create user test identified by root; grant create session,resource to root; alter user test account unlock; grant create view to test; grant any sequece to test; grant create synonym to ich;--創建別名的權限 drop user test cascade; 連接時用戶民不區分大寫和小寫 alter system set sec_case_sensitive_logon=false scope=both; commit; 改動用戶password alter user system identified by system;?
在用戶1中建立的sequece test_seq假設想在用戶2中使用(select test_seq.nextval from dual)必須如今用戶2中運行select test_seq.nextval from dual; oracle一個創建用戶、創建表空間、授權、建表的完整過程 1. 用sys登錄sql plus: usename: sys as sysdba password: **** 2. 查看最大連接數: select value from V$parameter where name="processes"; 3. 查看當前連接數: select count (*) from V$process; 4. 把最大連接數改成300:alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile 5. 重新啟動DB: shutdown immediate; startup;

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