? ? ? ??棧(stack)在計算機科學中是限定僅在表尾進行插入或刪除操作的線性表。棧是一種數據結構,它按照后進先出的原則存儲數據,先進入的數據被壓入棧底,最后的數據在棧頂,需要讀數據的時候從棧頂開始彈出數據。棧是只能在某一端插入和刪除的特殊線性表。用桶堆積物品,先堆進來的壓在底下,隨后一件一件往堆。取走時,只能從上面一件一件取。堆和取都在頂部進行,底部一般是不動的。棧就是一種類似桶堆積物品的數據結構,進行刪除和插入的一端稱棧頂,另一堆稱棧底。插入一般稱為進棧,刪除則稱為退棧。 棧也稱為后進先出表。
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? ? ? ??首先系統或者數據結構棧中數據內容的讀取與(壓入push和 彈出pop)是兩回事!插入是增加數據彈出是刪除數據 ,這些操作只能從棧頂即最低地址作為約束的接口界面入手操作 ,但讀取棧中的數據 是隨便的 沒有接口約束之說。很多人都誤解這個理念從而對棧產生困惑。[1]而系統棧在計算機體系結構中 又起到一個跨部件交互的媒介區域的作用 即 cpu 與內存的交流通道 ,cpu只從系統給我們自己編寫的應用程序所規定的棧入口線性地讀取執行指令, 用一個形象的詞來形容它就是pipeline(管道線、流水線)。cpu內部交互具體參見 EU與BIU的概念介紹。
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? ? ? ?? 棧作為一種數據結構,是一種只能在一端進行插入和刪除操作的特殊線性表。它按照后進先出的原則存儲數據,先進入的數據被壓入棧底,最后的數據在棧頂,需要讀數據的時候從棧頂開始彈出數據(最后一個數據被第一個讀出來)。棧具有記憶作用,對棧的插入與刪除操作中,不需要改變棧底指針。
? ? ? ?? 棧是允許在同一端進行插入和刪除操作的特殊線性表。允許進行插入和刪除操作的一端稱為棧頂(top),另一端為棧底(bottom);棧底固定,而棧頂浮動;棧中元素個數為零時稱為空棧。插入一般稱為進棧(PUSH),刪除則稱為退棧(POP)。棧也稱為后進先出表。
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2. 臨時變量:包括函數的非靜態局部變量以及編譯器自動生成的其他臨時變量。
? ? ? ?? 進棧算法
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①若TOP≤0,則給出下溢信息,作出錯處理(退棧前先檢查是否已為空棧, 空則下溢;不空則作②);
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? ? ? ?C++完整個代碼示例(代碼在VS2005下測試可運行)
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/** @(#)$Id: AL_StackSeq.h 31 2013-09-05 09:02:18Z xiaoting $ @brief Stack (stack) in computer science is limited only in the end of the table to insert or delete operations linear form. A stack is a data structure that in accordance with the principle of LIFO data storage, data is first pushed into the end of the last data in the stack, you need to read the data when the data from the topmost pop. The stack is only one end of the inserted and deleted special linear form. Buckets stacked items, first came under pressure in the heap, followed by a one to the heap. Removed, only a one taken from above. Take the top of the heap and are carried at the bottom of the general is not moving. Stack is a similar data structure barrels stacked items, delete and insert one end of said stack, said another pile bottom of the stack. Insert commonly known as the push to delete is called the stack back. Also known as LIFO stack table. @Author $Author: xiaoting $ @Date $Date: 2013-09-05 17:02:18 +0800 (周四, 05 九月 2013) $ @Revision $Revision: 31 $ @URL $URL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_StackSeq.h $ @Header $Header: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_StackSeq.h 31 2013-09-05 09:02:18Z xiaoting $ */ #ifndef CXX_AL_STACKSEQ_H #define CXX_AL_STACKSEQ_H /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AL_StackSeq /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template<typename T> class AL_StackSeq { public: static const DWORD STACKSEQ_MAXSIZE = 0xffffffff; static const DWORD STACKSEQ_DEFAULTSIZE = 100; /** * Construction * * @param DWORD dwSize (default value: STACKSEQ_DEFAULTSIZE) * @return * @note * @attention */ AL_StackSeq(DWORD dwSize = STACKSEQ_DEFAULTSIZE); /** * Destruction * * @param * @return * @note * @attention */ ~AL_StackSeq(); /** * Empty * * @param VOID * @return BOOL * @note Returns true stack is empty * @attention */ BOOL Empty() const; /** * Pop * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Remove the top element and return data top element * @attention if empty does not return a value... (please judge the stack is empty before use it) */ T Pop(); /** * Push * * @param const T& tTemplate * @return VOID * @note Add elements in the stack * @attention */ VOID Push(const T& tTemplate); /** * Size * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Returns the number of elements in the stack * @attention */ DWORD Size() const; /** * Top * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Back to the top element... * @attention if empty does not return a value... (please judge the stack is empty before use it) */ T Top() const; protected: private: /** * GetBuffer * * @param VOID * @return VOID * @note get the work buffer * @attention when the buffer is not enough, it will become to double */ VOID GetBuffer(); /** * IsFull * * @param VOID * @return BOOL * @note the list is full? * @attention */ BOOL IsFull() const; public: protected: private: T* m_pElements; DWORD m_dwMaxSize; DWORD m_dwSize; }; /** * Construction * * @param DWORD dwSize (default value: STACKSEQ_DEFAULTSIZE) * @return * @note * @attention */ template<typename T> AL_StackSeq<T>::AL_StackSeq(DWORD dwSize): m_pElements(NULL), m_dwMaxSize(dwSize), m_dwSize(0x00) { if (0x00 == m_dwMaxSize) { //for memory deal m_dwMaxSize = 1; } GetBuffer(); } /** * Destruction * * @param * @return * @note * @attention */ template<typename T> AL_StackSeq<T>::~AL_StackSeq() { if (NULL != m_pElements) { delete[] m_pElements; m_pElements = NULL; } } /** * Empty * * @param VOID * @return BOOL * @note Returns true stack is empty * @attention */ template<typename T> BOOL AL_StackSeq<T>::Empty() const { return (0x00 == m_dwSize) ? TRUE:FALSE; } /** * Pop * * @param VOID * @return T * @note Remove the top element and return data top element * @attention if empty does not return a value... (please judge the stack is empty before use it) */ template<typename T> T AL_StackSeq<T>::Pop() { T tTypeTemp; memset(&tTypeTemp, 0x00, sizeof(T)); if (TRUE == Empty()) { //Empty return tTypeTemp; } tTypeTemp = m_pElements[Size()-1]; memset(&m_pElements[Size()-1], 0x00, sizeof(T)); m_dwSize--; return tTypeTemp; } /** * Push * * @param const T& tTemplate * @return VOID * @note Add elements in the stack * @attention */ template<typename T> VOID AL_StackSeq<T>::Push(const T& tTemplate) { if (TRUE == IsFull()) { // full, need to get more work buffer GetBuffer(); } m_dwSize++; m_pElements[Size()-1] = tTemplate; } /** * Size * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Returns the number of elements in the stack * @attention */ template<typename T> DWORD AL_StackSeq<T>::Size() const { return m_dwSize; } /** * Top * * @param VOID * @return DWORD * @note Back to the top element... * @attention if empty does not return a value... (please judge the stack is empty before use it) */ template<typename T> T AL_StackSeq<T>::Top() const { T tTypeTemp; memset(&tTypeTemp, 0x00, sizeof(T)); if (TRUE == Empty()) { //Empty return tTypeTemp; } return m_pElements[Size()-1]; } /** * GetBuffer * * @param VOID * @return VOID * @note get the work buffer * @attention when the buffer is not enough, it will become to double */ template<typename T> VOID AL_StackSeq<T>::GetBuffer() { if ( (Size() < m_dwMaxSize) &&(NULL != m_pElements) ) { //we do not need to get more buffer return; } if (NULL == m_pElements) { if(0 < m_dwMaxSize){ //get the new work buffer m_pElements = new T[m_dwMaxSize]; memset(m_pElements, 0x00, sizeof(T)*m_dwMaxSize); } return; } //we need to get more buffer, store the previous pointer T* pLastTpye = NULL; DWORD pLastSize = 0x00; // it will become to double pLastSize = m_dwMaxSize; pLastTpye = m_pElements; if (STACKSEQ_MAXSIZE/2 < m_dwMaxSize) { m_dwMaxSize = STACKSEQ_MAXSIZE; } else { m_dwMaxSize *= 2; } if(0 < m_dwMaxSize){ //get the new work buffer m_pElements = new T[m_dwMaxSize]; memset(m_pElements, 0x00, sizeof(T)*m_dwMaxSize); } //need to copy the last to the current memcpy(m_pElements, pLastTpye, sizeof(T)*pLastSize); //free the last work buffer delete[] pLastTpye; pLastTpye = NULL; } /** * IsFull * * @param * @return BOOL * @note the list is full? * @attention */ template<typename T> BOOL AL_StackSeq<T>::IsFull() const { return (m_dwMaxSize == Size()) ? TRUE:FALSE; } #endif // CXX_AL_STACKSEQ_H /* EOF */
#ifdef TEST_AL_STACKSEQ AL_StackSeq<DWORD> cStackSeq(1); BOOL bEmpty = cStackSeq.Empty(); std::cout<<bEmpty<<std::endl; DWORD dwPop = cStackSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; DWORD dwSize = cStackSeq.Size(); std::cout<<dwSize<<std::endl; DWORD dwTop = cStackSeq.Top(); std::cout<<dwTop<<std::endl; for (WORD wCnt=1; wCnt<16; wCnt++) { //push 15 14 13 12..... cStackSeq.Push(16 - wCnt); dwTop = cStackSeq.Top(); std::cout<<dwTop<<std::endl; } bEmpty = cStackSeq.Empty(); std::cout<<bEmpty<<std::endl; dwSize = cStackSeq.Size(); std::cout<<dwSize<<std::endl; while (0x00 != cStackSeq.Size()) { dwPop = cStackSeq.Pop(); std::cout<<dwPop<<std::endl; } #endif
[置頂] ※數據結構※→☆線性表結構(stack)☆============棧 序列表結構(stack sequence)(六)

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