exec sp_configure 'show advanced options',1
exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1
exec xp_cmdshell 'md e:\my'
--if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='MyDB')
?? ?--drop database MyDB
if DB_ID('MyDB') is not null
?? ?drop database MyDB?? ?
create database MyDB
on primary--主數據文件,on后面接的是文件組名稱,可省略
?? ?name='MyDB',--主數據文件邏輯名
?? ?filename='e:\my\MyDB.mdf',--主數據文件物理名
?? ?size=3mb,--初始大小
?? ?maxsize=20mb,--最大值
?? ?filegrowth=2mb--增長率,可以用mb為單位,也可以用百分比(如:10%)?? ?
?? ?name='MyDB_ndf',
?? ?filename='e:\my\MyDB_ndf.ndf',
?? ?size=1mb,
?? ?maxsize=10mb,
?? ?filegrowth=2mb
log on--日志文件
?? ?name='MyDB_ldf',
?? ?filename='e:\my\MyDB_ldf.ldf',
?? ?size=1mb,
?? ?maxsize=10mb,
?? ?filegrowth=2mb
use MyDB
--if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='stuinfo')
?? ?--drop table stuinfo
if OBJECT_ID('stuinfo') is not null
?? ?drop table stuinfo
?? ?
create table stuinfo
?? ?stuNo int not null,
?? ?stuAge int not null
alter table stuinfo
?? ?add stuName nvarchar(20) not null
alter table stuinfo
?? ?add stuSex nvarchar(2) not null
alter table stuinfo
?? ?drop column stuName
create table stuscore
?? ?ID int identity(1,1),--標識列
?? ?stuNo int not null,
?? ?score float not null
alter table stuinfo
?? ?add constraint PK_stuNo primary key(stuNo)
alter table stuinfo
?? ?add constraint DF_stuSex default('男') for stuSex
alter table stuinfo
?? ?add constraint UQ_stuName unique(stuName)
alter table stuinfo
?? ?add constraint CK_stuAge check(stuAge>0 and stuAge<100)
alter table stuscore
?? ?add constraint FK_stuNo foreign key(stuNo) references stuinfo(stuNo)
alter table stuinfo
?? ?drop constraint UQ_stuName
?? ?
create login T1346 with password='sasa'
exec sp_addlogin 'T1346','sasa'
use MyDB
create user T1346_user for login T1346
exec sp_grantdbaccess 'T1346','T1346_user'
--添加用戶T1346_user對stuinfo表的操作權限,如果是對所有表都添加權限可以把on stuinfo去掉
grant select,insert on stuinfo to T1346_user
revoke insert on stuinfo to T1346_user

QQ號聯系: 360901061