96% of cancer patients in a hospital claim to be in better health than the average cancer patient.
93% of motorists consider themselves to be safer-than-average drivers.
90% students see themselves as more intelligent than the average student.
94% of college professors said they are better-than-average teachers.
Ironically, 92% said they are less biased than average, too.
The psychology term for this is illusory superiority.
To me, this was like finding out I'm a cylon, or this is the Matrix.? Hard to accept facts.
At first, like almost everybody, I thought, “Yes, but I really am above average!”? Then I realized I was doing it again.
So I decided to gamble on the opposite:
I now just assume I'm below average.
It serves me well.
I listen more.? I ask a lot of questions.
I've stopped thinking others are stupid.? I assume most people are smarter than me.
To assume you're below average is to admit you're a beginner.? It puts you in student mind. It keeps your focus on present practice and future possibilities, and away from any past accomplishments.
Most people are so worried about looking good that they never do anything great.
Most people are so worried about doing something great that they never do anything at all.
You destroy that paralysis when you think of yourself as such a beginner that just doing anything is an accomplishment.
直譯就是 "保持饑餓,保持愚蠢" 。也就是說,喬布斯告誡年輕人,永遠懷有強烈的求知欲,以及虛心求教的態度。
我原以為,這句話只是一句勵志格言。今天看到一篇 文章 , 才意識到它其實是一種糾正人類心理缺陷的對策。
* 96%的癌癥病人,認為自己比其他癌癥病人健康。
* 93%的司機,認為自己的安全意識高于普通司機。
* 90%的學生,認為自己的智力在平均水平之上。
* 94%的教授,認為自己的教學水平高于學校的平均水平。
* 92%的訪問者,都認為自己比一般人更公正。
這種對自己的高估是普遍存在的。心理學有一個專門名詞,就叫做 "虛幻的優越性" (illusory superiority)。
正是由于這個原因,喬布斯才會說"stay foolish",因為大多數人意識不到這一點。他們覺得自己不是foolish,而是smart(聰明)。一個典型表現就是,許多人都急于讓別人知道自 己的看法,哪怕對方根本沒有詢問你。
大多數人太關注自己的形象,覺得顯露無知是很丟人的事情,所以他們寧愿假裝懂得,也不愿開口詢問。他們一心想讓別人看到,自己干得多么漂亮,但是又 不肯接受丑陋的結果,所以到頭來一事無成。

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