算,其實是進行的面和邊的相交運算,從而算出到新的面或者邊。比如圓柱面和平面相交,以前的圓柱面分成了兩個,同時產生出一條相交的空間橢圓曲線段,這些解析面/線邊要通過三角化算法離散成三角網格或者線段條作為逼近表達,才能用OpenGL畫出來。”以上內容來自博客: ,感謝網友的分享,言簡意賅地把造型的核心進行了說明。?
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 eryar All Rights Reserved. * * File : Main.cpp * Author : * Date : 2013-12-03 18:09 * Version : 1.0v * * Description : Draw OpenCascade polygon Curves of the edge * and triangulations of the face in OpenSceneGraph. * When you want to display the shape in the computer, * you can not display the geometry exactly, the only * way to show them is in the approximation form. * * Key Words : OpenCascade, polygon curve, triangulation, * discrete edge, discrete face, OpenSceneGraph, OSG * */ // OpenCascade library. #define WNT #include <gp_Circ.hxx> #include <gp_Elips.hxx> #include <gp_Sphere.hxx> #include <Poly_Polygon3D.hxx> #include <Poly_Triangulation.hxx> #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx> #include <TopoDS_Face.hxx> #include <BRep_Tool.hxx> #include <BRepMesh.hxx> #include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx> #include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx> #pragma comment(lib, "TKernel.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "TKMath.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "TKBRep.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "TKMesh.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "TKTopAlgo.lib") // OpenSceneGraph library. #include <osgDB/ReadFile> #include <osgViewer/Viewer> #include <osgGA/StateSetManipulator> #include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers> #pragma comment(lib, "osgd.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "osgDBd.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "osgGAd.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "osgViewerd.lib") /* * @breif Descret the shape: edge. * For Edge will be discreted to polylines; (GCPnts_TangentialDeflection) * To get the polyline of the edge, use BRep_Tool::Polygon3D(Edge, L); */ osg::Node * BuildPolyline( const TopoDS_Edge& edge, double deflection = 0.1 ) { osg::ref_ptr <osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode(); osg::ref_ptr <osg::Geometry> linesGeom = new osg::Geometry(); osg::ref_ptr <osg::Vec3Array> pointsVec = new osg::Vec3Array(); TopLoc_Location location; BRepMesh::Mesh(edge, deflection); Handle_Poly_Polygon3D polyline = BRep_Tool::Polygon3D(edge, location); for ( int i = 1 ; i < polyline->NbNodes(); i++ ) { gp_Pnt point = polyline-> Nodes().Value(i); pointsVec -> push_back(osg::Vec3(point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z())); } // Set the color of the polyline. osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4Array> colors = new osg::Vec4Array; colors ->push_back(osg::Vec4( 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f )); linesGeom ->setColorArray(colors. get ()); linesGeom -> setColorBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL); // Set vertex array. linesGeom-> setVertexArray(pointsVec); linesGeom ->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, 0 , pointsVec-> size())); geode ->addDrawable(linesGeom. get ()); return geode.release(); } /* * @breif Descret the shape: face. * For Face will be discreted to triangles; (BRepMesh_FastDiscret) * To get the triangles of the face, use BRep_Tool::Triangulation(Face, L); */ osg::Node * BuildMesh( const TopoDS_Face& face, double deflection = 0.1 ) { osg::ref_ptr <osg::Geode> geode = new osg::Geode(); osg::ref_ptr <osg::Geometry> triGeom = new osg::Geometry(); osg::ref_ptr <osg::Vec3Array> vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(); osg::ref_ptr <osg::Vec3Array> normals = new osg::Vec3Array(); TopLoc_Location location; BRepMesh::Mesh(face, deflection); Handle_Poly_Triangulation triFace = BRep_Tool::Triangulation(face, location); Standard_Integer nTriangles = triFace-> NbTriangles(); gp_Pnt vertex1; gp_Pnt vertex2; gp_Pnt vertex3; Standard_Integer nVertexIndex1 = 0 ; Standard_Integer nVertexIndex2 = 0 ; Standard_Integer nVertexIndex3 = 0 ; TColgp_Array1OfPnt nodes( 1 , triFace-> NbNodes()); Poly_Array1OfTriangle triangles( 1 , triFace-> NbTriangles()); nodes = triFace-> Nodes(); triangles = triFace-> Triangles(); for (Standard_Integer i = 1 ; i <= nTriangles; i++ ) { Poly_Triangle aTriangle = triangles.Value(i); aTriangle.Get(nVertexIndex1, nVertexIndex2, nVertexIndex3); vertex1 = nodes.Value(nVertexIndex1).Transformed(location.Transformation()); vertex2 = nodes.Value(nVertexIndex2).Transformed(location.Transformation()); vertex3 = nodes.Value(nVertexIndex3).Transformed(location.Transformation()); gp_XYZ vector12(vertex2.XYZ() - vertex1.XYZ()); gp_XYZ vector13(vertex3.XYZ() - vertex1.XYZ()); gp_XYZ normal = vector12.Crossed(vector13); Standard_Real rModulus = normal.Modulus(); if (rModulus > gp::Resolution()) { normal.Normalize(); } else { normal.SetCoord( 0 ., 0 ., 0 .); } // if (face.Orientable() != TopAbs_FORWARD) // { // normal.Reverse(); // } vertices -> push_back(osg::Vec3(vertex1.X(), vertex1.Y(), vertex1.Z())); vertices -> push_back(osg::Vec3(vertex2.X(), vertex2.Y(), vertex2.Z())); vertices -> push_back(osg::Vec3(vertex3.X(), vertex3.Y(), vertex3.Z())); normals -> push_back(osg::Vec3(normal.X(), normal.Y(), normal.Z())); } triGeom ->setVertexArray(vertices. get ()); triGeom ->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, 0 , vertices-> size())); triGeom -> setNormalArray(normals); triGeom -> setNormalBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE); geode -> addDrawable(triGeom); return geode.release(); } osg::Node * BuildScene( void ) { osg::ref_ptr <osg::Group> root = new osg::Group(); gp_Ax2 axis; // 1. Test circle while deflection is default 0.1; TopoDS_Edge circleEdge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Circ(axis, 6.0 )); root -> addChild(BuildPolyline(circleEdge1)); // 2. Test circle while deflection is 0.001. axis.SetLocation(gp_Pnt( 8.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )); axis.SetDirection(gp_Dir( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 )); TopoDS_Edge circleEdge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Circ(axis, 6.0 )); root ->addChild(BuildPolyline(circleEdge2, 0.001 )); // 3. Test ellipse while deflection is 1.0. TopoDS_Edge ellipseEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(gp_Elips(gp::XOY(), 16.0 , 8.0 )); root ->addChild(BuildPolyline(ellipseEdge, 1.0 )); // 4. Test sphere face while deflection is default 0.1. axis.SetLocation(gp_Pnt( 26.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )); TopoDS_Face sphereFace1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(gp_Sphere(axis, 8.0 )); root -> addChild(BuildMesh(sphereFace1)); // 5. Test sphere face while deflection is 2.0. axis.SetLocation(gp_Pnt( 26.0 , 18.0 , 0.0 )); TopoDS_Face sphereFace2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(gp_Sphere(axis, 8.0 )); root ->addChild(BuildMesh(sphereFace2, 2.0 )); // 6. Test sphere face while deflection is 0.001. axis.SetLocation(gp_Pnt( 26.0 , - 18.0 , 0.0 )); TopoDS_Face sphereFace3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(gp_Sphere(axis, 8.0 )); root ->addChild(BuildMesh(sphereFace3, 0.001 )); return root.release(); } int main( void ) { osgViewer::Viewer myViewer; myViewer.setSceneData(BuildScene()); myViewer.addEventHandler( new osgGA::StateSetManipulator(myViewer.getCamera()-> getOrCreateStateSet())); myViewer.addEventHandler( new osgViewer::StatsHandler); myViewer.addEventHandler( new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler); return; }
Figure 2.1 Edge and Face representation in OpenSceneGraph?
Figure 2.2 Edge and Face representation in OpenSceneGraph?
其中,邊的離散化使用到了類:GCPnts_TangentialDeflection;面的離散化使用到了類:BRepMesh_FastDiscret。有興趣的讀者可跟蹤調試,理解其具體實現的算法。邊的離散應該很好理解,面的離散使用了Delauney三角剖分算法。關于Delauney三角剖分算法的介紹可參考博客: 。?
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