原文 GDI+ Tutorial for Beginners
GDI+ is next evolution of GDI. Using GDI objects in earlier versions of Visual Studio was a pain. In Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft has taken care of most of the GDI problems and have made it easy to use.
GDI+ resides in ? System.Drawing.dll ? assembly. All GDI+ classes are reside in the System.Drawing , ? System.Text , ? System.Printing , ? System.Internal ? , ? System.Imaging , System.Drawing2D ? and ? System.Design ? namespaces.
The first class we must discuss is the Graphics class. After the Graphics class, I will discuss other useful GDI+ classes and structures such as Pen, Brush, and Rectangle. The final part of this tutorial are some examples in C#.
The Graphics Class
The ? Graphics ? class encapsulates GDI+ drawing surfaces. Before drawing any object (for example circle, or rectangle) we have to create a surface using Graphics class. Generally we use Paint event of a Form to get the reference of the graphics. Another way is to override ? OnPaint ? method.
Here is how you get a reference of the Graphics object:
sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Once you have the Graphics reference, you can call any of this class's members to draw various objects. Here are some of Graphics class's methods:
DrawArc | Draws an arc from the specified ellipse. |
DrawBezier | Draws a cubic bezier curve. |
DrawBeziers | Draws a series of cubic Bezier curves. |
DrawClosedCurve | Draws a closed curve defined by an array of points. |
DrawCurve | Draws a curve defined by an array of points. |
DrawEllipse | Draws an ellipse. |
DrawImage | Draws an image. |
DrawLine | Draws a line. |
DrawPath | Draws the lines and curves defined by a GraphicsPath. |
DrawPie | Draws the outline of a pie section. |
DrawPolygon | Draws the outline of a polygon. |
DrawRectangle | Draws the outline of a rectangle. |
DrawString | Draws a string. |
FillEllipse | Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle. |
FillPath | Fills the interior of a path. |
FillPie | Fills the interior of a pie section. |
FillPolygon | Fills the interior of a polygon defined by an array of points. |
FillRectangle | Fills the interior of a rectangle with a Brush. |
FillRectangles | Fills the interiors of a series of rectangles with a Brush. |
FillRegion | Fills the interior of a Region. |
In .NET, GDI+ functionality resides in the System.Drawing.dll. Before you start using GDI+ classes, you must add reference to the System.Drawing.dll and import System.Drawing namespace. If you are using Visual Studio .NET for your development, you can add reference to the GDI+ library using following:
Creating this project is simple. Create a Windows application and add reference to the System.Drawing.dll using Project->Add Reference menu item. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Adding reference to System.Drawing.dll
After that add these two lines.
Note: If you create a Windows application using VS.NET, you only need write only one line.
using ? System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
After that add a Form_Paint event handler using the Properties Window. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. Adding Form_Paint event handler.
Note: You can also add Form paint event handler manually described above.
Graphics Objects
After creating a ? Graphics ? object, you can use it draw lines, fill shapes, draw text and so on. The major objects are:
Brush | Used to fill enclosed surfaces with patterns,colors, or bitmaps. |
Pen | Used to draw lines and polygons, including rectangles, arcs, and pies |
Font | Used to describe the font to be used to render text |
Color | Used to describe the color used to render a particular object. In GDI+ color can be alpha blended |
The Pen Class
A pen draws a line of specified width and style. You always use Pen constructor to create a pen. The constructor initializes a new instance of the ? Pen ? class . You can initialize it with a color or brush.
Initializes a new instance of the ? Pen ? class with the specified color.
public ? Pen(Color);
Initializes a new instance of the ? Pen ? class with the specified Brush.
public ? Pen(Brush);
Initializes a new instance of the ? Pen ? class with the specified Brush and width.
public ? Pen(Brush, ? float );
Initializes a new instance of the ? Pen ? class with the specified Color and Width.
public ? Pen(Color, ? float );
Here is one example:
Pen pn = ? new ? Pen( Color.Blue ); or Pen pn = ? new ? Pen( Color.Blue, 100 );
Some of its most commonly used properties are:
Alignment | Gets or sets the alignment for objects drawn with this Pen. |
Brush | Gets or sets the Brush that determines attributes of this Pen. |
Color | Gets or sets the color of this Pen. |
Width | Gets or sets the width of this Pen. |
The Color Structure
A Color structure represents an ARGB color. Here are ARGB properties of it:
A | Gets the alpha component value for this ? Color . |
B | Gets the blue component value for this ? Color . |
G | Gets the green component value for this ? Color . |
R | Gets the red component value for this ? Color . |
You can call the Color members. Each color name (say Blue) is a member of the Color structure. Here is how to use a Color structure:
Pen pn = ? new ? Pen( Color.Blue );
The Font Class
The ? Font class ? defines a particular format for text such as font type, size, and style attributes. You use font constructor to create a font.
Initializes a new instance of the ? Font ? class with the specified attributes.
public ? Font( string , ? float );
Initializes a new instance of the ? Font class ? from the specified existing ? Font ? and ? FontStyle .
public ? Font(Font, FontStyle);
Where FontStyle is an enumeration and here are its members:
Member Name | Description |
Bold | Bold text. |
Italic | Italic text. |
Regular | Normal text. |
Strikeout | Text with a line through the middle. |
Underline | Underlined text. |
Here is one example:
Graphics g ;
Font font =
Font("Times New Roman", 26);
Some of its most commonly used properties are:
Bold | Gets a value indicating whether this ? Font ? is bold. |
FontFamily | Gets the FontFamily of this ? Font . |
Height | Gets the height of this ? Font . |
Italic | Gets a value indicating whether this ? Font ? is Italic. |
Name | Gets the face name of this ? Font . |
Size | Gets the size of this ? Font . |
SizeInPoints | Gets the size, in points, of this ? Font . |
Strikeout | Gets a value indicating whether this ? Font ? is strikeout (has a line through it). |
Style | Gets style information for this ? Font . |
Underline | Gets a value indicating whether this ? Font ? is underlined. |
Unit | Gets the unit of measure for this ? Font . |
The Brush Class
The ? Brush ? class? is an abstract base class and cannot be instantiated. We always use its derived classes to instantiate a brush object, such as SolidBrush, TextureBrush, RectangleGradientBrush, and LinearGradientBrush.
Here is one example:
LinearGradientBrush lBrush = ? new ? LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Red, Color.Yellow, LinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal);
Brush brsh = ? new ? SolidBrush(Color.Red), 40, 40, 140, 140);
The SolidBrush class defines? a brush made up of a single color. Brushes are used to fill graphics shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, pies, polygons, and paths.
The TextureBrush encapsulates a Brush that uses an fills the interior of a shape with an image.
The ? LinearGradiantBrush ? encapsulates both two-color gradients and custom multi-color gradients.
The Rectangle Structure
public ? Rectangle(Point, Size); or ? public ? Rectangle( int , ? int , ? int , ? int );
The Rectangle structure is used to draw a rectangle on WinForms. Besides its constructor, the Rectangle structure has following members:
Bottom | Gets the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle . |
Height | Gets or sets the width of the rectangular region defined by this ? Rectangle . |
IsEmpty | Tests whether this ? Rectangle ? has a Width or a Height of 0. |
Left | Gets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle . |
Location | Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rectangular region represented by this ? Rectangle . |
Right | Gets the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle . |
Size | Gets or sets the size of this ? Rectangle . |
Top | Gets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle . |
Width | Gets or sets the width of the rectangular region defined by this ? Rectangle . |
X | Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangular region defined by this ? Rectangle . |
Y | Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangular region defined by this ? Rectangle . |
Its constructor initializes a new instance of the Rectangle class. Here is the definition:
public ? Rectangle(Point, Size); or ? public ? Rectangle( int , ? int , ? int , ? int );
The Point Structure
This structure is similar to the POINT structure in C++. It represents an ordered pair of x and y coordinates that define a point in a two-dimensional plane. The member x represents the x coordinates and y represents the y coordinates of the plane.
Here is how to instantiate a point structure:
Point pt1 =
Point( 30, 30);
Point pt2 =
Point( 110, 100);
Some sample Examples:
Drawing a rectangle
You can override OnPaint event of your form to draw an rectangle. The LinearGradientBrush encapsulates a brush and linear gradient.
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Graphics g = pe.Graphics ;
Rectangle rect =
Rectangle(50, 30, 100, 100);
LinearGradientBrush lBrush =
LinearGradientBrush(rect, Color.Red, Color.Yellow,
g.FillRectangle(lBrush, rect);
The output of the above code looks like Figure 3.
Figure 3. Drawing a rectangle.
Drawing an Arc
DrawArc ? function draws an arc.?This function takes four arguments.
First is the Pen. You create a pen by using the ? Pen ? class. The Pen constructor takes at least one argument, the color or the brush of the pen. Second argument width of the pen or brush is optional.
Pen pn = ? new ? Pen( Color.Blue ); or Pen pn = ? new ? Pen( Color.Blue, 100 );
The second argument is a rectangle. You can create a rectangle by using Rectangle structure. The Rectangle constructor takes four int type arguments and they are left and right corners of the rectangle.
Rectangle rect =
Rectangle(50, 50, 200, 100);
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Graphics g = pe.Graphics ;
Pen pn =
Pen( Color.Blue );
Rectangle rect =
Rectangle(50, 50, 200, 100);
g.DrawArc( pn, rect, 12, 84 );
The output looks like this:
Drawing a Line
DrawLine function of the Graphics class draws a line. It takes three parameters, a pen, and two Point class parameters, starting and ending points. Point class? constructor takes x, y arguments.
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Graphics g = pe.Graphics ;
Pen pn =
Pen( Color.Blue );
// Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 50, 200, 100);
Point pt1 =
Point( 30, 30);
Point pt2 =
Point( 110, 100);
g.DrawLine( pn, pt1, pt2 );
The output looks like this:
Drawing an Ellipse
An ellipse( or a circle)? can be drawn by using DrawEllipse method. This method takes only two parameters, Pen and rectangle.
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Graphics g = pe.Graphics ;
Pen pn =
Pen( Color.Blue, 100 );
Rectangle rect =
Rectangle(50, 50, 200, 100);
g.DrawEllipse( pn, rect );
The output looks like this:
The FillPath
Drawing bazier curves is little more complex than other objects.
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Graphics g = pe.Graphics;
SolidBrush(Color.White), ClientRectangle);
GraphicsPath path =
Point[] {
Point(40, 140),
Point(275, 200),
Point(105, 225),
Point(190, 300),
Point(50, 350),
Point(20, 180), },
[] {
PathGradientBrush pgb =
pgb.SurroundColors =
Color[] { Color.Green,Color.Yellow,Color.Red, Color.Blue,
Color.Orange, Color.White, };
g.FillPath(pgb, path);
The output looks like this:
Drawing Text and Strings
You can override OnPaint event of your form to draw an rectangle. The LinearGradientBrush encapsulates a brush and linear gradient.
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
Font fnt =
Font("Verdana", 16);
Graphics g = pe.Graphics;
g.DrawString("GDI+ World", fnt,
SolidBrush(Color.Red), 14,10);
The output looks like this:

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