select rownum id from dual connect by level <= 10 ;
SELECT to_date( ' 2014-12-01 ' , ' yyyy-mm-dd ' ) + numtodsinterval(rownum - 1 , ' day ' ) FROM DUAL CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (to_date( ' 2015-01-01 ' , ' yyyy-mm-dd ' ) - to_date( ' 2014-12-01 ' , ' yyyy-mm-dd ' ))
wm_concat(分組時 列值相加) 加派需
select ts.peplename peplename, max(ts.inspath) inspath, max(ts.instime) instime from ( select t.executorid peplename, wm_concat( ' [ ' || t.track_lon || ' , ' || t.track_lat || ' ] ' ) over(partition by t.executorid order by t.tracktime) inspath, t.tracktime instime from ins_track t where 1 = 1 and to_char(t.tracktime, ' yyyy-MM-dd ' ) = ' 2015-03-08 ' ) ts group by ts.peplename
create table abc as select * from abc_dblink where rownum<3
select * from table1 a where rowid != ( select max (rowid) from table1 b where a.name1 = b.name1 and a.name2 = b.name2……)
oracle 指定表導入、導出
exp test/1234@orcl tables=(collection) file=d:\db_bak\collection.dmp
imp test2/syj@orcl tables=(collection) file=d:\db_bak\collection.dmp

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