SupportedPackages – PyInstaller
This list tracks compatibility status of third - party package s with PyInstaller .
This list is largely incomplete. Most package s will work out of the box with PyInstaller , even if they are not listed here. You are encouraged to try anyway (and then report your results on the mailing list so that we can update this list!).
If you find a mistake or want to do some additions, please write to the mailing list. As for the package s in the Python standard library , we only list the exceptions that don't work correctly; thus, if not listed, it works correctly.
babel OK Fully supported, including "localedata" external data files (automatically handled). chardet OK ctypes OK Features/CtypesDependencySupport in PyInstaller 1.4+ cx_Oracle OK Django OK Preliminar support, see Recipe/DjangoApplication for howto docutils OK development branch ElementTree OK Filelike OK gadfly OK Greenlet OK idlelib OK development branch IPython OK development branch lxml OK Mako OK Matplotlib OK Fully supported, including external data files (automatically package d by PyInstaller ). numpy OK paste OK PIL OK psycopg2 OK pyenchant OK Windows only for now. pyexpat OK PyGame OK pygments OK PyGTK+ OK see #14 for how to include themes pyodbc OK PyOpenGL 2.x OK PyOpenGL 3.x OK Works correctly since 3.0 rc1 PyQt 3 OK PyQt 4 OK Full support, including plugins (they are automatically handled by PyInstaller ). Open bug reports: #159 , #363 , #374 , #376 . See also wiki:Recipe/PyQtChangeApiVersion . See ? deploy pyqt app on Mac with pyinstaller . PyQwt 5 OK Automatically detects the correct numeric library it has been compiled with . PySerial OK ? Python for .NET OK Reported to work correctly in 2.0. pytz OK development branch pywin32 OK pywinauto OK pywintypes OK SciPy? OK development branch setuptools OK SIP OK sphinx OK development branch SQLAlchemy OK wxPython OK Remember to use windowed mode to get correct theming.

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