過濾非法字符串(但是查詢的時候,假如是英文名字,是很容易有單引號的? 例如 Joey’s name,這個時候我們就需要把單引號,換成2個單引號
/// <summary>過濾sql非法字符串 /// /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetSafeSQL( string value ) { if ( string .IsNullOrEmpty( value )) return string .Empty; value = Regex.Replace( value , @" ; ", string .Empty); //value = Regex.Replace(value, @"'", string.Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" ' ", " '' "); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" & ", string .Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" %20 ", string .Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" -- ", string .Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" == ", string .Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" < ", string .Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" > ", string .Empty); value = Regex.Replace( value , @" % ", string .Empty); return value ; }
接下來我們制作 新聞表和前臺的新聞制作。
要學會代碼的復用,ctrl + c , Ctrl + v
/********************************************************* * 開發人員:Joey QQ:1727050508 博客: http://1727050508.cnblogs.com * 創建時間:2012-3-5 10:39:42 * 描述說明:news_list.aspx 新聞列表頁 * * 更改歷史: * * *******************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace Niunan.Shop.Web.admin { public partial class news_list : System.Web.UI.Page { Niunan.Shop.DAL.NewsDAO newsdao = new DAL.NewsDAO(); protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e) { BindRep(); } protected void anp_PageChanged( object sender, EventArgs e) { BindRep(); } protected void lbtnDel_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = (sender as LinkButton).CommandArgument; newsdao.Delete( int .Parse(id)); BindRep(); } private void BindRep() { int pagesize = anp.PageSize; int pageindex = anp.CurrentPageIndex; anp.RecordCount = newsdao.ClacCount(GetCond()); repList.DataSource = newsdao.GetList(" * ", " id ", " desc ", pagesize, pageindex, GetCond()); repList.DataBind(); } private string GetCond() { string cond = " 1=1 "; string type = Request.QueryString[" type "]; if (! string .IsNullOrEmpty(type) && type == " spzt ") { cond += " and type='商品專題' "; litH1.Text = " 商品專題 "; } else { cond += " and type='新聞中心' "; litH1.Text = " 新聞中心 "; } string key = txtKey.Text.Trim(); key = Niunan.Shop.Utility.Tool.GetSafeSQL(key); if (key.Length != 0) { cond+= " and title like '% " + key + " %' "; } return cond; } protected void btnSearch_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) { BindRep(); } } }
/********************************************************* * 開發人員:Joey QQ:1727050508 博客: http://1727050508.cnblogs.com * 創建時間:2012-3-5 15:30:56 * 描述說明:news_add.aspx 新聞添加和修改頁面 * * 更改歷史: * * *******************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace Niunan.Shop.Web.admin { public partial class news_add : System.Web.UI.Page { Niunan.Shop.DAL.NewsDAO newsdao = new DAL.NewsDAO(); //Page_Load 是頁面進入的時候執行的函數,不論是第一次進入,還是我們點了按鈕回發進入,都會執行的 protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string id = Request.QueryString[" id "]; int x; if (! string .IsNullOrEmpty(id) && int .TryParse(id, out x)) { Niunan.Shop.Model.News newsmodel = newsdao.GetModel(x); if (newsmodel != null ) { txtTitle.Text = newsmodel.title; txtBody.Text = newsmodel.body; litH1.Text = " 修改 "; btnAdd.Text = " 修改 "; } } } } protected void btnAdd_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) { string title = txtTitle.Text.Trim(); string body = txtBody.Text.Trim(); string type = Request.QueryString[" type "]; if (! string .IsNullOrEmpty(type) && type == " spzt ") { type = " 商品專題 "; } else { type = " 新聞中心 "; } if (title.Length == 0 || body.Length == 0) { litRes.Text = " <span style='color:blue'>請填寫完整的信息</span> "; return ; } //如果有傳入ID,那么就是修改 string id = Request.QueryString[" id "]; int x; if (! string .IsNullOrEmpty(id) && int .TryParse(id, out x)) { //這里是重復判斷,到底根據這個ID,能不能獲得這個實體 Niunan.Shop.Model.News newsmodel = newsdao.GetModel(x); if (newsmodel != null ) { newsmodel.title = title; newsmodel.body = body; newsdao.Update(newsmodel); litRes.Text = " <span style='color:red'>修改成功</span> "; return ; } } //否則是添加 int res = newsdao.Add( new Niunan.Shop.Model.News() { title = title, body = body, createdate = DateTime.Now, type = type, visitnum = 0 }); if (res > 0) { txtTitle.Text = " "; txtBody.Text = " "; litRes.Text = " <span style='color:blue'>添加成功</span> "; } else { litRes.Text = " <span style='color:red'>添加失敗,請聯系管理員</span> "; } } } }

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