???????? ① 數據驅動(用測試數據去驅動腳本的運行, 測試腳本和數據的分離 ???)
???????? ② 關鍵字驅動(object.action(param),抽象程度更高,業務邏輯、腳本、數據的分離)
結構: Automation
???????? ① AUT:配置文件,xml文件
???????? ② Config(Object Repository):對象,tsr文件(flighr.tsr)
???????? ③ TestData:測試數據,即測試用例,txt文件(flight_testcase.txt)
???????? ④ Script:測試腳本,讀取Test Data,傳給Execute Testcase,傳給業務處理,得到結果,傳給Report,vbs文件(testdriven_flight.vbs,flight文件夾)
???????? ⑤ Report
???????? ⑥ Log
???????? ⑦ Exception
???????? ⑧ Controller文件調用(runQTP.vbs,runtime.bat)
注: 業務處理函數在QTP里面寫,再復制
|mercury|Please enter agent name mer|mercury|Agent name must be at least 4 characters long |mercury|Please enter passwoed mercury|mercury|null |
Const Forreading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending= 8 ? ’文件調用 Controller "C:\Automation_Flight\Config\login_flight.tsr","D:\Software\QTP10\samples\flight\app\flight4a.exe","C:\Automation_Flight\TestData\flight_testcase.txt" ’文件調用函數 Function Controller(BvVal tsrPath, ByVal appPath, ByVal datapath) ???????? RepositorysConnection.Add tsrPath ???????? Systemutil.Run appPath ???????? ExecuteTestCase datapath ???????? Window(“Flight Reservation”).close End Function ? ’執行用例、寫入測試報告函數 Function ExecuteTestCase(ByVal filepath) ???????? Dim fso, fil, txt, arr, test_result, result_record ???????? Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ???????? Set fil = fso.openTextFile(filepath, ForReading) ???????? ???????? Do while Not fil.AtEndOfStream ???????? ???????? txt = Trim(fil.ReadLine) ???????? ???????? arr = split(txt, "|") ???????? ???????? test_result = Login(arr(0), arr(1), arr(2)) ???????? ???????? result_record = result_record & "username: " & arr(0) & ", password" & arr(1) & ", testresult ---->" & test_result & vbCrLf ???????? Loop ???????? ???????? WriteTestReport "C:\Automation\Report\testreport.txt", result_record ???????? ???????? fil.close ???????? set fil = nothing ???????? set fso = nothing End Function ? ’報告函數 Function WriteTestReport(ByVal filepath, ByVal str) ???????? Dim fso, fil ???????? Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ???????? Set fil = fso.openTextFile(filepath, ForWriting, True) ???????? fil.Write str ???????? fil.close ???????? set fil = nothing ???????? set fso = nothing end Function ? ’業務邏輯流程,業務處理函數在QTP里面寫,再復制 Function Login(ByVal un, ByVal pw, ByVal errmsg) ???????? dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name: ").Set un ???????? dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set pw ???????? dialog("Login").Winbutton("OK").Click ???????? ???????? If dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight Reservations").Exist Then ???????? ???????? actuan_result = dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight Reservations").Static("errmsg").GetROProperty("text") ???????? ???????? If action_result = errmsg Then ???????? ???????? ???????? Login = "pass" ???????? ???????? else ???????? ???????? ???????? Login = "Fail" ???????? ???????? End If ???????? ???????? dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight Reservations").WinButton("確定").Click ???????? else ???????? ???????? If window("Flight Reservations").exist and errmsg = "null" Then ???????? ???????? ???????? Login = "Fail" ???????? ???????? End If ???????? End If End Function ? |
executeFile "C:\Automation\Script\testdriven_flight.vbs" |
Dim qtpapp ? Set qtpapp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") qtpapp.Launch qtpapp.visiable = True qtpapp.open "C:\Automation\Script\flight" qtpapp.Test.Run, True qtpapp.Quit ? set qtpapp = nothing |
runtime.bat 批處理文件
at 11:54 /interactive cscript C:\Automation\Controller\runQTP |
Exercise1 : windows計算器的簡單自動化測試框架練習
結構: Automation_calc
???????? ① Config:windows計算器的對象文件tsr
???????? ② Controller:runQTP.vbs
???????? ③ Report:生成報告
???????? ④ Script:testdriven_clac.vbs? calc文件夾
???????? ⑤ TestData:testcase.xls
Dim qtpapp ? Set qtpapp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") qtpapp.Launch qtpapp.visible = True qtpapp.open "C:\Automation_calc\Script\calc" qtpapp.Test.Run, True qtpapp.Quit ? set qtpapp = nothing |
Controller "C:\Automation_calc\Config\calc.tsr","C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe","C:\Automation_calc\TestData\testcase.xls" ? '文件調用函數 Function Controller(ByVal tsrpath,ByVal apppath,ByVal datapath) ???????? RepositoriesCollection.Add tsrpath ???????? SystemUtil.Run apppath ???????? ExecuteTestCase datapath ???????? Window("計算器").Close End Function ? '執行用例函數 Function ExecuteTestCase(ByVal filepath) ???????? dim xlapp, xlworkbook, xlsheet ???????? dim irowcount, iloop, num1,op,num2,expect_result,test_result, result_record ???????? set xlapp = createobject("excel.application") ???????? 'xlapp.visible = true ???????? set xlworkbook = xlapp.workbooks.open(filepath) ???????? set xlsheet = xlworkbook.sheets("calc") ???????? irowcount = xlsheet.usedrange.rows.count ???????? for iloop = 2 to irowcount ?????????????????? num1 = xlsheet.cells(iloop, 1) ?????????????????? op = xlsheet.cells(iloop, 2) ?????????????????? num2 = xlsheet.cells(iloop, 3) ?????????????????? expect_result = xlsheet.cells(iloop, 4) ?????????????????? test_result = Calculation(num1,op,num2,expect_result) ?????????????????? result_record = result_record & num1 & op & num2 & "=" & expect_result & ",testresult---->" & test_result & vbcrlf ???????? next ???????? ???????? WriteTestReport "C:\Automation_calc\Report\testreport.txt", result_record ???????? '??????? xlworkbook.save ???????? xlworkbook.close ???????? xlapp.quit ???????? set xlsheet = nothing ???????? set xlworkbook = nothing ???????? set xlapp = nothing End function ? '業務邏輯函數 Function Calculation(ByVal num1, ByVal op, ByVal num2, expect_result) ?? Dim actual , expect ???????? window("計算器").WinEdit("Edit").Type(num1) ???????? window("計算器").WinButton(op).Click ???????? window("計算器").WinEdit("Edit").Type(num2) ???????? window("計算器").WinButton("=").Click ???????? actual_result = window("計算器").WinEdit("Edit").GetROProperty("text") ???????? actual = trim(actual_result) ???????? arr = split(actual,? ".") ???????? If arr(0) = trim(expect_result) Then ?????????????????? Calculation = "Pass" ???????? else ?????????????????? Calculation = "Fail" ???????? End If End Function ? '報告函數 Function WriteTestReport(ByVal filepath, ByVal str) ???????? Dim fso, fil ???????? Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ???????? Set fil = fso.openTextFile(filepath, 2, True) ???????? fil.Write str ???????? fil.close ???????? set fil = nothing ???????? set fso = nothing end Function |
QTP輸入以下語句,保存到C:\ Automation_calc\Script\calc文件夾下
executeFile "C:\Automation_calc\Script\ testdriven_clac.vbs" |
num1 |
op |
num2 |
expect_result |
20 |
* |
3 |
60 |
35 |
- |
5 |
30 |
40 |
+ |
21 |
61 |
55 |
/ |
11 |
5 |

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