? ? ? ? 為充分利用向量空間,克服"假溢出"現象的方法是:將向量空間想象為一個首尾相接的圓環,并稱這種向量為循環向量。存儲在其中的隊列稱為循環隊列(Circular Queue)。
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ?? 循環隊列中,由于入隊時尾指針向前追趕頭指針;出隊時頭指針向前追趕尾指針,造成隊空和隊滿時頭尾指針均相等。因此,無法通過條件front==rear來判別隊列是"空"還是"滿"。
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? ??
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ??
① 另設一布爾變量以區別隊列的空和滿;
? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ② 另一種方式就是數據結構常用的: 隊滿時:(rear+1)%n==front,n為隊列長度(所用數組大小),由于rear,front均為所用空間的指針,循環只是邏輯上的循環,所以需要求余運算。如圖情況,隊已滿,但是rear(5)+1=6!=front(0),對空間長度求余,作用就在此6%6=0=front(0)。
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ? ③ 設隊列中元素個數大小,和內存大小個數。判斷比較二個值是否相等。.
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? ??
? ??
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? ??
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? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ??
/** * IsFull * * @param * @return BOOL * @note the buffer is full? * @attention */ template<typename T> BOOL AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::IsFull() const { return (m_dwMaxSize <= Size()) ? TRUE:FALSE; // /*"Sacrifice a unit", ie rear +1 = front (accurately recorded is (rear +1)% m = front, m is the queue capacity) // when the team is full.*/ // if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) { // return FALSE; // } // // return ((m_dwRear+1)%m_dwMaxSize == m_dwFront) ? TRUE:FALSE; }
? ?? ? ?? 系統作為隊列用的存儲區還沒有滿,但隊列卻發生了溢出,我們把這種現象稱為"假溢出"。
? ?? ? ? ? 舉例
? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? 設順序存儲隊列用一維數組q[m]表示,其中m為隊列中元素個數,隊列中元素在向量中的下標從0到m-1。 設隊頭指針為front,隊尾指針是rear,約定front指向隊頭元素的前一位置,rear指向隊尾元素。當front等于-1時隊空,rear等于 m-1時為隊滿。由于隊列的性質(“刪除”在隊頭而“插入”在隊尾),所以當隊尾指針rear等于m-1時,若front不等于-1,則隊列中 仍 有空閑單元,所以隊列并不是真滿。這時若再有入隊操作,會造成假“溢出”。
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? ? ? ??
? ? ? ??
① 另設一布爾變量以區別隊列的空和滿;
? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ② 另一種方式就是數據結構常用的: 隊滿時:(rear+1)%n==front,n為隊列長度(所用數組大小),由于rear,front均為所用空間的指針,循環只是邏輯上的循環,所以需要求余運算。如圖情況,隊已滿,但是rear(5)+1=6!=front(0),對空間長度求余,作用就 ? ?? 在此6%6=0=front(0)。
? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ③ 設隊列中元素個數大小,和內存大小個數。判斷比較二個值是否相等。.
本文采用 循環隊列 解決 假溢出
? ? ? ? 隊列是一種特殊的線性表,特殊之處在于它只允許在表的前端(front)進行刪除操作,而在表的后端(rear)進行插入操作,和棧一樣,隊列是一種操作受限制的線性表。進行插入操作的端稱為隊尾,進行刪除操作的端稱為隊頭。隊列中沒有元素時,稱為空隊列。
? ? ? ??在隊列這種數據結構中,最先插入的元素將是最先被刪除的元素;反之最后插入的元素將是最后被刪除的元素,因此隊列又稱為“先進先出”(FIFO—first in first out)的線性表。
? ? ? ??(1)允許刪除的一端稱為隊頭(Front)。
? ? ? ??(2)允許插入的一端稱為隊尾(Rear)。
? ? ? ??(3)當隊列中沒有元素時稱為空隊列。
? ? ? ??(4)隊列亦稱作先進先出(First In First Out)的線性表,簡稱為FIFO表。
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ??隊列的修改是依先進先出的原則進行的。新來的成員總是加入隊尾(即不允許"加塞"),每次離開的成員總是隊列頭上的(不允許中途離隊),即當前"最老的"成員離隊。
? ? ? ??
? ? ? ??在計算機中用一組地址連續的存儲單元依次存儲線性表的各個數據元素,稱作線性表的順序存儲結構.
? ? ? ??順序存儲結構是存儲結構類型中的一種,該結構是把邏輯上相鄰的節點存儲在物理位置上相鄰的存儲單元中,結點之間的邏輯關系由存儲單元的鄰接關系來體現。由此得到的存儲結構為順序存儲結構,通常順序存儲結構是借助于計算機程序設計語言(例如c/c++)的數組來描述的。
? ? ? ??順序存儲結構的主要優點是節省存儲空間,因為分配給數據的存儲單元全用存放結點的數據(不考慮c/c++語言中數組需指定大小的情況),結點之間的邏輯關系沒有占用額外的存儲空間。采用這種方法時,可實現對結點的隨機存取,即每一個結點對應一個序號,由該序號可以直接計算出來結點的存儲地址。但順序存儲方法的主要缺點是不便于修改,對結點的插入、刪除運算時,可能要移動一系列的結點。
? ? ? ??
? ? ?? ??優點:
? ? ? ??? ? ? ??隨機存取表中元素。缺點:插入和刪除操作需要移動元素。
? ? ? ? 本代碼默認list可以容納的item數目為100個,用戶可以自行設置item數目。當list飽和時,會自動以2倍的長度進行遞增。
? ? ? ?C++完整個代碼示例(代碼在VS2005下測試可運行)
? ? ? ?
/** @(#)$Id: AL_QueueCircularSeq.h 37 2013-09-09 04:10:00Z xiaoting $ @brief To take advantage of vector space, to overcome the "false overflow" phenomenon is: the vector space imagined as an end to end of the ring, saying such a vector is cyclic vector. Stored in a queue which is called circular queue (Circular Queue). A queue is a special linear form, so special is that it only allows the front end of the table (front) delete operation, and the rear end of the table (rear) for insertion, and the stack, as the queue is an operating by restricted linear form. Insert operation is called the tail end, the end delete operation called HOL. No element in the queue, it is called an empty queue. This data structure in the queue, the first element inserted will be the first element to be removed; otherwise the last inserted element will be the last element to be removed, so the queue is also known as "first in first out" (FIFO-first in first out) linear form. ////////////////////////////////Sequential storage structure////////////////////////////////////////// Using a set of addresses in the computer storage unit sequentially stores continuous linear form of individual data elements, called the linear order of the table storage structure. Sequential storage structure is a type of a storage structure, the structure is the logically adjacent nodes stored in the physical location of the adjacent memory cells, the logical relationship between nodes from the storage unit to reflect the adjacency. Storage structure thus obtained is stored in order structure, usually by means of sequential storage structure computer programming language (e.g., c / c) of the array to describe. The main advantage of the storage structure in order to save storage space, because the allocation to the data storage unit storing all nodes with data (without regard to c / c language in the array size required for the case), the logical relationship between the nodes does not take additional storage space. In this method, the node can be realized on a random access, that is, each node corresponds to a number, the number can be calculated directly from the node out of the memory address. However, the main disadvantage of sequential storage method is easy to modify the node insert, delete operations, may have to move a series of nodes. ???????? Benefits: Random Access table elements. Disadvantages: insert and delete operations need to move elements. @Author $Author: xiaoting $ @Date $Date: 2013-09-09 12:10:00 +0800 (周一, 09 九月 2013) $ @Revision $Revision: 37 $ @URL $URL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_QueueCircularSeq.h $ @Header $Header: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_QueueCircularSeq.h 37 2013-09-09 04:10:00Z xiaoting $ */ #ifndef CXX_AL_QUEUECIRCULARSEQ_H #define CXX_AL_QUEUECIRCULARSEQ_H /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AL_QueueCircularSeq /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename T> class AL_QueueCircularSeq { public: static const DWORD QUEUESEQ_DEFAULTSIZE = 100; static const DWORD QUEUESEQ_MAXSIZE = 0xffffffff; /** * Construction * * @param DWORD dwSize (default value: STACKSEQ_DEFAULTSIZE) * @return * @note * @attention */ AL_QueueCircularSeq(DWORD dwSize = QUEUESEQ_DEFAULTSIZE); /** * Destruction * * @param * @return * @note * @attention */ ~AL_QueueCircularSeq(); /** * IsEmpty * * @param VOID * @return BOOL * @note Returns true queue is empty * @attention */ BOOL IsEmpty() const; /** * Front * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Returns a reference to the first element at the front of the queue. * @attention */ T Front() const; /** * Back * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Returns a reference to the last and most recently added element at the back of the queue. * @attention */ T Back() const; /** * Pop * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Removes an element from the front of the queue. * @attention */ T Pop(); /** * Push * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Adds an element to the back of the queue. * @attention */ VOID Push(const T& tTemplate); /** * Size * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Returns the number of elements in the queue * @attention */ DWORD Size() const; /** * Clear * * @param VOID * @return VOID * @note clear all data * @attention */ VOID Clear(); protected: private: /** * GetBuffer * * @param VOID * @return VOID * @note get the work buffer * @attention when the buffer is not enough, it will become to double */ VOID GetBuffer(); /** * IsFull * * @param VOID * @return BOOL * @note the buffer is full? * @attention */ BOOL IsFull() const; public: protected: private: T* m_pElements; DWORD m_dwMaxSize; DWORD m_dwSize; DWORD m_dwFront; DWORD m_dwRear; }; /** * Construction * * @param DWORD dwSize (default value: STACKSEQ_DEFAULTSIZE) * @return * @note * @attention */ template<typename T> AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::AL_QueueCircularSeq(DWORD dwSize): m_pElements(NULL), m_dwMaxSize(dwSize), m_dwSize(0x00), m_dwFront(0x00), m_dwRear(0x00) { if (0x00 == m_dwMaxSize) { //for memory deal m_dwMaxSize = 1; } GetBuffer(); } /** * Destruction * * @param * @return * @note * @attention */ template<typename T> AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::~AL_QueueCircularSeq() { if (NULL != m_pElements) { delete[] m_pElements; m_pElements = NULL; } } /** * IsEmpty * * @param VOID * @return BOOL * @note Returns true queue is empty * @attention */ template<typename T> BOOL AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::IsEmpty() const { return (0x00 == m_dwSize) ? TRUE:FALSE; } /** * Front * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Returns a reference to the first element at the front of the queue. * @attention */ template<typename T> T AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::Front() const { T tTypeTemp; memset(&tTypeTemp, 0x00, sizeof(T)); if (TRUE ==IsEmpty()) { return tTypeTemp; } return m_pElements[m_dwFront]; } /** * Back * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Returns a reference to the last and most recently added element at the back of the queue. * @attention */ template<typename T> T AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::Back() const { T tTypeTemp; memset(&tTypeTemp, 0x00, sizeof(T)); if (TRUE ==IsEmpty()) { return tTypeTemp; } return m_pElements[m_dwRear]; } /** * Pop * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Removes an element from the front of the queue. * @attention */ template<typename T> T AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::Pop() { T tTypeTemp; memset(&tTypeTemp, 0x00, sizeof(T)); if (TRUE ==IsEmpty()) { return tTypeTemp; } tTypeTemp = m_pElements[m_dwFront]; memset(&m_pElements[m_dwFront], 0x00, sizeof(T)); m_dwFront = (m_dwFront+1)%m_dwMaxSize; m_dwSize--; return tTypeTemp; } /** * Push * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Adds an element to the back of the queue. * @attention */ template<typename T> VOID AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::Push(const T& tTemplate) { if (TRUE == IsFull()) { // full, need to get more work buffer GetBuffer(); } if (0x00 == m_dwFront && TRUE == IsEmpty()) { //the first time Push, not need to ++ m_dwRear = 0x00; } else { m_dwRear = (m_dwRear+1)%m_dwMaxSize; } m_pElements[m_dwRear] = tTemplate; m_dwSize++; } /** * Size * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Returns the number of elements in the queue * @attention */ template<typename T> DWORD AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::Size() const { return m_dwSize; } /** * Clear * * @param VOID * @return VOID * @note clear all data * @attention */ template<typename T> VOID AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::Clear() { memset(m_pElements, 0x00, sizeof(T)*Size()); m_dwSize = 0x00; m_dwFront = 0x00; m_dwRear = 0x00; } /** * GetBuffer * * @param VOID * @return VOID * @note get the work buffer * @attention when the buffer is not enough, it will become to double */ template<typename T> VOID AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::GetBuffer() { if ( (FALSE == IsFull()) &&(NULL != m_pElements) ) { //we do not need to get more buffer return; } if (NULL == m_pElements) { if(0 < m_dwMaxSize){ //get the new work buffer m_pElements = new T[m_dwMaxSize]; memset(m_pElements, 0x00, sizeof(T)*m_dwMaxSize); } return; } //we need to get more buffer, store the previous pointer T* pLastTpye = NULL; DWORD pLastSize = 0x00; // it will become to double pLastSize = m_dwMaxSize; pLastTpye = m_pElements; if (QUEUESEQ_MAXSIZE == m_dwMaxSize) { //can not get more buffer, please check the application return; } else if (QUEUESEQ_MAXSIZE/2 < m_dwMaxSize) { m_dwMaxSize = QUEUESEQ_MAXSIZE; } else { m_dwMaxSize *= 2; } if(0 < m_dwMaxSize){ //get the new work buffer m_pElements = new T[m_dwMaxSize]; memset(m_pElements, 0x00, sizeof(T)*m_dwMaxSize); } //need to copy the last to the current memcpy(m_pElements, pLastTpye, sizeof(T)*pLastSize); //m_dwFront move to the front m_dwFront = 0x00; //m_dwFront move to the rear m_dwRear = Size() - 1; //free the last work buffer delete[] pLastTpye; pLastTpye = NULL; } /** * IsFull * * @param * @return BOOL * @note the buffer is full? * @attention */ template<typename T> BOOL AL_QueueCircularSeq<T>::IsFull() const { return (m_dwMaxSize <= Size()) ? TRUE:FALSE; // /*"Sacrifice a unit", ie rear +1 = front (accurately recorded is (rear +1)% m = front, m is the queue capacity) // when the team is full.*/ // if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) { // return FALSE; // } // // return ((m_dwRear+1)%m_dwMaxSize == m_dwFront) ? TRUE:FALSE; } #endif // CXX_AL_QUEUECIRCULARSEQ_H /* EOF */
#ifdef TEST_AL_QUEUECIRCULARSEQ AL_QueueCircularSeq<DWORD> cQueueCircularSeq(1); BOOL bEmpty = cQueueCircularSeq.IsEmpty(); std::cout<<bEmpty<<std::endl; DWORD dwSize = cQueueCircularSeq.Size(); std::cout<<dwSize<<std::endl; DWORD dwFront = cQueueCircularSeq.Front(); std::cout<<dwFront<<std::endl; DWORD dwBack = cQueueCircularSeq.Back(); std::cout<<dwBack<<std::endl; DWORD dwPop = cQueueCircularSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; cQueueCircularSeq.Push(999); bEmpty = cQueueCircularSeq.IsEmpty(); std::cout<<bEmpty<<std::endl; dwSize = cQueueCircularSeq.Size(); std::cout<<dwSize<<std::endl; dwFront = cQueueCircularSeq.Front(); std::cout<<dwFront<<std::endl; dwBack = cQueueCircularSeq.Back(); std::cout<<dwBack<<std::endl; dwPop = cQueueCircularSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; for (DWORD dwCnt=1; dwCnt<5; dwCnt++) { cQueueCircularSeq.Push(dwCnt); dwBack = cQueueCircularSeq.Back(); std::cout<<dwBack<<std::endl; } dwPop = cQueueCircularSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; dwPop = cQueueCircularSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; for (DWORD dwCnt=5; dwCnt<16; dwCnt++) { cQueueCircularSeq.Push(dwCnt); dwBack = cQueueCircularSeq.Back(); std::cout<<dwBack<<std::endl; } dwSize = cQueueCircularSeq.Size(); std::cout<<dwSize<<std::endl; dwFront = cQueueCircularSeq.Front(); std::cout<<dwFront<<std::endl; while (0x00 != cQueueCircularSeq.Size()) { dwPop = cQueueCircularSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; } bEmpty = cQueueCircularSeq.IsEmpty(); std::cout<<bEmpty<<std::endl; dwSize = cQueueCircularSeq.Size(); std::cout<<dwSize<<std::endl; dwFront = cQueueCircularSeq.Front(); std::cout<<dwFront<<std::endl; dwBack = cQueueCircularSeq.Back(); std::cout<<dwBack<<std::endl; dwPop = cQueueCircularSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; #endif
[置頂] ※數據結構※→☆線性表結構(queue)☆============循環隊列 順序存儲結構(queue circular sequence)(十)

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