1.視圖 存儲過程 觸發器 批量加密(With Encryption),單個解密?
在運行過程中自己找不到啟用DAC 的地方,鏈接的時候需要在服務器名稱前面添加ADMIN:,如本機是ADMIN:WP-PC?
另外加密后的對象可以用SQL prompt 直接單獨查看,所以意義不是很大;防一些不懂的人吧,親測可以使用;
--加密存儲過程? 可以批量加密參數All 或者單個加密? 已經加密的會有提示

Use master Go if object_ID ( ' [sp_EncryptObject] ' ) is not null Drop Procedure [ sp_EncryptObject ] Go create procedure sp_EncryptObject ( @Object sysname = ' All ' ) as /* 當@Object=All的時候,對所有的函數,存儲過程,視圖和觸發器進行加密 調用方法: 1. Execute sp_EncryptObject 'All' 2. Execute sp_EncryptObject 'ObjectName' */ begin set nocount on if @Object <> ' All ' begin if not exists ( select 1 from sys.objects a where a. object_id = object_id ( @Object ) And a.type in ( ' P ' , ' V ' , ' TR ' , ' FN ' , ' IF ' , ' TF ' )) begin -- SQL Server 2008 raiserror 50001 N ' 無效的加密對象!加密對象必須是函數,存儲過程,視圖或觸發器。 ' -- SQL Server 2012 -- throw 50001, N'無效的加密對象!加密對象必須是函數,存儲過程,視圖或觸發器。',1 return end if exists ( select 1 from sys.sql_modules a where a. object_id = object_id ( @Object ) and a.definition is null ) begin -- SQL Server 2008 raiserror 50001 N ' 對象已經加密! ' -- SQL Server 2012 -- throw 50001, N'對象已經加密!',1 return end end declare @sql nvarchar ( max ), @C1 nchar ( 1 ), @C2 nchar ( 1 ), @type nvarchar ( 50 ), @Replace nvarchar ( 50 ) set @C1 = nchar ( 13 ) set @C2 = nchar ( 10 ) declare cur_Object cursor for select object_name (a. object_id ) As ObjectName,a.definition from sys.sql_modules a inner join sys.objects b on b. object_id = a. object_id and b.is_ms_shipped = 0 and not exists ( select 1 from sys.extended_properties x where x.major_id = b. object_id and x.minor_id = 0 and x.class = 1 and x.name = ' microsoft_database_tools_support ' ) where b.type in ( ' P ' , ' V ' , ' TR ' , ' FN ' , ' IF ' , ' TF ' ) and (b.name = @Object or @Object = ' All ' ) and b.name <> ' sp_EncryptObject ' and a.definition is not null order by Case when b.type = ' V ' then 1 when b.type = ' TR ' then 2 when b.type in ( ' FN ' , ' IF ' , ' TF ' ) then 3 else 4 end ,b.create_date,b. object_id open cur_Object fetch next from cur_Object into @Object , @sql while @@fetch_status = 0 begin Begin Try if objectproperty ( object_id ( @Object ), ' ExecIsAfterTrigger ' ) = 0 set @Replace = ' As ' ; else set @Replace = ' For ' ; if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C1 + @C2 + @Replace + @C1 + @C2 + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C1 + @C2 + @Replace + @C1 + @C2 , @C1 + @C2 + ' With Encryption ' + @C1 + @C2 + @Replace + @C1 + @C2 ) end else if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C1 + @Replace + @C1 + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C1 + @Replace + @C1 , @C1 + ' With Encryption ' + @C1 + @Replace + @C1 ) end else if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C2 + @Replace + @C2 + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C2 + @Replace + @C2 , @C2 + ' With Encryption ' + @C2 + @Replace + @C2 ) end else if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C2 + @Replace + @C1 + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C2 + @Replace + @C1 , @C1 + ' With Encryption ' + @C2 + @Replace + @C1 ) end else if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C1 + @C2 + @Replace + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C1 + @C2 + @Replace , @C1 + @C2 + ' With Encryption ' + @C1 + @C2 + @Replace ) end else if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C1 + @Replace + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C1 + @Replace , @C1 + ' With Encryption ' + @C1 + @Replace ) end else if ( patindex ( ' % ' + @C2 + @Replace + ' % ' , @sql ) > 0 ) begin set @sql = Replace ( @sql , @C2 + @Replace , @C2 + ' With Encryption ' + @C2 + @Replace ) end set @type = case when object_id ( @Object , ' P ' ) > 0 then ' Proc ' when object_id ( @Object , ' V ' ) > 0 then ' View ' when object_id ( @Object , ' TR ' ) > 0 then ' Trigger ' when object_id ( @Object , ' FN ' ) > 0 or object_id ( @Object , ' IF ' ) > 0 or object_id ( @Object , ' TF ' ) > 0 then ' Function ' end set @sql = Replace ( @sql , ' Create ' + @type , ' Alter ' + @type ) Begin Transaction exec ( @sql ) print N ' 已完成加密對象( ' + @type + ' ): ' + @Object Commit Transaction End Try Begin Catch Declare @Error nvarchar ( 2047 ) Set @Error = ' Object: ' + @Object + @C1 + @C2 + ' Error: ' + Error_message() Rollback Transaction print @Error print @sql End Catch fetch next from cur_Object into @Object , @sql end close cur_Object deallocate cur_Object end Go exec sp_ms_marksystemobject ' sp_EncryptObject ' -- 標識為系統對象 go

Use master Go if object_ID ( ' [sp_DecryptObject] ' ) is not null Drop Procedure [ sp_DecryptObject ] Go create procedure sp_DecryptObject ( @Object sysname, -- 要解密的對象名:函數,存儲過程,視圖或觸發器 @MaxLength int = 4000 -- 評估內容的長度 ) as set nocount on /* 1. 解密 */ if not exists ( select 1 from sys.objects a where a. object_id = object_id ( @Object ) And a.type in ( ' P ' , ' V ' , ' TR ' , ' FN ' , ' IF ' , ' TF ' )) begin -- SQL Server 2008 raiserror 50001 N ' 無效的對象!要解密的對象必須是函數,存儲過程,視圖或觸發器。 ' -- SQL Server 2012 -- throw 50001, N'無效的對象!要解密的對象必須是函數,存儲過程,視圖或觸發器。',1 return end if exists ( select 1 from sys.sql_modules a where a. object_id = object_id ( @Object ) and a.definition is not null ) begin -- SQL Server 2008 raiserror 50001 N ' 對象沒有加密! ' -- SQL Server 2012 -- throw 50001, N'無效的對象!要解密的對象必須是函數,存儲過程,視圖或觸發器。',1 return end declare @sql nvarchar ( max ) -- 解密出來的SQL語句 , @imageval nvarchar ( max ) -- 加密字符串 , @tmpStr nvarchar ( max ) -- 臨時SQL語句 , @tmpStr_imageval nvarchar ( max ) -- 臨時SQL語句(加密后) , @type char ( 2 ) -- 對象類型('P','V','TR','FN','IF','TF') , @objectID int -- 對象ID , @i int -- While循環使用 , @Oject1 nvarchar ( 1000 ) set @objectID = object_id ( @Object ) set @type = ( select a.type from sys.objects a where a. object_id = @objectID ) declare @Space4000 nchar ( 4000 ) set @Space4000 = replicate ( ' - ' , 4000 ) /* @tmpStr 會構造下面的SQL語句 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter trigger Tr_Name on Table_Name with encryption for update as return /* */ alter proc Proc_Name with encryption as select 1 as col /**/ alter view View_Name with encryption as select 1 as col /**/ alter function Fn_Name() returns int with encryption as begin return ( 0 ) end /**/ */ set @Oject1 = quotename (object_schema_name( @objectID )) + ' . ' + quotename ( @Object ) set @tmpStr = case when @type = ' P ' then N ' Alter Procedure ' + @Oject1 + ' with encryption as select 1 as column1 ' when @type = ' V ' then N ' Alter View ' + @Oject1 + ' with encryption as select 1 as column1 ' when @type = ' FN ' then N ' Alter Function ' + @Oject1 + ' () returns int with encryption as begin return(0) end ' when @type = ' IF ' then N ' Alter Function ' + @Oject1 + ' () returns table with encryption as return(Select a.name from sys.types a) ' when @type = ' TF ' then N ' Alter Function ' + @Oject1 + ' () returns @t table(name nvarchar(50)) with encryption as begin return end ' else ' Alter Trigger ' + @Oject1 + ' on ' + quotename (object_schema_name( @objectID )) + ' . ' + ( select Top ( 1 ) quotename ( object_name (parent_id)) from sys.triggers a where a. object_id = @objectID ) + ' with encryption for update as return ' end set @tmpStr = @tmpStr + ' /* ' + @Space4000 set @i = 0 while @i < ( ceiling ( @MaxLength * 1.0 / 4000 ) - 1 ) begin set @tmpStr = @tmpStr + @Space4000 Set @i = @i + 1 end set @tmpStr = @tmpStr + ' */ ' -- ---------- set @imageval = ( select top ( 1 ) a.imageval from sys.sysobjvalues a where a.objid = @objectID and a.valclass = 1 ) begin tran exec ( @tmpStr ) set @tmpStr_imageval = ( select top ( 1 ) a.imageval from sys.sysobjvalues a where a.objid = @objectID and a.valclass = 1 ) rollback tran -- ----------- set @tmpStr = stuff ( @tmpStr , 1 , 5 , ' create ' ) set @sql = '' set @i = 1 while @i <= ( datalength ( @imageval ) / 2 ) begin set @sql = @sql + isnull ( nchar ( unicode ( substring ( @tmpStr , @i , 1 )) ^ unicode ( substring ( @tmpStr_imageval , @i , 1 )) ^ unicode ( substring ( @imageval , @i , 1 )) ), '' ) Set @i += 1 end /* 2. 列印 */ declare @patindex int while @sql > '' begin set @patindex = patindex ( ' % ' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 10 ) + ' % ' , @sql ) if @patindex > 0 begin print substring ( @sql , 1 , @patindex - 1 ) set @sql = stuff ( @sql , 1 , @patindex + 1 , '' ) end else begin set @patindex = patindex ( ' % ' + char ( 13 ) + ' % ' , @sql ) if @patindex > 0 begin print substring ( @sql , 1 , @patindex - 1 ) set @sql = stuff ( @sql , 1 , @patindex , '' ) end else begin set @patindex = patindex ( ' % ' + char ( 10 ) + ' % ' , @sql ) if @patindex > 0 begin print substring ( @sql , 1 , @patindex - 1 ) set @sql = stuff ( @sql , 1 , @patindex , '' ) end else begin print @sql set @sql = '' end end end end Go exec sp_ms_marksystemobject ' sp_DecryptObject ' -- 標識為系統對象 go
CREATE PROC sp_SplitResult2 With Encryption As BEGIN SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders END exec sp_DecryptObject sp_SplitResult2
下面的是利用工具批量解密 網址 都是華仔的
-- 前面先取一次數據,后面再調用賦值的變量 在循環里面利用賦值的變量 去到課程表里面找所選課程數量

-- 假設有2個表 tStudent(sno,name ) tCourse(sno CourseName) IF OBJECT_ID ( ' tStudent ' ) > 0 DROP TABLE tStudent IF OBJECT_ID ( ' tCourse ' ) > 0 DROP TABLE tCourse CREATE TABLE tStudent ( sno VARCHAR ( 10 ) , name NVARCHAR ( 10 ) ) CREATE TABLE tCourse ( sno VARCHAR ( 10 ) , CourseName NVARCHAR ( 10 ) ) INSERT dbo.tStudent ( sno, name ) VALUES ( ' 001 ' , -- fstudentno - varchar(10) N ' 小張 ' -- fname - nvarchar(10) ) INSERT dbo.tStudent ( sno, name ) VALUES ( ' 002 ' , -- fstudentno - varchar(10) N ' 小李 ' -- fname - nvarchar(10) ) INSERT dbo.tStudent ( sno, name ) VALUES ( ' 003 ' , -- fstudentno - varchar(10) N ' 小如 ' -- fname - nvarchar(10) ) INSERT dbo.tCourse ( sno, CourseName ) VALUES ( ' 001 ' , -- sno - varchar(10) N ' 英語 ' -- CourseName - nvarchar(10) ) INSERT dbo.tCourse ( sno, CourseName ) VALUES ( ' 001 ' , -- sno - varchar(10) N ' 語文 ' -- CourseName - nvarchar(10) ) INSERT dbo.tCourse ( sno, CourseName ) VALUES ( ' 002 ' , -- sno - varchar(10) N ' 語文 ' -- CourseName - nvarchar(10) )
--建立存儲過程 里面使用游標遍歷所有學生

Create PROC GetInfo AS BEGIN DECLARE curName CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR ( SELECT DISTINCT * FROM dbo.tStudent ) OPEN curName DECLARE @sno VARCHAR ( 10 ) , @name NVARCHAR ( 10 ) , @coursenum INT DECLARE @tb TABLE ( name NVARCHAR ( 10 ) , coursenum INT ) FETCH NEXT FROM curName INTO @sno , @name SELECT @coursenum = ISNULL ( COUNT ( DISTINCT CourseName), 0 ) FROM tCourse WHERE sno = @sno -- INSERT @tb -- SELECT @name , -- @coursenum WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @coursenum = ISNULL ( COUNT ( DISTINCT CourseName), 0 ) FROM tCourse WHERE sno = @sno INSERT @tb SELECT @name , @coursenum FETCH NEXT FROM curName INTO @sno , @name END SELECT * FROM @tb CLOSE curName DEALLOCATE curName END
--? 查看執行結果
?exec GetInfo

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