What is Shark?
SHARK is a fast, modular, feature-rich open-source C++ machine learning library
Because of Installing Shark depending on Boost and CMake
Install steps for Shark:
1. install the dependency software
sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-curses-gui libatlas-base-dev libboost-all-dev
2. download the Shark SRC
svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/shark-project/code/trunk/Shark
3. enter the Shark directory
cd Shark
4. cmake the src
If you have a custom/manual Boost installation, please identify your boost include and library directories and use instead:
ccmake -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=TRUE -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/path/to/boost/include/ -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/path/to/boost/lib/ <SHARK_SRC_DIR>
5.compiling the src
6. verify the installation finished.
make test(ctest)
If all the tests Passed, It will print the following Log:
?????? Start?? 1: BLAS_Iterators
? 1/166 Test?? #1: BLAS_Iterators ...............................?? Passed??? 0.06 sec
??????? Start?? 2: BLAS_Vector_Assign
? 2/166 Test?? #2: BLAS_Vector_Assign ...........................?? Passed??? 0.06 sec
??????? Start?? 3: BLAS_Matrix_Assign
? 3/166 Test?? #3: BLAS_Matrix_Assign ...........................?? Passed??? 0.04 sec
??????? Start?? 4: BLAS_Compressed_Vector
? 4/166 Test?? #4: BLAS_Compressed_Vector .......................?? Passed??? 0.03 sec
??????? Start?? 5: BLAS_Compressed_Matrix
? 5/166 Test?? #5: BLAS_Compressed_Matrix .......................?? Passed??? 0.24 sec
??????? Start?? 6: BLAS_Vector_Proxy
? 6/166 Test?? #6: BLAS_Vector_Proxy ............................?? Passed??? 0.07 sec
??????? Start?? 7: BLAS_Matrix_Proxy
? 7/166 Test?? #7: BLAS_Matrix_Proxy ............................?? Passed??? 0.05 sec
??????? Start?? 8: BLAS_Vector_Expression
? 8/166 Test?? #8: BLAS_Vector_Expression .......................?? Passed??? 0.28 sec
??????? Start?? 9: BLAS_Axpy_Prod
? 9/166 Test?? #9: BLAS_Axpy_Prod ...............................?? Passed??? 0.54 sec
??????? Start? 10: BLAS_Triangular_Prod
?10/166 Test? #10: BLAS_Triangular_Prod .........................?? Passed??? 0.06 sec
??????? Start 164: RBM_PCDTraining
164/166 Test #164: RBM_PCDTraining ..............................?? Passed??? 1.30 sec
??????? Start 165: RBM_ContrastiveDivergenceTraining
165/166 Test #165: RBM_ContrastiveDivergenceTraining ............?? Passed??? 4.20 sec
??????? Start 166: RBM_ExactGradientTraining
166/166 Test #166: RBM_ExactGradientTraining ....................?? Passed??? 1.53 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 166
Total Test time (real) = 546.67 sec

QQ號聯系: 360901061