1NF 的要求:1,各行沒有順序關系;2,各列也沒有順序關系;3,不允許重復的行;4,不允許null的列。
因此,實際上是要求:1,要有unique key;2,不允許nullable屬性。當然這里的unique key可以是一個attribute,也可以是一個superkey。如果一個relation滿足1NF,則所有的attribute自然為一個superkey
super-key是區分各個行的attribute的集合,minimal super-key稱作一個candidate key
所有的candidate key中,一般聲明一個為primary key。
2NF 首先是1NF,之后,要求每一個non-prime attribute依賴于candidate key的整個集合,而非一部分。例如(Employee, Skill, Location)這樣一個表,Employee加上Skill才是一個candidate key(因為一個人可能有多個技能),而Location則僅僅依賴于Employee,不依賴于Skill,因此這不是一個2NF。
如果一個relation 不在2NF 中,則這個關系中包含冗余信息。
3NF 首先是2NF,其次,要求所有的non-prime attributes不能傳遞地依賴于candidate key。直觀來說, non-prime attributes must provide something about the key, and nothing else.?
例如,(Tournament, Year, Winner, Winner Birthday)中,(Tournament, Year)是一個candidate key,但是Winner Birthday是通過Winner與(T, Y)建立關聯的,這就不滿足3NF。
Boyce-Codd NF( BCNF 或者3.5NF),比3NF稍微強一點。
Primary Key :在多個candidate key中,選擇一個作為row的唯一標識。這個可以是一個 surrogate key (人為引入的,如auto_increment的序列號),可以是某個特定的屬性,也可以是多個屬性共同組成的key(稱作 composite key )
Foreign Key :外鍵,完整性約束的一種,要求該屬性在另一表的某個key中出現。
Alternate key :primary key之外的其他key。
Clustered Index and Non-Clustered Index :前者決定了row的存儲位置(因而只有一個),后者只是邏輯上的index,用于加速查找。許多RDBMS會默認為key創建index。
Prepared Statements:SQL語句的模板,一般沒有更復雜的邏輯(如分支、跳轉等)。PS的目的在于只編譯并優化一次,同時降低SQL注入的可能。
Stored Procedure:存儲過程,存儲于DBMS服務器端的特殊函數,一般用vendor-specific的語言編寫,除了可以使用SQL外,還有該語言的一些高級特性,一般包含條件判斷、分支、跳轉等。這種subroutine會被預編譯,并存儲到數據庫服務器中。
常見的SP有,Oracle的PL/SQL、MS SQL Server的Transact-SQL、DB2的SQL-PL、PostgreSQL的PL/pgSQL。
SP的好處是預編譯過且存儲于服務器端,因此可以更好地繼承到DB中(如被trigger觸發)、減少網絡開銷、隱藏業務邏輯、防范SQL注入攻擊、自定義access right等。
Database Normalization:
the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy is called normalization .
The goal of database normalization is to decompose relations with anomalies in order to produce smaller, well-structured relations. Normalization usually involves dividing large tables into smaller (and less redundant) tables and defining relationships between them. The objective is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the database via the defined relationships.
Informally, a relational database table (the computerized representation of a relation) is often described as "normalized" if it is in the Third Normal Form . Most 3NF tables are free of insertion, update, and deletion anomalies, i.e. in most cases 3NF tables adhere to BCNF, 4NF, and 5NF (but typically not 6NF).
A standard piece of database design guidance is that the designer should create a fully normalized design; selective denormalization can subsequently be performed for performance reasons.
1,Free the database of modification anomalies
2,Minimize redesign when extending the database structure
3,Make the data model more informative to users
4,Avoid bias towards any particular pattern of querying
In? computing ,?denormalization?is the process of attempting to optimze the read performance of a? database ?by adding redundant data or by grouping data .
DML(data manipulation language):
?????? 它們是SELECT、UPDATE、INSERT、DELETE,就象它的名字一樣,這4條命令是用來對數據庫里的數據進行操作的語言
DDL(data definition language):
?????? DDL比DML要多,主要的命令有CREATE、ALTER、DROP等,DDL主要是用在定義或改變表(TABLE)的結構,數據類型,表之間的鏈接和約束等初始化工作上,他們大多在建立表時使用
DCL(Data Control Language):
?????? 是數據庫控制功能。是用來設置或更改數據庫用戶或角色權限的語句,包括(grant,deny,revoke等)語句。在默認狀態下,只有sysadmin,dbcreator,db_owner或db_securityadmin等人員才有權力執行DCL

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