

系統 1616 0

筆者工作的公司采用的是 SQLServer 數據庫,每天都要處理大量的數據,由于筆者進公司的時間比較晚,公司現有的大部分的程序都是以前的程序員留下的,因為他們沒有相關的文檔,筆者對于后臺數據庫的很多表的結構和數據都不甚了解,給日常的維護造成了很大的麻煩。

在對后臺數據庫進行研究的過程中,我需要得到數據庫的某些相關信息,比如,我希望知道各個用戶表占用多少磁盤空間,并且排列出來,可以讓我知道哪些表比較大,數據比較多等等——我相信,這可能也是不少數據庫管理員所關心的問題,所以我決心做一個通用的存儲過程。我對系統的存儲過程 sp_spaceused 加了一些改動,以適合我的要求。希望這個存儲過程能對大家有些幫助。存儲過程如下:

if exists(select name from sysobjects where name='spaceused' and type='p')

Drop procedure spaceused


create procedure spaceused




declare @id ?????? int ?????????? ?????? -- The object id of @objname.

declare @type ?????? character(2) -- The object type.

declare ?????? @pages ?????? int ?????????? ?????? -- Working variable for size calc.

declare @dbname sysname

declare @dbsize dec(15,0)

declare @logsize dec(15)

declare @bytesperpage ?????? dec(15,0)

declare @pagesperMB ?????? ?????? dec(15,0)

declare @objname nvarchar(776) ?????? -- The object we want size on.

declare @updateusage varchar(5) ????? ?????? -- Param. for specifying that


create table #temp1


?????? 表名 ?????? ?????? varchar(200) null,

?????? 行數 ?????? ??????? char(11) null,

?????? 保留空間 ?????? varchar(15) null,

?????? 數據使用空間 ?????? varchar(15) null,

?????? 索引使用空間 ?????? varchar(15) null,

??????? 未用空間 ????????? varchar(15) null


--select @objname='N_dep' ???????????????? ????????????? -- usage info. should be updated.

select @updateusage='false'

/*Create temp tables before any DML to ensure dynamic

**?We need to create a temp table to do the calculation.

**?reserved: sum(reserved) where indid in (0, 1, 255)

**?data: sum(dpages) where indid < 2 + sum(used) where indid = 255 (text)

**?indexp: sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) - data

**?unused: sum(reserved) - sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255)


declare cur_table cursor for

?select name from sysobjects where type='u'


Open cur_table

fetch next from cur_table into @objname




create table #spt_space


?????? rows ????????????? int null,

?????? reserved ??? dec(15) null,

?????? data ?????? dec(15) null,

?????? indexp ???????????? dec(15) null,

?????? unused ???????????? dec(15) null




**?Check to see if user wants usages updated.



if @updateusage is not null

?????? begin

?????? ?????? select @updateusage=lower(@updateusage)


????????????? if @updateusage not in ('true','false')

????????????? ?????? begin

????????????? ?????? ?????? raiserror(15143,-1,-1,@updateusage)

????????????? ?????? ?????? return(1)

????????????? ?????? end

?????? end


**?Check to see that the objname is local.


if @objname IS NOT NULL



?????? select @dbname = parsename(@objname, 3)


?????? if @dbname is not null and @dbname <> db_name()

?????? ?????? begin

????????????? ?????? raiserror(15250,-1,-1)

????????????? ?????? return (1)

?????? ?????? end


?????? if @dbname is null

?????? ?????? select @dbname = db_name()


?????? /*

?????? **?Try to find the object.

?????? */

?????? select @id = null

?????? select @id = id, @type = xtype

?????? ?????? from sysobjects

????????????? ?????? where id = object_id(@objname)


?????? /*

?????? **?Does the object exist?

?????? */

?????? if @id is null

?????? ?????? begin

????????????? ?????? raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname)

????????????? ?????? return (1)

?????? ?????? end



?????? if not exists (select * from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? where @id = id and indid < 2)


?????? ?????? if ????? @type in ('P ','D ','R ','TR','C ','RF') --data stored in sysprocedures

????????????? ????????????? begin

????????????? ????????????? ?????? raiserror(15234,-1,-1)

????????????? ????????????? ?????? return (1)

????????????? ????????????? end

?????? ?????? else if @type = 'V ' -- View => no physical data storage.

????????????? ????????????? begin

????????????? ????????????? ?????? raiserror(15235,-1,-1)

????????????? ????????????? ?????? return (1)

????????????? ????????????? end

?????? ?????? else if @type in ('PK','UQ') -- no physical data storage. --?!?! too many similar messages

????????????? ????????????? begin

????????????? ????????????? ?????? raiserror(15064,-1,-1)

????????????? ????????????? ?????? return (1)

????????????? ????????????? end

?????? ?????? else if @type = 'F ' -- FK => no physical data storage.

????????????? ????????????? begin

????????????? ????????????? ?????? raiserror(15275,-1,-1)

????????????? ????????????? ?????? return (1)

????????????? ????????????? end




**?Update usages if user specified to do so.



if @updateusage = 'true'

?????? begin

????????????? if @objname is null

????????????? ?????? dbcc updateusage(0) with no_infomsgs

?????? ?????? else

????????????? ?????? dbcc updateusage(0,@objname) with no_infomsgs

?????? ?????? print ' '

?????? end



set nocount on



**?If @id is null, then we want summary data.


/* ??? Space used calculated in the following way

** ?????? @dbsize = Pages used

** ?????? @bytesperpage = d.low (where d = master.dbo.spt_values) is

** ??? the # of bytes per page when d.type = 'E' and

** ?????? d.number = 1.

** ??? Size = @dbsize * d.low / (1048576 (OR 1 MB))


if @id is null


?????? select @dbsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))

?????? ?????? from dbo.sysfiles

?????? ?????? where (status & 64 = 0)


?????? select @logsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))

?????? ?????? from dbo.sysfiles

?????? ?????? where (status & 64 <> 0)


?????? select @bytesperpage = low

?????? ?????? from master.dbo.spt_values

?????? ?????? where number = 1

????????????? ?????? and type = 'E'

?????? select @pagesperMB = 1048576 / @bytesperpage


?????? select?database_name = db_name(),

?????? ?????? database_size =

????????????? ?????? ltrim(str((@dbsize + @logsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

?????? ?????? 'unallocated space' =

????????????? ?????? ltrim(str((@dbsize -

????????????? ????????????? (select sum(convert(dec(15),reserved))

????????????? ????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? where indid in (0, 1, 255)

????????????? ????????????? )) / @pagesperMB,15,2)+ ' MB')


?????? print ' '

?????? /*

?????? **?Now calculate the summary data.

?????? **?reserved: sum(reserved) where indid in (0, 1, 255)

?????? */

?????? insert into #spt_space (reserved)

?????? ?????? select sum(convert(dec(15),reserved))

????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? where indid in (0, 1, 255)


?????? /*

????? ** data: sum(dpages) where indid < 2

?????? ** ??? + sum(used) where indid = 255 (text)

?????? */

?????? select @pages = sum(convert(dec(15),dpages))

????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? where indid < 2

?????? select @pages = @pages + isnull(sum(convert(dec(15),used)), 0)

?????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ?????? where indid = 255

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set data = @pages



?????? /* index: sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) - data */

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set indexp = (select sum(convert(dec(15),used))

????????????? ????????????? from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? ?????? where indid in (0, 1, 255))

????????????? ?????? ??? - data


?????? /* unused: sum(reserved) - sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) */

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set unused = reserved

????????????? ????????????? - (select sum(convert(dec(15),used))

????????????? ????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? where indid in (0, 1, 255))


?????? select reserved = ltrim(str(reserved * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB'),

?????? ?????? data = ltrim(str(data * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB'),

?????? ?????? index_size = ltrim(str(indexp * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB'),

?????? ?????? unused = ltrim(str(unused * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB')

?????? ?????? from #spt_space, master.dbo.spt_values d

?????? ?????? where d.number = 1

????????????? ?????? and d.type = 'E'




**?We want a particular object.




?????? /*

?????? **?Now calculate the summary data.

?????? **?reserved: sum(reserved) where indid in (0, 1, 255)

?????? */

?????? insert into #spt_space (reserved)

?????? ?????? select sum(reserved)

????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? where indid in (0, 1, 255)

????????????? ????????????? ?????? and id = @id


?????? /*

????? ** data: sum(dpages) where indid < 2

?????? ** ??? + sum(used) where indid = 255 (text)

?????? */

?????? select @pages = sum(dpages)

????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? where indid < 2

????????????? ????????????? ?????? and id = @id

?????? select @pages = @pages + isnull(sum(used), 0)

?????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ?????? where indid = 255

????????????? ????????????? and id = @id

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set data = @pages



?????? /* index: sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) - data */

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set indexp = (select sum(used)

????????????? ????????????? from sysindexes

????????????? ????????????? ?????? where indid in (0, 1, 255)

????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? and id = @id)

????????????? ?????? ??? - data


?????? /* unused: sum(reserved) - sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) */

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set unused = reserved

????????????? ????????????? - (select sum(used)

????????????? ????????????? ?????? from sysindexes

????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? where indid in (0, 1, 255)

????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????? and id = @id)

?????? update #spt_space

?????? ?????? set rows = i.rows

????????????? ?????? from sysindexes i

????????????? ????????????? where i.indid < 2

????????????? ????????????? ?????? and i.id = @id

??????? insert into #temp1

?????? select name = object_name(@id),

?????? ?????? rows = convert(char(11), rows),

?????? ?????? reserved = ltrim(str(reserved * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB'),

?????? ?????? data = ltrim(str(data * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB'),

?????? ?????? index_size = ltrim(str(indexp * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB'),

?????? ?????? unused = ltrim(str(unused * d.low / 1024.,15,0) +

????????????? ????????????? ' ' + 'KB')

?????? from #spt_space, master.dbo.spt_values d

?????? ?????? where d.number = 1

????????????? ?????? and d.type = 'E'

Drop table #spt_space


fetch next from cur_table into @objname


Close cur_table

DEALLOCATE cur_table

Select * from #temp1 order by len( 保留空間 ) desc, 保留空間 desc

Drop table #temp1

return (0)


原理很簡單,相信大家都能看懂, sp_spaceused 幾乎原封不動地保留下來,調用也很簡單,直接執行即可,沒有任何參數,存儲過程執行后,將把當前連接的數據庫中所有數據表按照從大到小排列出來,還有其他的相關信息。如果能對大家有所參考價值,就請大家能給 forgot2000 一點掌聲鼓勵吧,謝謝!

本存儲過程在 SQLServer7.0/2000 下通過。


筆者工作的公司采用的是 SQLServer 數據庫,每天都要處理大量的數據,由于筆者進公司的時間比較晚,公司現有的大部分的程序都是以前的程序員留下的,因為他們沒有相關的文檔,筆者對于后臺數據庫的很多表的結構和數據都不甚了解,給日常的維護造成了很大的麻煩。

在對后臺數據庫進行研究的過程中,我需要得到數據庫的某些相關信息,比如,公司的數據庫中有幾個表存放筆者的個人資料 , 像人事表、工資表、部門表等等,但具體是哪些表,就不是很清楚了,如果要一個一個表地找,可能天亮了也找不完,所以我決定做一個通用的存儲過程,能對當前數據庫所有字符型字段進行遍歷,找出精確匹配含有要查找字符串的表和字段,并且羅列出來。比如,人事表的 Name 字段,工資表的 Salary_Name 字段,部門表的 Employe_Name 字段都有筆者的名字,我希望能把這些找出來。存儲過程如下:

IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects

???????? WHERE name = 'searchname' AND type = 'P')

?? DROP PROCEDURE searchname


create procedure searchname @sname varchar(10)



create table #TableList(


?colname char(200)



declare @table varchar(200)

declare @col varchar(200)


set nocount on

declare curTab scroll cursor for select name from sysobjects where xtype='u'

open curTab

fetch next from curTab into @table

while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


?declare curCol scroll cursor for select name from syscolumns where (xtype=175 or xtype=167) and (id in (select id from sysobjects where name=@table))

?open curCol

??fetch next from curCol into @col

?while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


??? execute('insert into #TableList select '''+@table+''','''+@col+''' from '+@table+' where '+@col+'='''+@sname+'''')

??? fetch next from curCol into @col


?close curCol

?deallocate curCol

?fetch next from curTab into @table


close curTab

deallocate curTab

set nocount off

select?distinct * from #TableList

drop table #tablelist?


調用很簡單,如想找筆者的名字,調用 SearchName ‘forgot2000’ 即可,查找速度視乎當前數據庫的大小而定。希望這個存儲過程能對大家有所幫助吧。本人 E-mail:coolforgot@sina.com,QQ:33563255, 希望能跟大家共同交流,謝謝 !

本存儲過程在 SQLServer7.0/2000 下通過。





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