第二章 部署與合并多個數據庫實例
I.??? Deploying multiple instances
??隔離相同的SQL Server登錄名
II.??? Planning database consolidation
1.?Consolidating? database server
(1)?Database server consolidation is the process of reducing the number of database servers in an organization by migrating their hosted database to a central server.
(2)?Benefits of database server consolidation
??Software license
??Optimizing hardware resources fully
??Simplification of database server administration
??Improved security:? standardize strong security practices, update the software on the server more efficiently, and reducing the complexity of security management trends to improve security in an indirect way.
(3)?Cost of consolidating database servers
??Single point of failure
??Reduction in server performance
2.?Designing a server consolidation plan
(1)?Gather information about dispersed data
(2)?Identify potential consolidation problems
(3)?Create a migration plan
(4)?Create a plan for testing applications
3.?Consolidation plan guidelines
(1)?Determine the number of databases, instances, and servers
(2)?Include a rollback mechanism
(3)?Test the consolidation procedure
(4)?Define performance targets
(5)?Review regulatory requirements
(6)?Get approval from management

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