Executing root.sh errors with "Failed To Upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry Configuration" [ID 466673.1] |
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Modified 07-JUN-2010????? Type PROBLEM????? Status PUBLISHED |
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In this Document
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later???[Release: 10.2 and later ]
Linux x86
IBM: Linux on POWER Systems
Linux x86-64
Linux Itanium
On a new clusterware installation on Linux root.sh script is failing with the following error while running root.sh on the first node:
PROT-1: Failed to initialize ocrconfig
Failed to upgrade Oracle Cluster Registry configuration
The problem can be tracked down to clsfmt command:
./clsfmt ocr /dev/raw/raw1
???? clsfmt: Received unexpected error 4 from skgfifi
???? skgfifi: Additional information: -2
???? Additional information: 1000718336
It has been found that the following changes can cause this problem to occur:
1. Use Mutiple Path (MP) disk configuration, may hit this issue.
2. Use EMC device (powerpath**) may hit this issue.
But it was not confirmed that these are the only things that can cause this problem to occur, as it has been found that on other hardware and configuration the problem might occur, the key change in this issue is that if the disk size presented from the storage to the cluster nodes are not dividable by 4K the problem should occur.
This issue is addressed in Bug:4679769 which states that this is a known issue with the clusterware installation on platforms: Linux x86, x86-64 and "IBM Power Based Linux".
Before running the root.sh on the first node in the cluster do the following:
1. Download
from Metalink (contains a patched version of clsfmt.bin).
2. Do the following steps as stated in the patch README to fix the problem:
Note:? clsfmt.bin need only be replaced on the 1st node of the cluster
# Patch Installation Instructions:
# --------------------------------
# To apply the patch, unzip the PSE container file:
# p4679769_10201_LINUX.zip
# Set your current directory to the directory where the patch
# is located:
# % cd 4679769
# Copy the clsfmt.bin binary to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory where
# clsfmt is being run:
# % cp $ORACLE_HOME/bin/clsfmt.bin $ORACLE_HOME/bin/clsfmt.bin.bak
# % cp clsfmt.bin $ORACLE_HOME/bin/clsfmt.bin
# Ensure permissions on the clsfmt.bin binary are correct:
# % chmod 755 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/clsfmt.bin
3. Run the root.sh script and proceed with the installation.
Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/tianlesoftware
網上資源: http://tianlesoftware.download.csdn.net
相關視頻: http://blog.csdn.net/tianlesoftware/archive/2009/11/27/4886500.aspx
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